Member Reviews

This had a great concept and entertaining characters! It was my own error, but I was expecting this to be shojo rather than shonen, so I didn't quite click with it the way I'd hoped, but it's a great start to a series.

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This is a fast paced story full of fun and magic alike. The main characters are so different but they compliment each other and it helps them achieve their goals. The enchanted library setting is skillfully crafted and beautifully executed. The concept and setting of this book seem fresh and intriguing.
Even though this is the first installment of the manga series, this volume is already full of action and characters interactions that give more context to the world and the story. I loved the art style, and will definitely continue this series.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with this copy.

I had a fun time reading this story since I've always loved books about libraries and books. I can't say much, honestly, since it's still in the beginning phase of the story. I do love the concept of a magical library and binding spellbeasts in books. The pace of the story is quite fast which can be a downside sometimes but for this story, I think it's perfect. I like how there's not much info dumping in the early chapters and the reader is allowed to figure things out as they read.

Now onto the characters, I like our main character, Tohru. There's something about him that draws me in and I guess I just love well-written kind protagonist and I hope he can be one. The necklace around his neck and the protective barrier definitely means he has a connection to the library or any of the high-ranking spellbeast.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me a copy of this arc.

I’m very new to manga and I wanted to give this book a try for the unique plot. At times I did find myself very confused. It wasn’t with the plot that was something I was able to understand. It was with the characters. I never really knew their names and I felt I didn’t know anything about them. I did like the graphics I thought they looked very nice.

Overall, this wasn’t for me.

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A fun new manga, set in a world where Spellbook Librarians bind fantasy beasts into books in order to use them (as beasts of burden, messengers or what-have-you; this aspect isn't explored much in this volume) or, in the case of the more dangerous ones, lock them away where they can do no harm.

Two young men want to join the Library staff through its occasional entrance exam, which is fiercely competitive and requires some lateral thinking. (This is the 201st event, and the last one was 5 years before, but it's not clear whether they are always 5 years apart; if so, that would imply the library is more than a thousand years old.) One is a rough-and-tumble lad named Yan who was saved 10 years before by the elite squad who seal the most dangerous creatures away; the other a mysterious boy named Tohru who Yan incidentally rescues from muggers while they are both on their way to the exam. Tohru is apparently a noble, and seems to have strong magical powers, but in the usual way of such things in this type of story, Yan doesn't ask him about it and he doesn't volunteer, so that there's something to be revealed later on.

Thanks entirely to Tohru's intelligence (Yan just happens to be paired with him for the test, which seems a bit unfair), the two pass the entrance exam and get assigned to the Public Relations department, which consists of two people prior to their addition: one of the kingdom's princesses, and another character who's not given much development yet. Through a series of events, they find themselves fighting a powerful magical creature... and the first volume ends on a cliffhanger.

While it's certainly very much in the vein of fantasy adventure manga generally, the setting and premise are fresh and don't retread already well-trodden ground. The art style is clear and dynamic, the story keeps moving forward while also sowing hints of revelations to come, the characters have clear motivations and face interesting challenges, and this small taster gives plenty of reasons to keep engaged with the series.

I received a review copy via Netgalley.

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Interesting little dip into a new manga. Loved the art style and the world that we got a peek at so far. You know I'm a fan of anything that has to do with libraries or large collections of books/magic/magical beasties. There's not a lot of in-depth magical differences, but this IS only the first installment. I am keen to see what shenanigans the duo get up to.

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3.5 stars. I love the ideas of this manga and the world it is set in. Anything to do with a cool magical library excites me. What I didn't get from this manga was the characters. First of all, some of the layouts of the images were confusing so I couldn't who was who. Secondly, the characters don't stand out at all or establish their personality. I know that it is a first volume but this should be the one to capture the reader's interest and draw you into the character's struggles and wants. This book unfortunately does not do that well. But from just the fantastic world and concept, I would read more if I get the chance. It reminds me of some shonen manga I read in the early 2000s that tried to capture American audiences.

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This book has decent art and an interesting premise. The first book obviously has to give us a lot of exposition so I understand the info dump even though it kind of took me out of the story at times. I do like the characters so far. I do believe the story has potential for later on. If I’m solely rating this book I say it’s neither good or bad but more of a prologue as most first volumes in manga are.

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This was so cute!! I love how the characters interacted and I want to know what happens next!! The library was so well detailed and drawn so amazingly!

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The Spellbook Library follows Yan and Tohru as they join the Spellbook Librarians.

This story was fun, fast paced and really engaging, I really loved the art, the world building and the magic system, I also really enjoyed the friendship between them, it felt real and genuine. Overall I had a great time reading this one!

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for sending this my way!

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Interesting concept. I found the characters likeable and the storyline compelling enough to keep me reading the series. I like the friendship that has developed between Yan and Tohru and am curious how the series progresses. It was difficult, at times, to figure out who was saying things as the bubbles aren’t pointed at anyone so it can get confusing. Hoping this gets fixed as the series continues.

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Magic, madness and adventure!

The story is as the blurb says. The manga is perfect for beginners who would love reading about magic, found family, adventure and friendship.

The art is a little chaotic as it should be. However, the art sequences are a little haphazard.

Thank you, Kodansha Comics, for the ARC.

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Thank you NetGalley for the digital ARC!

This first volume in a new manga series was such a fun read! I’m excited to read more about Tohru and Yan’s experience training and working at the Spellbook Library.

After Yan saves Tohru from a mugging they join together to pass the spell book library employment exam where books hold spell beasts and the employees use spells and seals to protect citizens from being harmed by spellbeasts. I’m curious to know more about spellbeasts and the kingdom the story takes place. The first volume introduced quite a few characters and gave us a taste of a few different plot points and mysteries to dive deeper in future volumes.

I enjoyed the pacing and felt like it did justice to the development of the characters and their slowly unfurling backstories. The artwork is great, especially of the different spellbeasts.

You can read my review on Storygraph!

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As a book lover, I really enjoyed this story, so these two young men want to work at the library. Though this is not just any library, it's a spellbook library where they keep books with magic spells in them and even trap dangerous mystical beings inside of them as well. There are some interesting characters and a lot we don't know yet, and I can't wait to read more of this series.

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“If the goal you had wasn’t really what you wanted, then all you have to do is set a new goal.” - Tohru

✨ The Spellbook Library follows Yan and Tohru as they join the Spellbook Librarians, working together to protect people from dangerous spellbeasts.

✨ This was such a fun read! I loved how Tohru, Yan, and Emel worked so well together. I have to admit, I struggled a bit to get into it at first, but the moment Emel showed up, I was hooked! She’s absolutely adorable, and I couldn’t help but fall in love with her.

✨ I also really enjoyed the friendship that developed between Tohru and Yan. It felt so genuine. Plus, I was totally intrigued by the mystery surrounding Tohru—though, to be honest, all three of them are pretty mysterious! We only get small glimpses into their backgrounds, but I’m really excited to learn more about them.

✨ Overall, I’d definitely recommend this if you’re into fantasy, dragons, magical beasts, and adorable characters!

✨A huge thanks to NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for this cute and magical ARC!

📌 When Yan stood up for Tohru
📌 How Yan and Tohru treat Emel like a regular person
📌 Emel’s unshakeable poker face
📌 How humble Tohru and Emel are
📌 Yan’s charming looks
📌 The enormous library!




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I struggled to get to the end of this manga because I disliked the characters and the events flowed too fast. As a result, I lost interest in the world, which I was very curious about at the beginning, the characters and their story.

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I really wanted to like this one, the premise sounded so interesting and original. I think that I just need to understand that manga and the tone that it takes on and the strangeness that it embraces is not for me.

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I too, would like to work at The Spellbook Library where you can capture Spellbeasts that threaten your village! Even if I'm in the PR Department.

This story follows two young men basically applying/working at The Spellbook Library and all the drama/action that comes with it.

It's an enjoyable read; fast-paced. Can't wait to continue this series.

Thank you Kodansha Comics, & NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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I loved this volume. The art is so much fun to see and I think it allowed me to understand and connect with the characters more because I was able to see their mannerisms and the actions they were doing. The story is fast pace and it keeps you entertained as you are reading. I couldn't put it down and I found that the story sucked me in right away. The character are all different from one another and their dynamic was fun to read about as the volume continued.

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The Spellbook Library is compared to Witch Hat Atelier and while it does have those magical vibes it also reminds me of Sorcery of Thorns with its magical libraries and potentially dangerous tomes. The first volume introduces likeable and intriguing characters and sets up mysteries to be explored as the story unfolds. I really want to learn more about the characters and the world the story takes place in and am looking forward to the next volume!

It’s also an interesting concept of manga made in Japan but released overseas first with an international market in mind. It’s a chance for artists to try ideas outside of the usual that might not get a chance domestically.

If you love magical libraries and mystery and adventure The Spellbook Library brings likable characters in an interesting and fun setting with a delightful sense of humor.

Thank you very much to NetGalley and the publisher. I received an advance review copy, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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