Member Reviews

This was such a fun book! i absolutely adored every single thing! the characters, the plot, the writing, the cover! it was such a wonderful book! definitely adding this to my collection

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Wow Brianna Peppins has done it again and has made me fall in love with these characters again 🥰. I really loved the journey of Avi realizing that she needs help and that it doesn’t make you less than yourself. One thing that will always stand out from this book is that “Anxiety and confidence can coexist.”

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Thank you for the Advanced Copy. I was extremely excited to read the second book in this series. The first book was a solid five stars to me and I was little apprehensive going into this book because alot of times I notice the second book in a series will be disappointing. However, I can truly say this was not the case. The author delivered a great story that keeps you engaged the entire time. I literally read the book in a day and a half and was mad I read it so fast. The story picks up with the main character entering into her sophomore year at the boarding school, feeling unsure about her friendships with her two best friends and struggling to maintain their tight bond. It also touches on mental illness and the stigma with getting help. Denial of the repercussions of past traumas, was another topic that was presented. Living in a perpetual state of people pleasing for family and friends was addressed too. Of course there was some romance involved in the story as well. This list of great components in this book is never ending. A well rounded story that touched on many things happening now with young adults. In my opinion, both books 1&2 should be a part of high school curriculum. It’s so many teachable lessons that young adults today could relate to. I highly recommend this book to everyone to read. I’m hoping it’s a book 3 coming next year.

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