Member Reviews

The best thriller. Becca Dayknocked it out of the park with her latest book. The Woman in the Cabin is a must not miss read.

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This book was really tense in places and I enjoyed the twist (I wasn't particularly expecting one, so that was cool). I enjoyed Becca Day's writing and read this really quickly.

The premise isn't particularly original, but I'm a sucker for the "woman kept captive by her crazy husband" plot and I liked that this one used the Scottish Highlands as the setting. For a little bit in the middle I did find the plot a bit repetitive, but the last third sped back up and I liked the ending.

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The Woman in the Cabin has to be most favourite read of 2024 so far. I read this novel in less than 24 hours as I could not put it down.

Becca Day has created a phenomenal story that will have readers gripped from page 1. I will be reading all of Becca Day's previous novels as if this is anything to go by, they will be excellent.

We meet Mary, she lives in a very remote cabin with her husband Cal, who is a horribly, old-fashioned, some may say traditional man who goes out to work and leaves Mary to do everything at home. Day in and day out, Mary has a set tasks of what to do, washing clothes by hand, tending to her garden etc.

The reader is only too aware that not everything is perfect and then we learn about Mary's back story. Well I did not see that coming at all, such a well written back story of "Mary" and we learn of who she used to be and how she has ended up "married" to Cal.

When Cal brings home another "Mary", this is when the novel takes a different turn and we learn of the horrors of Cal and what he is capable of.

A lot of emotional twists in this novel that may leave some people quite unsettled as it does deal with difficult situations.

Well done to Becca Day, I will not be forgetting this novel in a very long while.

Thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for allowing me an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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this gripping read is most definitely a winner for me.

I loved the creepy tense vibe I had while reading and along with Mary had a feeling that all was not as it first seems.

Mary is the perfect wife, she does everything, she has the role of wifey down to an art and I was quite envious of her at the start at how she had it all together, but then.......

Domestic dramas are my fav genre. I loved the pacy plot and the twists that came along the way.

This is an amazing book, I was hooked from the start and I never wanted to get to the end.. I loved it ..

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I love a good cabin in the woods story but this one definitely had a twist.

Cal is one of those guys you cant leave, literally. He will do everything in his power to keep you healthy and give you everything he thinks you need. When Mary has been taking care of the house and her husband things get hectic. I did feel like the first fifty percent of the book was a little repetitive but it was face paced and I finished the book in 2 days.

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Yikes! Talk about a nail biter! Really well-written. I felt like I was right there at the cabin with “Mary”. What an ordeal she is living. There comes a point about halfway through where no matter what time of the night it is, you have to finish it! No regrets on the lack of sleep the next day!

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Firstly thank you for my early access in exchange for a review .
This has me hooked instantly !
Packed with twists and turns and incredibly fast paced .
You can feel the fear and tension in the cabin .
Gripping and claustrophobic.

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Thank you to the publishers & Netgalley for allowing me to read this book in advance!

This book had me HOOKED. It contains twists and is very fast paced which I love and knew how to keep me reading right until the very end.

If you love thrillers then this book is definitely the one for you.

Once again thank you to NetGalley for choosing me to voice my thoughts on this book!

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I received an ARC of this book from Embla Books via NetGalley in exchange for my honest feedback. Ina few words, this book is dark - suspenseful - foreboding - uncomfortable! I don't recall reading anything that gives you quite such a feeling of discomfort and unease. You know from the beginning that something is wrong, but it takes a while to understand just how very wrong. The book definitely features strong female characters, and the remote Scottish Highlands are described in such depth that they also become basically a character. My few complaints - I wish the ending had gone on for longer, to learn more about everyone's life "after." And I wish we had more detail on Cal's background. Prequel, perhaps?

TW are needed for domestic abuse and kidnapping.

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🫣 T R A P P E D T H U R S D A Y review 🫣 featuring “The Woman in the Cabin” by Becca Day!


“Mary” lives in an isolated cabin in the woods with her husband Cal in the Scottish Highlands. Mary assumes the role of the “perfect wife” who cooks and cleans and is submissive to her husband at all times.

Mary lives an isolated life never leaving the cabin or having social interaction with anyone else besides Cal. Mary follows along with Cal’s demands and rules out of manipulation and fear. She knows that she isn’t Cal’s first “wife” … and she definitely won’t be his last.

This book is best to go in BLINDLY and is told primarily from Mary’s point of view. At the beginning I was pulling out my hair and just wanted to SHAKE Mary and give her a reality check … until I found out more about her circumstances. This novel is DARK, disturbing and sinister and really dives deep inside the inner workings of toxic relationships and the power that evil men hold over women!

Thank you kindly to @authorbeccaday @emblabooks @netgalley for my advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest review! This book releases on October 23, 2024!

🚨 Read this book if you enjoyed:
-The Quiet Tenant
-The Return of Ellie Black

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Thank you for the advanced copy!

I really enjoyed this. It was a bit slow to get into initially, but once it really got going I was hooked.

There are a lot of unexpected twists and turns, especially with characters that you don't expect it from. I would definitely recommend this to anyone.

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One of the best feelings is finding a book you have to stay up late to finish…and The Woman in the Cabin DELIVERED!

I don’t think I’ve been this hooked since back when I first discovered Freida McFadden 😂

This was so much more complex and sophisticated than a “popcorn” thriller. The emotions, the intensity, and the characters created one of the best thrillers I’ve read and I’m so incredibly glad I stumbled upon this one!

Read this one if you love some good kidnapping, gaslighting, twists, and female rage then you HAVE to read this!!

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3.5 stars! If you’d like a nice, quick, page turning book this is the one for you. I gave it 3.5 stars because at times I found it to be pretty predictable and I didn’t care much for the characters. With that being said I was still rooting for “Mary” which definitely keeps you on the edge of your seat. I would like to thank Netgalley, Becca Day and Embla Books for this ARC copy. Be on the lookout for this book on October 23, 2024.

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Suspenseful and twisty plot line and great characterization. The premise has been done before - man kidnaps woman and isolates her from civilization. This author took that idea and ran with it in new, creative ways. Perfect for summer reading as it's quick and difficult to put down.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC.

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First off, this ARC and the subsequent book needs trigger warnings about: domestic abuse (psychological and physical). If that doesn’t trigger you, then this thriller is a great read.

Mary is living a traditional wife life with her husband Cal in a run down cabin in the woods. Cal expects Mary to greet him everyday after he returns from being ‘a tree surgeon’ with dinner ready, a clean and tidy cabin and for Mary to be dressed up and looking like she didn’t spend all day cooking and cleaning and repairing the derelict cabin. That alone to me, sounded like a nightmare.

Then Mary starts having a sense of Deja vu and random street names she shouldn’t know start popping in her head. Then she finds letters. From Cal’s first wife. Then she finds out she’s pregnant. Everything in her perfectly crafted life is starting to unravel.

I was rooting for Mary from the start. I immediately knew something was wrong with Cal and Mary and her unborn baby needed to flee. The third act twist was unexpected and almost had me thinking Mary was an unreliable narrator. While I was anxious the entire read for Mary’s safety I’m glad I rushed through to find out how her story ended.

Thank you #Netgalley, Emblem publishing and Becca Day for this ARC.

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Readers will love this gripping thriller. I highly recommend it and look forward to reading more from this author.

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Thank you to netgalley for allowing me to review this book. I loved loved this book and couldn't put it down. It's a gripping story that I couldn't wait to see how life turned out for Mary one and Mary two. I highly recommend this thriller and I am certainly going to read more from this author.

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This book is about a husband and wife, Mary and Cal, living in the Scottish highlands. They live a very secluded, isolated life, Mary is the stay at home wife, who does all the household chores and makes sure her husband Cal is taken care of. Cal goes to work everyday and expects a homemade dinner on the table every night. Mary soon finds out that she is not the first woman who has lived under this roof. This book is full of suspense and is a quick page-turner!

I was hooked from page one of this book and damn near almost finished it in one sitting. I am a big Outlander fan, so when I saw this book advertising a husband and wife living alone in the Scottish highlands, I said, "Sold!". But sadly for Mary, she is not out here living her Outlander fantasies, she is a hostage in every woman's worst nightmare.

I truly enjoyed this book, I will definitely be recommending it to anyone looking for a quick suspenseful read!

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Mary is living a strange trad wife kind of life in a remote cabin. Only it's not by choice. Her husband is policing her and she's living in fear, totally isolated from society.

This book reminded me of Room. It's a twisted story that's grimly compelling with some painful to read domestic violence and a huge amount of coercive control.

The plot has the odd slack moment but there are unexpected twists and turns. Becca Day cranks up the atmosphere in her writing to make this a creepy and at times, uncomfortable read.

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When I downloaded this book I thought it would be this time consuming slow burn. And damn was I wrong. This book had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. At some point I didn't know which was up. I just kept reading.

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