Member Reviews

"Blood Ties." Just one chapter into the three-chapter taster and I was aware that this is a follow-on from "The Kingdom" The brothers are back with more murder and mayhem, once I realized who the characters were I was hooked. This will be a winner for me and I can't wait to get the full book to read.

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NB: This review is for the advance three chapter extract of Jo Nesbo’s Blood Ties.

Firstly, I was hooked by the first three chapters and can not wait to read the book itself.

The first three chapters introduce you to brothers Carl and Ray who are run all the successful businesses in a mountain town called Os. Indeed, Carl has the nickname King of Os and lives up to the title. In contrast, Ray is the less ostentatious brother and the brother considered to be the less driven and not as smart as Carl. Only having read three chapters, I have the feeling Ray is more astute than people give him credit for. From the first three chapters it becomes clear that the brothers have done everything they can, not always legal, to get where they are today. It’s clear because of that, they are dangerous and not to be crossed.

Within the first three chapters is a potted history on the boys which helped me to understand their history and relationship.

The first three chapter has whet my appetite and I can’t wait for Blood Ties to be published!

Huge thanks to NetGalley and the publishers Random House UK, for making this available to me in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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With thanks to the author, publishers Random House UK and Vintage, and NetGalley for providing me with an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

NOTE: This review is written purely based on an extract of the first three chapters of the book.

This extract of the first three chapters was a compelling start to what promises to be another very interesting and multi-layered tale from the pen of Jo Nesbo.

We learn in these early chapters what kind of men Roy and Carl are, and what kind of things they are capable of to get what they want. There are elements of bribery, adultery, and murder to name a few, and some hints at how the story may unfold, certainly enough to keep me wanting to find out more!

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Slow read, I think I expected more but it was just an excerpt. I think I needed more to pull me in.

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This was just an extract but it was certainly enough to make me want to read more. Jo Nesbo is excellent at breathing life into characters from the start and Carl and Roy's story looks to have the makings of a great read. Looking forward to reading the rest!

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I’m intrigued. These brothers have limited scruples, determined to get what they want by any means. I want to read more and this sample persuaded me to buy the first in the series

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There is something very compelling about Jo Nesbo’s stories and this extract is no exception. I generally don’t like gory books but somehow Nesbo always manages to combine the nasty with a well written story that you want to finish.

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The first book is called The Kingdom, which I have not yet read, but I was aware this could be read as a stand-alone.
This is about Roy and Carl, their lives, loves, and the murders they have committed. Little did I realise, that this is only an exclusive sample, of Blood Ties, which is yet to be released. Looking forward to reading more, as I really enjoyed this sneak peak.

Thanks to NetGalley, and Penguin Random House Publishing for sending me this free ARC, with which I leave a voluntary review.

4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I have seen Jo Nesbø's books around for years and have always been curious so this extract was a great way of getting a taste for his writing style. I really enjoyed the level of detail in this three chapter sampler and I liked that the character's had interesting back stories and memories. The Norwegian setting was very atmospheric and unique. In the space of three chapters, the plot doesn't really have time to get going so I would be curious to see where the rest of the story goes.

Overall I enjoyed this sampler and would definitely be keen to read the rest of the book!

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This was so interesting, intense and suspenseful. There are two brothers, Roy and Carl. The author has taken us in their lives. And told something so intriguing about finding a weak spot and having a cold heart. There is a bribery, mystery, suspense and brother’s relationship. I was completely invested in this book. I am hoping to read it soon. I am grateful to Random House Publisher for giving me opportunity to read this exclusive sample.

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I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to read this exclusive extract. Thank you to Jo Nesbø, Random House UK and Netgalley for the chance to read the first 3 chapters of the new sequel to Nesbø's 'The Kingdom'.

This is a very promising start to the novel and gives a detailed backstory of two brothers, Roy and Carl. The reader is thrown back into the action from the very beginning with a risky bribe and the undercurrent of a threat that will help the brothers to further establish themselves within their community, by any means necessary.

It was so easy to be drawn into Roy's narrative. He is shown to be a great storyteller as he speaks about past murders and plots with a cold matter of fact ease. Although, this extract does remind readers of what happened in the previous book, I would recommend reading that one before this one so that you have the full story about the brother's relationship and how they got to where they are now.

This is definitely a book I will be looking out for as this teaser was just enough to hook me in and although I don't like rollercoasters in real life, this is one ride I certainly won't miss out on.

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A promising start to a novel. Will look to purchase the full story to allow me to read on. Thanks for the opportunity to read the excerpt

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Ooooooooo Jo Nesbo teasing me with just this??? HOW COULD UUUUUU!! Well i think i know what this is gonna be already...Ummmmm yet another 5 stars coming ?!?! Lets see...................

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This is an extract from a book that I must read... All of it. This extract really grabbed me and I am waiting patiently for when the book is released as now that I have read this small bit of the book I can't just not read the rest. This is thrilling, high-stakes and engrossing reading and from this little bit of the book I can see there is more excitement, twists and some great characters to get to know.

Bring on the full book as I can't wait to get stuck in.

Thank you NetGalley and Random House UK, Vintage for giving me the opportunity to read and review this extract of a book that will give more thrills and chills.

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I may have only read the extract from Jo Nesbø's Blood Ties, but that brief taste was more than enough to keep me eagerly anticipating publication day. From the very first page, I was drawn into a world of tension and mystery, starting with a high-stakes bribe that set the tone for what promises to be a gripping thriller. The introduction of the main characters was skillfully handled, providing just the right amount of background to establish their place in the town and their roles within the community. It’s impressive how much detail and intrigue Nesbø managed to pack into such a small excerpt. I’m looking forward to diving deeper into this story. I highly recommend this book to thriller lovers and, of course, to all the devoted Jo Nesbø enthusiasts out there.

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This is the sequel to The Kingdom and is not, I repeat NOT the full book. You get the first 33 pages which equates to the first three chapters.

Most of it is spent catching us up on the happenings of the first book. Roy and Carl are brothers and have together murdered quite a few people. It doesn't look like they will let up in the sequel because they are used to getting what they want, and that is a spa hotel and other real estate to build on.

I was immediately drawn into Roy's narrative and would have loved to read on. He talks so matter of fact and coldly about terrible happenings, and I can't say yet whether I would like the bleak story that seems to be unfolding but it's certainly piqued my interest.

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