Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an e-copy of this graphic novel!

This volume has just as much action as the first, but now, the plot is really starting to get rolling. We still don't know a lot about the characters, but Sunny gets a bit of a backstory to help flesh him out a bit. While Ezra gets some scenes that help us to better understand his motivations and what not. I enjoyed this installment more than the first and look forward to reading volume 3.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC in exchange for my honest review!

Ezra and Sunny's adventure continues and so does the tension between them. Between trying to figure out why demons are hunting Sunny and what demon sent them I really enjoyed the chemistry between the two especially when they hit the club. Ezra is facing an inner struggle between the task given by Gabriel and what the priests have trained him. He must make a decision as a little more of the story was unravelling and it only leaves you wanting more. This is a wonderful series with amazing graphics. And just like the last one, I can't wait to find out more in the next volume.

Ezra, an exorcist struggling with his own faith in God, has been tasked by the Archangel Gabriel to protect Sunny—but that might be easier said than done.

As Ezra and the rest of those on his team find themselves facing increasingly violent—and increasingly powerful—forces, the mystery of why these demons want to capture Sunny continues to unfold, and Ezra finds himself drawn to his surly classmate-turned-charge. With their friendship growing and danger mounting, can Ezra’s faith withstand the onslaught? And more importantly—will Sunny survive it?

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Covenant volume 2 did a great job continuing the story, both answering some questions but asking more along the way. Ezra is still struggling with his faith, thus limiting his powers and ability to protect Sunny. Sunny is struggling to make peace being kept in Ezra's protection. Both men come head to head with demons and must choose who's worth saving. Vuong's art is stunning and dynamic as always, and I look forward to continuing with this series.

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What a joy to be able to read the continuation of Covenant. I had loved the first one and this second one does nothing but make me want to know more and more.

We find more depth in the characters, we can see the way they think and act, we manage to empathize with them, or at least understand them. I think it has a very engaging story, which makes you want to read more and more and it is a shame that we have to wait to find out what happens. I would love for everything to be published already.

I feel like there are still a lot of things to learn and discover, both about the plot in general and the characters!

Thank you very much Oni Press for the ARC I read on NetGalley.

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Ever since reading the first volume of COVENANT earlier this year, I have been so excited to see it continue with volume 2 (and now I’m back at being excited for volume 3, it’s a cycle). It was super fun to dig deeper into the story and figure out just why exactly all this terrible stuff is happening near the Church of Providence, and I think that’s what this volume did, for the most part. We get a good amount of plot development and Sunny’s backstory, and maybe less character and relationship development than we did in the first volume. In essence, I wanted it to be gayer, faster, but I might just be impatient (there is a gay bar scene, but maybe demons happen, so take that as you will). I can’t say I enjoyed this volume quite as much as the first, but I’m definitely still just as invested in the series and the story, it just depends what your favourite part of the story is.

The entire world and lore that exists within this series is so interesting to me, and I love the way it takes on faith and religion with demons in a way that feels uncommon, but deeply compelling. The mystery also ramps up a lot with this volume, and I’m very curious to see what will happen. That said, I am hoping for a little more relationship development in the next volume, but I am so looking forward to the next volume already and I highly recommend jumping into the series if you haven’t already!

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I am not religious. But if my faith could give me sweet tattoos, powers, and a link to a divine being other people also experience, I might be more interested. Until then "Covenant" by LySandra Vuong is about as close as I'll get.

Ezra has a job to do, given to him by the archangel Gabriel, protect Sunny. Another student at his university, who keeps being involved with demonic issues. No problem, him and his team are from a branch of the Church that kills demons. Except Ezra is having a bit of a crisis of faith and the demons are getting stronger. And Sunny seems to have a past with demons. Also the demons are getting stronger and more violent. (Also everyone is hot)

Reasons to read:
-Sweet tattoos
-Let's deal with issues caused by religion by making art and hot characters
-Father Aaron is really cool
-Grumpy x Sunshine having a reality check

-Having Sunday school flashbacks

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This was a good continuation after volume 1, I was very interested in seeing where the story went and look forward to see where it goes from here. The art work is great as always. Very enjoyable.

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"Covenant, Vol. 2" by LySandra Vuong is an electrifying continuation of a unique supernatural world where holy warriors battle demons with faith and firepower. The premise—priests wielding machine guns and holy tattoos—sets the stage for an intense, action-packed story. But this volume's balance of high-stakes action with deeply personal character development makes it shine.

Sunny Nguyen, the mysterious "demon magnet," continues to captivate as the central enigma. Her vulnerability contrasts with the surrounding chaos, creating a compelling dynamic. Ezra, the exorcist with wavering faith, is a standout. His internal struggle and growing bond with Sunny add an emotional layer that grounds the fantastical elements. Their tense and tender evolving relationship gives this volume heart beneath all the adrenaline.

Vuong’s art is also a highlight. The demon designs are strikingly grotesque, contrasting with the intricate holy tattoos and religious symbols, creating a visual feast. The fight scenes are choreographed with a kinetic energy that leaps off the page, while the quieter moments between Sunny and Ezra allow the story to breathe.

While there are still lingering questions surrounding Sunny’s connection to the demons, the slow unraveling of the mystery is well-paced. The danger feels real, the stakes are high, and Ezra's crisis of faith is compelling. If anything, the only drawback is that the volume ends on a cliffhanger, leaving readers eagerly awaiting more.

Overall, "Covenant, Vol. 2" masterfully blends action, emotion, and suspense, making it a must-read for fans of supernatural thrillers.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

This was a great follow up to the first volume! I just love the art style and the story is very engaging. I like the characters and the action is very good.

I did not enjoy this as much as the first volume. It was a little more slow moving in the middle as it was kind of repetitive, but I still enjoyed it! It is very ery easy to follow and get through.

It ended on a cliffhanger again and I am excited to continue on reading. It is exciting to follow along with the characters as they figure out the mystery surrounding why they want Sunny.

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rating: 4.25 ★

the character design is top tier. this volume is even more fast-paced than the last, i blew right through it.

i'm incredibly intrigued about sunny 👀 i want more of the found family / side characters esp samson.

if you dig shadowhunters, this is definitely a comic for you to get into!

an honest arc review ♡

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Thank you for the ARC.
A few questions are being answered about the character Sunny. The sigil, well, not strong enough of a story in of itself. This 2nd volume feels drawn out in scenes and very repetitive. Not much exploration at all. More fighting than anything. Very little character development.

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I liked the first volume very much and the second is still stunning art-wise but also rather confusing. I don’t mind not getting answers for a while but most of the volume consists of battle scenes, which could be interesting but the majority of the panels are just whooshes and whumps, strikes of weapons in the dark with no clear distinction who is who and what’s happening.

I’m still curious and willing to read more but this volume felt more like a filler, even if worth reading for the art alone.

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Volume 2 of Covenant gave us some more information on who the demons attacking Sunny were as well as his childhood and past. The art is amazing as always, and I am intrigued by some of the antagonists and why they are so interested in taking Sunny as well as his role in Gabriel's prophecy.

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Two volumes and I am in love with these characters and all of them need to survive when this story ends. Sunny and Ezra make some decent progress and are somewhere around being friends at least when Sunny is not being difficult about it. in terms of the plot we still don't no much about what's happening and this volume may have more questions then answers, there are certain things that looked obvious to me after volume 1 but now I am not so sure.

Can't wait for the third volume now.

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An okay continuation of volume 1, but I don't feel like much happened. I am under the impression this is supposed to be a romance, but I'm not seeing any hints of that yet.

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Back for more!

The plot keeps moving, we are trying to get to the bottom of Sunny’s back story. Ezra is torn between how to follow his instruction to protect Sunny while also doing his job, so we have the good of the one vs the good of the many, and there is still so much that we don’t know

I love how well action comes across in these books, as well and the complexity around the world and it’s rules and expectations….

I would have liked to see things between Sunny and Ezra progress a bit more, but in NOT giving me that, I am even more desperate to get my hands on Volume 3 now!

Well played, Explodikid. Well played.

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Special thanks to Netgalley and Oni Press for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This series keeps getting better. The artwork is outstanding and the storyline continues to be unique and compelling. I love to see how the characters grow and change (and am looking forward to some burgeoning relationships)!

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** I was provided an electronic ARC from the publisher through NetGalley.**

LySandra Vuong's Covenant continues with Volume 2. This volume collects episodes 19 to 26 of the webcomic. Covenant is a supernatural story surrounding the battle between Heaven and Hell with a slow burn queer romance brewing. Volume 2 picks up shortly after Volume 1 and readers continue to follow Ezra and Sunny as they learn their roles to play in the building war. Sunny continues to be a demon magnet despite being apparently human. Ezra is still a new exorcist struggling to find his place and deal with instructions given to him by Archangel Gabriel.

Everything I loved about Volume 1 continues to Volume 2. It is nigh impossible to review this in a way that is spoiler free because all of the information presented in this installment builds on what was learned in the first Volume.

I will happily continue to follow this story and would happily recommend it to scifi fantasy graphic novel fans.

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Thank you NetGalley for an ARC of this book!

This checks a lot of boxes for me. I really love the concept and where this is going. The artwork is great. The characters are interesting and the plot is intriguing.

I hope in future installments we get a little more background on the characters and the things revolving around their tattoos and abilities but overall, I really enjoyed this and can't wait for more

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This series truly is amazing. I love that in this volume I learned more about Sunny and the other characters in the cast. Isaac is slowly becoming my favorite. I love his design, powers, and his personality. I think this volume really showed the dynamic of the team. The art is still stunning and seeing more intense fight scenes made me love the art even more. I love the club scene and seeing how Sunny and Ezra were sharing a glance. I really am falling in love with this series and I can't wait to see more of it. The story has so many layers and the more I learn the more layers are added to the mystery to keep me engaged. It is an amazing series.

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