Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Orion Publishing Group for the ARC

A cute and sweet romance novel. I really like the brother's best friend trope and loved it just as much in this book. It's always fun with the secrecy and when the brother will found out and what the consecuences will be. I liked that the fmc had a back bone and didn't throw away everything for the mmc but still had ambitions.

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I have been so into college sports romances lately, and I can't even explain why.

I was excited to read this as it was right up my alley but I felt quite dissapointed.

I just feel like there wasn't anything that made this book sand out from the 10 billion other college/sports/brother's best friend trope, which I think it something you need to be trying to do differently if you're expecting people to be fully invested in your book.

It wasn't a bad read and it was well written but I just found the whole book very predictable and unoriginal.

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Such a cute fluffy romance! Loved the characters and the story. A fun read to break up all the fantasy I have been reading.

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Fun, sexy and flirty. This brilliant little romantic comedy is the tonic we all need. I look forward to more from this author.

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I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher. This in no way impacted on my view.

They've known each other their whole lives, but this Spring Break may be the holiday which changes everything. Maddie and Cameron are polar opposites: Maddie is focused on her school work, whereas Cameron is more into the party lifestyle, albeit on track to join the NFL after graduation. Maddie is sure she's over her crush on Cameron, but after being forced to spend 7 minutes in heaven with him at a party, they both realise that the attraction between them is two sided, and decide to enjoy Spring Break and have fun together. However, Cameron broke Maddie's heart when he rejected her after his mother's death, and he has his own trauma and issues to contend with before he can feel worthy enough of Maddie. Will they get their chemistry out of their system, or are they bound to fall in love?

When I saw this book on EW, I knew it would be one I'd enjoy, especially as I've gotten myself into a sports romance phase at the minute. Maddie and Cameron's past was heartbreaking, especially when it was clear that they had always had an attraction to each other, and missed out on being together for so long. Having the get out clause that they're only going to be together for the remainder of Spring Break was a good way for them to explore their feelings, though it was easily clear to readers, and even each other, that they were fooling no one. The sneaking around behind Maddie's family's back was hard, but the scene when it was all revealed was fantastic! Such a fun read, and I hope we get more from the pair in future books.

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This was soo cute! Like very sweet and soft and the perfect amount of tension and chemistry. The jealous scenes will be perfect for every microtrope lover but the cake lies in the characters and how their development was handled with care and love. Seeing their journey of ending up together warmed my heart and I look forward to more from Deanna!

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I am so so sorry for doing this but this wasn't at all my cup of tea.
I wanted to love it soooo much, but it just isn't good for me. Nope.
It just, couldb't connect with story line. It was just over the top for me ..

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This was a cute romance! The spicy scenes were great, and the characters endearing. There were certain aspects that felt a little cringey at parts, but all in all I enjoyed this book from start to finish

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The only good thing about this book was the cover.

What do you mean that in the description you say that the female main character USED TO have a crush on the guy but she's over it, but ON THE FIRST PAGE SHE GETS BUTTERFLIES WHEN SHE LOOKS AT HIM??? That's not "being over someone". That's literally the opposite! Why do you market the book like that when it's not what the book is about? Seriously! It's an asshole move.

Speaking of assholes, Cameron was horrible. So cocky and icky and CREEPY. Oh, he told her to get lost but now he's acting like nothing happened? And it feels like Maddie has literally no self control and no agency at all because when he says jump, she asks how high. Oh, she "hates" him but still sleeps with him willingly and can't even think straight. Seriously? How are you even attracted to him if you hate him that much?

And I hated how controlling he was. Literally the first party she went to and he starts criticising her for TALKING to a guy while he almost fucked a girl in the guest room of her house??? For fucks sake. What a red flag. And it really annoys me that has mother dying is used to justify his assholish behaviour. "Trauma" doesn't give someone a free pass to be a dickhead.

And honestly, I'm over books where the brother thinks he has any say in whether or not his best friend is seeing his sister. Why is it such a popular trope?

The book felt like it was written by a 14 year old wattpad writer and not in a good way. I had to dnf it around 20%. It was that bad.

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I was extremely excited to read this book,it think maybe I'd hyped it up to much in my mind, over all it was good but probably wouldn't read again

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I really wanted to read this book and I think it might be a good one, but unfortunately I couldn't finish it. The typos are awful and for some reason in my copy every word had the letter "F" omitted. When I find myself guessing what word the author was trying to use, well that's when I give up.

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DNF 16%. Unfortunately, I knew immediately that I didn't gel with the writing style at all. It feels very 'telling-not-showing' to me which isn't something I can ignore for the sake of the story. There's definitely an audience for this book, but it's just not for me.

Thank you so much to Orion and Netgalley for the e-arc!

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Playmaker by Deanna Faison
Release date 27th October
Rating 4 stars Cawplile 8.00

What can I say about this book, I really enjoyed it, friends to lovers well not really friends old friends growing up with each other. Maddie and Cam grew up together Cam is her brothers best friend when they are home during the summer, they have to explore feelings that they have tried to tell each other that they do not like, when Cam cut her out of his life Maddie is left broken.
But when those feelings that have never been really gone, and they suddenly have to keep their feelings from resurfacing and keeping it a secret. This book is spicy as hell and the chemistry on the page was electric. Looking forward to discussing this with everyone who likes a lot of spice.

There was moments that made me squeal moments that made me want to hit both of the characters and others in the book. I have a lot of hate for for Cams father but we won’t go into that you all need to read this book for some great characters. Thank you for the arc to be able to read this I had a great time reading this.

Review out 19th August

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