Member Reviews

I was fairly hesitant going into this manga, unsure if it would be over the top. I was pleasantly surprised at the depth, and care that went into the portrayl. Is there still a romance current? Yes, but it's not overly done in a way that detracts from the plot. A very lovely 4 star read and I'll definitely be checking out further books in the series!

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I went into this pretty blind aside from the genre and that it was a manga. I have to say it was incredibly thoughtful and an interesting insight to see our characters go through traumatic childhood events and try to navigate through. I will be buying the physicals and continuing on in this series. Thank you for the ability to read this early

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Sheltering Eaves is a coming of age manga whose main characters live in a children’s home.

This manga reminds me a lot of Perfect World (not surprising as it is the same mangaka) and Our Dreams at Dusk. They all take heavy content and make it into something beautiful and moving, where you need to keep reading.

I love everything about this manga so far. It is beautifully drawn and all the characters have such depth to them. I really appreciate that it shows the struggle of still loving and wanting to be with your parents despite how much they have hurt you. We can know it’s for the best to be away from someone and still wish that wasn’t the case. I thought that was extremely well done in this manga.

I cannot wait to read the next volumes and see what happens next.

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I haven't read many Josei manga, but this felt exceptionally great. The art is beautiful. Following these foster kids from when they are young to sixteen built a strong emotional connection for me. I understand the main characters deeply and care about them. Such impactful, moving characters. As they age out of the system I hope we get to see a happy ending not one full of melancholy.
I also really enjoyed learning about how the foster system works in Japan. A great way to get people to care about these often forgotten and misunderstood kids. I look forward to the next volume.

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I'm a huge fan of Rie Aruga's previous series, Perfect World, so I was extremely excited to see a new series from her!

I love how she always puts so much research and heart into her stories, so as soon as I saw that this was a josei featuring two teens in the foster care system, I knew we'd be in for a heartwrenching, beautiful story, and based on this first volume, I can tell it's going to be just as amazing as Perfect World was. Even with just this first volume, I can wait to see Yoru and Tenjaku grow, and I'm excited to see how the series progresses.

If you love beautifully drawn and written stories that will pull on your heartstrings, then I highly recommend you check out both Rie Aruga's beloved Perfect World series, and also start this one!

I was able to read an early egalley via NetGalley and I definitely can't wait to get a physical copy for my shelves!

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This volume dealt with a heavier topic than I expected, but it’s not one that I’ve read before especially in a manga. The mangaka did a great job of showing the emotional turmoil children go through in these situations and it shows how feeling aren’t always black and white. I definitely plan to read the next one in the series to see how these kids plan for their next steps in life.

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This is a very raw and emotional manga and one with a subject I have never seen in Japanese media before - child group homes, social work & removing abused or neglected children from homes.
I think this hit on a subject that needs more exposure and I think it showed a brief glimpse into life of children in a group home, well.
I am interested to see how the stories and backstories are explored and see a side of Japanese society I knew existed by never witnessed. PLUS I am fully prepared to cry and I know I will, the hints and the drawings are proof already.

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“Why was I born into this world? Should I have been born at all? Those questions always lingered in my mind.” - Yoru Tono

✨ Sheltering Eaves tells the story of Yoru, a young girl who arrives at a children's home after being neglected by her mother due to her mental illness. There, Yoru meets Tenjaku.

✨ When Yoru questioned why she was born, it really struck me. I could completely resonate with her words, as I too have questioned my existence, wondering why I was born only to endure suffering due to my frail body and deteriorating health. My parents ended up blaming me for every unlucky thing that happened to them, for every hospital visit, for having a weak body. We didn’t choose to be born. I didn't choose to be born like this.

✨ Yoru reminded me of my past self—the part of me that felt emotionally lonely, always relying on someone else to find happiness, just as Yoru finds happiness when she sees Tenjaku.

✨ I really loved the bond between Tenjaku and Yoru. Although I sense a romantic undertone between them, I’m torn. If this bond turns into romance, it might easily break, especially if they unintentionally hurt each other.

✨ Sheltering Eaves is a story of orphaned kids and their lives before, during, and after their time in the home.

✨ Overall, this has been an emotional and wonderful read for me.

✨ Huge thanks to NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for giving me the opportunity to read Tenjaku and Yoru’s tear-jerking story.

📌 When Tenjaku saved Yoru multiple times
📌 When Tenjaku and Yoru hugged each other
📌 Tenjaku’s independence and clear goals in life
📌 Yoru’s love for Tenjaku




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4.5 stars

Like A Perfect World, Sheltering Eaves has a more somber setting for the romance. The first issue spent a lot of time scene setting, so I feel like we still don't know the characters that well.

Also the tense it is written in feels a bit detached. Which may have been a deliberate choice, but for me, slows down the character development and connection.

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Thank you NetGalley & Kodansha Comics for allowing me to read this book before it comes out for my honest review. That being said, can Rie Aruga ever release a bad manga? I Definitely don't think so, I'm so excited to see where this new series is headed, she has instantly won my heart over with Perfect World, now with this new series I'm already connected with the characters and their strength.

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Thank you, NetGalley for an advanced ARC of this manga

This was an interesting read about two orphaned children in an orphanage, but as time went by I got very codependent vibes between them both, due to their backgrounds this was an ok read but I am not planning to continue with the series

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Thank you to Kodansha and NetGalley for the chance to read this volume.

Some heavy source material here - Aruga introduces our main characters who are in a centre for children who have been neglected or abused by their parents. They give hints that a full time foster care system is not something that is too common place in Japan - there’s weekend or summer placements for children instead. Aruga seems to have put a lot of effort into research - even quoting official figures as of the publication date. I appreciated their attention to detail in this respect.

Both FMC and MMC are both likeable and complex. The art work is drawn well. There’s enough here to draw me into reading volume two.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read an advance copy of this manga before publication.

I have to say that I absolutely loved this. The art style, the pacing, the characters and the storyline were all fantastic. Rie Aruga accurately captures the varied emotions felt by children suffering from parental abandonment and how that impacts on their relationship styles growing up. I would highly recommend reading this manga.

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A cute but heartbreaking start to a book series. There's good background so we get to see the characters. I really liked their friendship.

Would love to read more.

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This is part one and i absolutely love it. The book delivered all that I wished to read after reading the blurb of this book and the plotline is as brilliant as the cover.
The characters were amazing and the plotline was well written and well paced. I am excited to read next part now.

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This was actually really good. I saw some 3 reviews and thought i might not like it but honestly, i really loved it.

The characters were so honest and good with each other as friends too.

All of the supporting characters were well depicted as well.

The theme it evolved around and the way the characters delt with the criticism was so brave and strong. I am really looking forward to the next volume.

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The Sheltering Eaves 1 is an absolutely captivating read that left me spellbound from beginning to end. The author masterfully creates a rich, immersive world and the depth of detail in the world-building is truly remarkable.

The protagonist, is a beautifully complex character whose journey of self-discovery and courage resonates deeply. Her growth throughout the story is both believable and inspiring, making her a heroine you can’t help but root for. The supporting characters are just as well-crafted, each bringing their own unique charm and depth to the narrative.

The plot is filled with twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. Just when I thought I had figured out what would happen next, the author skillfully surprised me. The themes of friendship, sacrifice, and the fight between good and evil are woven seamlessly into the narrative, adding layers of meaning that will leave readers pondering long after they turn the last page.

Overall, this book is a must-read for fantasy lovers. I can’t wait for the next installment!

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Thanks to Netgalley for the eARC!

This was a very depressing and sad first volume but after Perfect World, I knew it would be heartbreaking. It’s the story of kids who were abandoned / abused by their parents which is a very tough topic. But I thought the execution was handled well and it was very interesting to see how these children reacted to their situation.

I’m not sure I will continue because I’m not a huge fan of the subject matter, being a mother myself. But I do think it could be a really good title for others!

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4.5 stars
Wow, this was definitely a bittersweet manga. Sheltering Eaves is written by Rie Aruga and it was so good! I was drawn into the story and it was so interesting to read.
I loved getting to know Yoru. She had been through so much and was trying to fight to keep her home. She was so sweet. Tenjaku was so fun and I love how protective he was of Yoru. They had created their own family within the foster home they were living in.
I hadn’t read a manga quite like this one before so it was cool to read. I like how you get to see a little bit of the foster system through these characters. I also like the way the characters felt real as they fought to figure out their future.
I would definitely recommend Sheltering Eaves. It is more of a mature manga since it deals with themes of abuse and abandonment so I would recommend it to older teens.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the publisher through Netgalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, a positive review was not required.

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This one definitely has the potential to be a really heavy hitter - though at this point I wonder about the classification of josei rather than shoujo based on the age of the characters (unless we’re going to jump ahead in a later volume). It’s well paced but I think I wanted a little more insight into Tenjaku’s and Yoru’s thoughts; even though she’s the protagonist, Yoru’s internal self feels very distant and wooden. Though it definitely felt like we were more setting the scene than pushing the story forward, so I definitely expect more from future volumes.

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