Member Reviews

I sped through all 3 books and it has changed my brain chemistry, I LOVED them all.
The way it's written, the plot, EVERYTHING

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Honestly, Nisha J. Tuli is rapidly becoming my absolutely favourite fantasy series author.
Storm of Ink and Blood is the third book in the exciting and spicy "The Nightfire Quartet" and while you could dive in at this stage, I would recommend that you start with book one, "Heart of Night and Fire", followed by "Dance of Stars and Ashes".
Our adventure commences in "Heart of Night and Fire", when we meet Zarya, a young woman who is desperate to escape her prison (admittedly, a fairly pleasant prison) but a prison none the less. When the magic keeping her imprisoned, mysteriously vanishes, Zarya takes her chance to escape and makes her way to the enchanted city of Dharati. There our story really kick-starts and Zarya joins in the battle to protect her new home.
In book two, the storyline has progressed and Zarya has discovered the truth about Rabin and is focusing on magic.
As the principal storyline has been well-established by book, we dive right into the action and this does not let up throughout the book. We see Zarya standing up for herself and concentrating on her destiny. She has come a long way from the first book and I love her strength - and I'm sure many readers will sympathise with her broken heart and confusion over what to do. This story is also very spicy so be warned if that's not for you. But it's also funny, fast paced, with a wry commentary on social issues (class) and very much worth a read.

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I love this world and these characters. I wish the book was longer so we could’ve focused more on getting to know each new character a bit better!

I’m bummed that so much page time was given to sex scenes between Zarya and Rabin, and that they had much less time actually bonding outside of their magical bond. Honestly I’m also not a very big fan of Rabin, so them having SO much on page sexy time had me skimming quite a few pages, plus she forgave him waaaaay too quickly for my tastes. And then them also getting married and Rabin f*cking Zarya with a magical vine I feel should’ve happened way later (if it had to happen at all); the marriage felt like a way to force readers to accept their relationship as genuine when I just couldn’t. I’m hoping that there are reasons we have yet to learn about/weren’t privy to for all of this.

Zarya didn’t have the character growth in this one like she did with the last two, but honestly she has grown so much that I’m not mad about it. Why mess with perfection 💁‍♀️ I also love Yasen so much; I wish this could’ve been a why choose with Yasen and Rabin!! THAT would’ve made this a five star book for me.

I am still interested in seeing where this series goes and am looking forward to reading the next!!

Many thanks to Nisha and NetGalley for this eARC!

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Storm of Ink and Blood is my favorite so far in the series. It has everything you could want in a fantasy romance.
We got:
political intrigue
an uprising
longing with a bit of angst
found family
amazing friendship
and much more.
Nisha manages to keep me wondering what is going to happen, which is difficult considering how many books I read. Great book, I'm already looking forward to the next one!

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Storm of Ink and Blood by Nisha J. Tuli is the third book in the Nightfire Quartet. The story picks up right where it left off at the end of the previous book. Zarya and Yasen are in a new city as they throw themselves into the rebellion to free the oppressed. Rabin is back with Zarya’s father, trying to earn her forgiveness and prove his devotion to her. The story progresses and readers see a lot of action as Z and her crew make headway into fulfilling the prophecy.

I absolutely loved the first two books in this series and this one did not disappoint either! It was jam-packed full of rich world-building, action, and intrigue. I had a hard time putting the book down. Zarya’s personal growth was fulfilling and the friendships she has developed are truly heartwarming. My only complaint is that Rabin’s personality was a bit one-note compared to the first two books and really his whole personality was basically his obsession with Zarya.

But overall I think this book is setting up an epic, likely heart-wrenching, finale to the quartet. I look forward to reading the next book whenever it comes out!

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and author for granting me an ARC of the ebook. My honest review is based on the ARC and not the final version. Storm of Ink and Blood is expected to be published on October 4, 2024.

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I was offered the opportunity to read this ARC and give my honest review.

I love Nisha's writing. She has become one of my favorite authors, creating vibrant worlds with strong and imperfect MFCs with lovely supporting casts. Storm of Ink and Blood was no different.

I loved the first two books in this series. If you haven't read them, I implore you to read them first. They are exciting and unique, which is not easy to find.

The contrast of light and dark makes for a dynamic visual landscape, the world very real in my mind.

There is a LOT of magic if it's your bag. My favorite use of it is the melding with tattoos. Absolutely magnificent.

The love story feels very erratic at times, but the spice deserves an A+.

Zarya herself still feels like she's coming of age, growing into who she is, her naivete and stubbornness creating consistent problems that she's forced to overcome and suffer the consequences for. I'm looking forward to seeing how she grows in the final book!

The only negative point I have is small. Every. Single. Plan. they had failed poorly and disastrously. They need a win every now again. It got to the point where I face palmed. It didn't ruin the story, but it did take me out of it.

I loved this book. I can't wait for the final book. I need to know if my suspicion about her father are true and dying to see how he reacts whenever they return. This was a slam dunk.

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I love this series and this third installment did not disappoint! This book picked up just a little while after the last one ended and jumps right in.
There is no middle book syndrome in this series.
Storm of Ink and Blood is full of new characters, new challenges and all our favorites from the first two books.
We get to see so much more of Rabin and Zarya’s relationship and I love them! This book gets spicy!
I love getting to learn right alongside Zarya more about her remaining family.
I can't wait for the next book as there are so many questions I want answered!

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Ever since I discovered Nisha's books I have been hooked on every one.
Book 3 lands us back with Zarya and Yasen as they fight with the rebels.
This book did not disappoint. I love the friendship between Yasen and Zarya, the love and respect they have for each other is just perfect.
Then we have Rabin. He lied, but was it for the right reasons? I think he is deluding himself about some things but his heart is in the right place.
I loved the growth of all the characters and I can't wait until the final book comes out!

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3.5 🌟
Book 3 in the Nightfire Quartet tells us the next part in Sarya's life after events of book one and two. She's discovering a new part of herself, going deeper into her magic and trying to get past the betrayal of Rabin, however he's still pretty much in her mind and possibly her heart.
This third book felt like an entirely different story in the life of the FMC, I feel I lost a little of continuity, but at the same time I can feel the characters growing along with the plot and that's refreshing, but I missed a little action and I'm not sure where things are going, guess I'll have to wait and see.

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My favorite thing about this book series is the vivid imagery. I
felt swept away into a magical land. This book did not disappoint in that aspect! I was with Zee from bustling city streets and back alleyways to secret gardens. From great heights looking down to the lowest of lows.
All the buildup of the previous books reaches its climax in this fast paced book. It was a tense, nonstop action packed read. I appreciated the quiet moments of a secret garden getaway, coffee with your best friend (well 2nd best), heart to hearts with the man who calls you daughter.
I can’t leave out the romance! It is intense, carnal, sweet, and really freaking spicy (pass the tums). Getting into Daddy Dragon Dom’s head, was the best. “She is the sunshine to my storm”, Rabin, be still my beating heart.
In the end I still don’t know who to really trust! Theres some crazy stuff going on and some people are not acting like themselves. Enemies have been made. Im looking forward to the final installment, because I am hooked!
Thank you to the publisher and #Netgally for this ARC of #StormofInkandBlood

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this might be my favorite book out of the series yet. nisha u have never failed me and i love u for that. tbh this was even better than the previous book, even more fast paced, it felt a little filler-y but i devoured every single detail of it, seeing zarya discovering her magic n full potential was literally everything esp knowing that she was very powerless before, i love how this book really shows how far she has come since the first book. rabinzarya's romance had me by the throat theres something about intertwined lovers that will always get me and nisha knew what she was doing and rabinzarya just served it so well. Also yasen my glorious king u will always be loved, his and zarya's friendship just keeps getting better and better every time and i live for it. my absolute favorite platonic soulmates. And im so glad yasen has His person now even tho hes in denial and thinks theyre just messing around but ive seen this before :) also rabin growling was one of my favorite things they dont do #real growling like this anymore. the last bit of the book was so nerve racking i was literally on edge the entire time, im very satisfied with the ending although that last silly cliffhanger made me sigh a little but i genuinely cant wait for zarya to meet yk who for the first time ever in the next book, it should be interesting. i settled on giving this a 4.25 stars i really enjoyed it and cant wait for the next one

thank you so much nisha, second sky and her team for sending me this arc

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I received the arc! Thank you Nisha.

Ok I really enjoyed this book, we pick up with Zarya all mad at Rabin, and for good reason. Things happen, adventures are had and then they’re back together fighting the bad guys. But who are the bad guys? I’m still not certain that we really know that yet, but maybe it’s actually her DAD 🤷‍♀️? But it might also definitely be her half sister? But maybe she’s redeemable? I guess we’ll find out in the next book. But we DO know that the vanshaj deserve to be free, and it turns out Zee is the one to do it.

Zee really stepped into her power in this book and I admire her maturity for the way she handled Rabin, but I feel like he needed to GROVEL a little more. And there was no groveling, there wasn’t much going on with him at all. In fact, I found Rabin to be so hot in books 1&2 and in this book he’s kinda… a warm body. A sexy warm body, but I digress. He’s obsessed with Zarya, as he should be, but he’s also a bit of a wet noodle. I want my moody dragon back. But he is still really bossy in bed though 😈.

I feel like this book suffers a touch from middle book syndrome. You start witnessing all the chess pieces moving into place, but there’s not a lot really going on. I think we’re kind of tee’d up now for book 4 but I’m ready to find out what’s going on with her dad. and the Jadugara. and Amrita. and Vik (not to be confused with Vikas).

Umm but can we also give NJT a round of applause for her glossary at the beginning of the book?? Can every high fantasy book have one of these pretty please?? I swear this book gets a whole star from me just because it has that. I referenced it many a time.

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4.75 stars 🌟, and the only reason it's not 5 is that I feel it's setting up for an absolutely epic next book. In my eyes, Nisha can do no wrong. Apart from making me extremely hungry with all the yummy food in this book!

I absolutely loved this book and am slightly terrified of what Nisha has in store for the next book. Please don't make me cry! 😢 🙏

Rabin and Zaraya are the perfect example of tension and grumpy x sunshine. I love how he's so absolutely besotted with Zaraya but stone-faced to anyone else. We really got to see a softer side of him in this book, which made me fall for him even more.

I can't say too much without spoilers, but this book changes things going forward, and I'm so excited to see Zaraya get her revenge on a certain someone. Each page of this book is filled with character development, action, tension, spice, and fantastic world-building.

If you haven't read this series, go now! This is a demand, not a request. 🤣

If you love the below, you will love this book:

- Spice🌶🌶🌶
- Dragons🐲
- Elemental-type magic 🔥
- Supporting characters who pull at your heartstrings while also making you laugh out loud ❤️
- Action
- Rebellions
- Betrayal
- Tension
- Found family👨‍👩‍👧‍👧
- South Asian lore and fantasy🌏🥻
- Dreamscape naughtiness💭🌶

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Love everything she writes... weaves beautiful believable tragic characters whom she lives to torture and I just want them to be happy

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Following the shocking revelations of Dance of Stars and Ashes, this book follows Zarya and Yasen to Ishaan as they throw themselves headfirst into a rebellion to free the oppressed. Zarya still seethes and burns from Rabin's betrayal, whilst he fights to gain back the trust and affection of the one woman who lights a fire within his soul.

I once again adored the storytelling, the steam, the high, high emotion and action. Nisha has an immense talent for writing heroines that take no s*** and fight for the respect, devotion and friendship that they deserve, and don't even get me started on her MMCs. There are no words.
The cultural hints within this story are wonderful and flow seamlessly into the fantasy, and I absolutely cannot wait for the final book!

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Zarya continues to move forward despite Rabin's betrayal. However she must work with him to save everyone.

Love this book! Been waiting for it for so long. Zarya and Rabin are unforgettable characters. Their relationship is complicated and totally fascinating.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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This book is the third in the Nightfire Quartet. Our MFC, Zarya is out in the world now, using her magic the way she wants and learning what life is about. She is trying to help others as well as living. She is sad and confused about our MMC, Rabin, the amazing dragon. He is losing his mind without her and how he hurt her. He learns how to contact her in their private dream realm. Then Zarya does as well and they finally come back together and he swears his life to her. They have a very good and steamy time and stay together. It is a great read and a great time. There is much steamy play between them as well as lots of fighting and trying to save others around them. They bring their friends together to try to improve their world. They bond and marry, finally knowing they are nothing without the other. In the end they must take themselves and friends to a place Zarya never wanted to go, to her father. This is where the story leaves us and now the wait for the next incredible story. I enjoyed this book and have enjoyed this series. I always look forward to Nisha J Tulis next book

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We are so back!!! I love everything Nisha write and this series is amazing. I thought I was going to have to wait forever to read book three, but thanks to Netgally and Nisha I didn’t have to - much love!!

Book two was exciting because they finally did it - jeez what a slow burn. Book three is even more exciting because there is a lot of tension, building trust, & saving the world.

Zarya is ready to fulfill the prophecy & figure out who she really is without Rabin (boo)! Rabin is willing to do whatever it takes to get back on Zarya’s good side. Three is better than two, right?? *can’t forget about Yasen in this equation*

Zarya is a different person than in the first two books. She is starting to slowly figure out who she is while also healing her inner child. She is starting to put together what is the actual truth and what are lies. I loved seeing her character develop and can’t wait to see what happens in book four!

Rabin is still our favorite broody dragon that did break Zarya’s trust, but is more than willing to jump off a cliff it makes her trust him again. His character development has been great to read. He is coming out of his shell and realizing he is a person & deserves good things. Him and Zarya together are magic, literally.

The world building in this book was awesome! I loved getting to see a new side of the content & what the rebellion has planned. I cannot wait to see what happens when Zarya finally meets her bio dad!

-touch her & d!e
-Indian lore & fantasy
-yummy MMC (one is a dragon 🥵)
-enemies to lovers
-brothers fighting over the FMC

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Thank you to Netgalley, Second Sky and the author for the ARC

Nisha continues to impress. I love diving back into her books. They're always so fun and engaging, I get completely lost in them. Her world-building is excellent and her characters are fenomenal. If you're looking for your next great romantasy book then I highly recommend this series as well as every other series by Nisha. She is a talented storyteller.

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Absolutely amazing. I love that it just picked up in a new city with Zarya and Yasen’s new life in the middle of their current mission. There was always so much going on that I never wanted to stop reading- but it was perfectly balanced so that the action wasn’t overwhelming. I love Nisha’s writing because she develops the characters so well and I am so invested in their story. The ending to this story was perfect because it wasn’t quite a cliffhanger but there are so many questions and unknowns at the end of book 3 that as a reader I am left wanting more!

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