Member Reviews

The Twins On The Train by Suzanne Goldring is a powerful historical novel that totally consumed me. I could not put it down.
The novel begins in 2023 before moving backwards to Berlin in 1933 and into World War II. The action alternates between a mother in Berlin and a British lady whose mission was to rescue as many Jewish children from Berlin, on the Kindertransport, as she could.
The reader witnesses the gradual erosion of the freedom of the Jewish people and the sheer terror of Kristallnacht in November 1938. We see the bravery of the parents who loved their children enough to let them go. “They have the courage to send away the things most precious of all to them, more than gems and gold can ever be.” As a mother, I do not think I would have had their courage.
Life is shown through the eyes of the children through their speech. “You’re the first Aryan who’s been nice to me in a long time. Will there be more people like you in England?” Heartbreaking. How awful that Jewish children, a precious gift, have been treated so abominably.
Courage was needed by the women on the Kindertransport as they kept making the journeys into Berlin, the heart of the evil of the Nazi party. Even they were intimidated by the Nazis who thought their control included foreigners.
There were those in the 1930’s who were taken in by Hitler and his rhetoric. By the time they realized the monster within, it would be too late.
Suzanne Goldring has constructed a powerful tale that will not leave you unaffected. It is hard to believe that a nation could be influenced by one man to commit atrocities. It must never happen again. The Twins On The Train is a necessary read in memory of the six million innocents who died, of those who survived and of parents who made the ultimate sacrifice and let their children go.
I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.

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This was such a beautifully done novel that had that element of realism and historical elements that worked well together. It was everything that was promised and more, the characters were realistic and enjoyed getting to read this. Suzanne Goldring wrote this well and I wanted to know what happened to the characters. It uses the World War 2 element perfectly and showed the horrors of war.

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This book is an emotional punch to the gut in the best way possible. From the moment Rosa pushes her newborn twins into a stranger’s arms, my heart was in my throat. The story paints such a vivid picture of the fear and desperation felt during one of the darkest times in history. Rosa and Dora’s courage and sacrifice felt so raw and real that I couldn’t help but feel deeply connected to them. The tension is palpable, and you’re constantly rooting for these women to find some glimmer of hope. It’s a heartbreaking yet beautifully written story about the strength of a mother’s love and the incredible risks people took to protect the innocent. If you’re a fan of historical fiction that makes you feel every emotion, this is one you won’t forget.

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Do not read this book without a box of tissues by your side.
This novel by Suzanne Goldring is based in 1939 in Germany but it focuses on the Quaker movement and how it helped through the Kindertransport to England. The evacuation of Jewish children was a dangerous one but many people showed great courage and loss to help.
Heartbreaking but nontheless a great read

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An absolutely stunning read. I found this particularly emotive as it was based on the child transportation out of Germany. The lengths the English quakers went to to rescue so many children is astounding.
A beautifully written book that is utterly immersive from Rosa & Dora’s differing experiences leading up the the outbreak of World War 2!

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The Twins on the Train
By: Suzanne Goldring
Pub Date: October 30, 2024
Publisher: Bookouture
This novel was an emotional one for me. As a mother, who would do anything for her kids. One mom makes the ultimate decision to give her twins to a lady for their safety.
Berlin in 1939 when the Jewish people were trying to survive, some made the decision to stay behind but some wanted their children safe. I had no idea of the Quakers role in regard to the Kindertransport to England. This was a unique novel.
The characters were compelling and the twin’s journey in this novel was extraordinary and the ending was compelling and realistic.
Thank you Bookouture for this gifted copy.

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I really enjoyed this novel! Even though it is a heart warming story, life with its growing dangers in Germany before WWII for Jewish people is explicitly exposed. I found it very interesting to learn about the role of the Quakers as regards Kindertransport to England. The evacuation of Jewish children is also very well depicted with all the humiliation and fears it entails. I really enjoyed the characters and their development throughout the war: denial, fear and humility. The conclusion is realistic while thought provoking... A great read!
I received a digital copy of this novel from NetGalley and I have voluntarily written an honest review.

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This is a story of the kindertransports and the events leading up to the moment when a desperate Jewish mother put her twins on a train in the hopes that they’d be taken to safety,

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This is the heartbreaking story of Jewish children evacuated from Germany during WWII. The children were sent by their parents hoping to get them to safety. For the vast majority of the children it was the last time they would see their parents. This story revolves around a Quaker organization that helped rescue children until the trains were stopped by the Germans. Have a box of Kleenex handy, this is a tear jerker. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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I just finished another great historical fiction book. The Twins on the Train was phenomenal. I’d highly recommend this to historical fiction readers.

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Wow what a book! Started reading this today and literally couldn’t put it down till I was finished! What a heartbreaking, compelling read! The bravery of the people who gave up their children to help them survive is just so heroic. I literally sobbed through some of the pages and couldn’t breathe during others! I loved it and will highly recommend.

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