Member Reviews

Where to start?? This book is a beautifully crafted work of art, filled with drama,romance, magic and so so much more it truly kept me guessing at every turn and took me back to why I love reading so much! This book felt like a little escape from the noise.

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I love a good Arthurian book and this did not disappoint. I did not read the first one but the book did a good job in not causing too much confusion with the story. I will definitely read book one and I think a book three is on the way. I loved the characters and it was very engaging.

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I read an eARC of this book on NetGalley so thank you to the author and publisher.

This is the second book in a series and another fantastic addition from this author. We’re seeing a lot of Arthurian retellings recently, but this author is choosing to focus on the lesser known women from the stories. You can read these books stand-alone as they focus on different main characters, however reading them in order is just wonderful and gives such richness to the second story.

This is a tale of a woman reclaiming her heritage, protecting her home and discovering love along the way. We have a bold and brilliant main character and an initially unsure, but supportive love interest whose affection only grows in spite of knowing their relationship would never be sanctioned by the king.

I thoroughly enjoyed this. There were a few bits that got a little repetitive, however on the whole this was a fantastically magical, gripping and rich tale. We have so much history, folklore and delightful detail in this story.

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First, thank you NetGalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review. This is my first ever ARC review and I am so happy to have this one be my very first!

This is a sequel, and I have not read the first book, though after this book I do really want to read it and have added it to my TBR! My review does have my thoughts as someone reading this knowing they have not read the first book. It is still a really good book and you could read it as if it was a standalone like I did. But you’ll probably want the first book after if not before reading this one!

Here are my thoughts before reading: The Queen of Fury by Natania Barron is the very first ARC copy I have ever done and The Queen of Fury is the first book I have ever read by Natania Barron. I was drawn to the cover and I accidentally missed that this was the second book in The Queens of Fate Series. That being said I was drawn to it being about the strong women in King Arthur.

Due to this book being a sequel, I did have a harder time diving into the book. (I am definitely going to get the first book, Queen of None.) But once I finally got through the initial chapters of orienting myself in the Arthurian world I did start to enjoy the story (around 20% through the story). That being said the plot was beautifully written and I could not put the book down after I got through the world-building.

Our MMC, Gawain, and FMC, Hwyfar were beautifully written with a lot of depth in their characters. Both characters had an interesting backstory with various threads connecting them (fated, if I dare say). And there was a theme of healing in the book, which I loved not only for Hwyfar’s home but also for Hwyfar and Gawain as they navigated through loss. Loss of family, loss of their positions and control. Barron does a really good job of going in depth of the emotional toll these two experience throughout their journey.

Hwyfar is a very interesting FMC character, she is the eldest daughter of the King of Avillion and was originally supposed to marry King Arthur, for some reason Arthur chose to marry Gweynevere, the younger sister who passed away. Arthur then married Hwyfar’s other sister Mawra. This affected Hwyfar in many ways, loss of magic, drinking and taking many lovers earning her a negative position in King Arthur’s court. Throughout the book, we also see her struggle with trusting others. When her father gets sick she returns to Avillion and eventually becomes the Queen Regent leading to us meeting the MMC.

Our MMC is Gawain, and my initial thoughts on him is that he seems very grumpy. He does not indulge King Arthur on the pursuit for Christianity nor does he want a wife. He also had a connection with Gweynevere. Arthur sends him to Avillion with Gawain’s brother and some other knights to help stop an invasion by Prince Ryence and the Ys. Side note: Gawain is very tall with knee problems as someone who is also very tall with knee problems, this is so relatable so Gawain became my favorite automatically!

The romance was just the right amount and it did have some spice but it was very tastefully written and did not distract from the main story. And the banter! Oh, I loved Hwyfar and her sass and wit! Gawain always knew how to respond to her too. These two kept laughing and I fell in love with each turning page. My favorite quote was, “I will not run, I will not falter.” It was used alot and it really summed up Gawain and Hwyfar’s relationship as they build up trust in each other and their love for each other.

I loved the magic aspect, though sometimes I felt lost on what was going on. There are three forms of magic and a graal mentioned. I did struggle with following the magic lore (granted this was probably explained in Queen of None). And some major conflicts were solved with this magic but I just felt lost when reading it. Despite this the plot was well written and I did not want to put the book down once Gawain and Hwyfar were on their journey in Avillion to parlay with Prince Ryence.

I don’t know a lot about the story of King Arthur aside from the movie and I read one of those classic books on him almost 15 years ago. My Arthurian knowledge was very limited but Natania Barron does a pretty good job explaining the different magical aspects and the politics. Speaking of King Arthur, he was a piece of work, I was not a fan of him and the author did a good job at making me despise King Arthur.

Overall I gave this book 4.25 stars (4 stars). The plot kept me on my toes and the last few chapters had me so worried for Hwyfar and Gawain. The twists and turns were so good! I will definitely be reading more of Natania Barron’s work in the future and Queen of None is in my cart! If you love a forbidden love, Arthurian lore, a powerful FMC, and a giant MMC this is the book for you!

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Queen of Fury by Natania Barron is a thrilling Arthurian retelling filled with political drama, ancient magic, and a beautifully crafted romance.
Hwyfar, a strong and conflicted protagonist, finds herself thrust into a dangerous game of power as she fights to reclaim her kingdom through a series of quests.
The author weaves an enchanting tapestry of rich world-building, where ancient forests are filled with magic, and court intrigues keep you guessing at every turn. The fresh take on King Arthur was particularly interesting. In this book, he is a calculating and ruthless ruler, determined to manipulate those around him to achieve his ends.
Hwyfar’s internal struggle between her duty and desires made her journey all the more gripping, and I found myself rooting for her as she faced impossible decisions. The relationship between her and Gawain was masterfully written, slowly evolving from initial distrust to a romance that felt both natural and passionate.
Overall, Queen of Fury is a compelling, emotional, and immersive read that I highly recommend to fans of strong, stubborn heroines with a soft side.

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This book was beautiful! The writing was so beautiful and it added so much to the story. The world building was very well explained. I would highly recommend this book!

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Wow, I enjoyed this so much. Every available moment I had, I spent buried in this. Hwyfar was so interesting, and I loved her relationship with Gawain. The romance was so kind and tender, and in world where more sensationalized romances in fiction revolve around two people who hate each other or hold knives to each other's throats, the kindness and softness of this was so refreshing, and in my opinion, more entertaining. The carioz bond was super cool, and I loved the way it changed Hwyfar and Gawain's relationship, and the way they had to adapt after it was gone. The Arthurian lore included was super fun as well, and I loved seeing all of my favorite characters written so beautifully and with the respect and care they deserve. Gweyn was also an interesting part of this story, and I loved the way the characters related to her and thought of her. I read this book without having read the first in the series, but I felt that it was quite self-contained and easy to understand without having read the first book. That being said, I will probably try and read the first just based off of how much I enjoyed this.

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A journey through the mists of an Arthurian retelling, filled with political intrigue, prophecies, and magic.

The story begins with a sense of sorrow and darkness, posing the question, "How do you mourn someone who is not yet dead?" Although I didn't fully connect with the writing style in the first chapter—it felt as though it skimmed the surface rather than diving deep—the protagonist Hwyfar’s portrayal of her relationship with her father's mental and physical health issues is raw and beautifully rendered. A great start to an epic adventure.

I admired Hwyfar’s fierceness beneath her stoic exterior, and the way she indulged in pleasures as a form of escapism from her darkness. She is a truly compelling character—soft yet harsh. I also appreciated Gawain and many of the secondary characters, who, though flawed and fractured, felt whole and real. However, there were perhaps too many reminders of the main characters' physical sizes, as if their size was a significant aspect of their attraction to each other. This emphasis lent the romance an insta-love vibe rather than the deeper, raw connection it could have been. Bonus points for the LGBTQI+ representation, which was portrayed naturally and seamlessly, with non-heterosexual relationships described in a way that felt fluid and authentic.

That said, some parts of the story felt rushed, such as the first assassination at court and the build-up to the romance. There’s little emotional build-up, no yearning or tension; the attraction between the characters just happens before readers can fully immerse themselves in it. Gawain, in particular, appears to fall in love too quickly, when his conflicting emotions could have been drawn out longer. While the nature of their love explains this rapid connection, I still would have appreciated more tension and build-up.

Overall, it's a great tale with twists and turns that keep you hooked. I devoured all 500 pages in less than 48 hours, and that says something.

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Such a well written Arthurian reimagining! The world building and thought put into this novel is wonderful. My favorite aspect of the story were the characters. The author has written such well developed and complex main characters. Hwyfar grows so much throughout the book. She becomes the woman she was always meant to be. She is strong. She is stubborn. And she is tall! I loved seeing tall women represented in this story. Gawain has such a stunning narrative but also heartbreaking. The author did a wonderful job representing PTSD the effects war has on an individual. I am so glad that he and Hwyfar found one another. Overall, a wonderful ode to the world of King Arthur!

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Such a good book. I loved every single second of it. Such a good experience reading it. I rated it 4 stars because I loved the experience of reading it and I recommend everyone to read this book as fast as they can.

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