Member Reviews

It is a perfect gift for Christmas holidays! Interesting questions for the Christmas movies and beautiful illustrations. I really enjoy reading this book and I will recommend to my friends!
Thanks to NetGalley for reading opportunity of this title!

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We spent a fun, competitive afternoon working our way through most of the quizzes as a family, scoring 8/8 on so many it’s almost embarrassing! This isn’t to say that the questions were easy, they were quite tricky, we just clearly watch the same Christmas classics every year far too many times! The only thing that could’ve made this better would’ve been to have the answers on a separate page instead of just upside down. To combat any cheating one family member had to be ‘the host’, reading out the questions so no one could peek at the answers!

Thank you Netgalley for this ARC.

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This book is an explosion of colourful Christmas cheer 🎄 The illustrations and the way it has been packaged is fantastic 🎅

A wonderful game for families who enjoy watching festive movies each year. Questions for every Christmas film you can think of. Everyone's favourite, Home Alone, and it even has Batman Returns! I didn't see that one coming! ☃️

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First of all, Thank You Netgalley for the ARC granted to me. It wasn't the kind of book I was expecting, but still has an interesting and funny time hobby with questions about some of the most famous and traditional Christmas movies.

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A fun book to enjoy with your family on Christmas day. I haven't watched many christmas movies but even I could enjoy it.

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This is a fun idea and I enjoyed looking through the book. I did not read the entire thing yet, but I will definitely be using this around the holidays at least for the movies my family know and love. I love me some trivia and Christmas movies so I just had to pick this up.

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The title is weirdly clunky, but the book is set up wonderfully - full of vibrant colors and artwork, it really is an ultimate collection of Christmas movies as it’s full of holiday classics and favorite watches, along with many readers may decide to try watching (though it was minus a really big one, imho - Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001) - going by the logic that DIe Hard and Eyes Wide Shut are both Christmas movies).

This is bound to be an absolutely enjoyable family/friends activity and would make a fun Secret Santa gift.

Thank you to Epic Ink and NetGalley for the PDF

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The Christmas quiz is a tradition in many families and groups of friends, and if that's true of you, this book provides a range of questions. Each set is specific to a certain film - some obviously Christmassy like 'Elf' and 'the Santa Clause', others more tentatively so - like 'Die Hard'. The questions are multiple choice and are not guessable if you haven't seen the film, or even if you haven't seen it recently. So how useful the book is really depends on how many of the films you have watched recently or regularly enough in the past to have a good memory of it.

It could be a good companion if you intend to actually watch some of the films together, as a short follow up the next day or afterwards, if you enjoy quizzes. Most of the films are on around Christmas, even if you don't have ready access to them on a streaming site of choice.

If you and your family/friends are not familiar with a lot of Christmas films, it is probably less useful. The questions are too specific to the individual films to be useful for more general quizzes. There is less trivia than I'd expected, just a few facts per section. So if you're a general knowledge buff or trivia fan looking to soak up a bit of extra information, this isn't the ideal place to get it from.

It could make a good Christmas gift for someone who loves Christmas films and is familiar with many of them.

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An excellent book for Christmas, especially to share with family and friends as a game. This covers every genre and the best known of Christmas movies - it may be a good idea to rewatch some beforehand, though, as some of the questions are hard! Very nicely illustrated and great fun.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy in return for an honest review.

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Difficult to review, as the ARC was in terrible condition | Such a fun idea, and it's only too bad that so very many of the movies are ones that I, a Christmas fanatic, have never even heard of. A significant number of the rest are movies I've heard of but have less than no interest in seeing, and my friends and family have very similar taste in movies to mine, so that limits the fun we could have with the book. I'm sure that people who enjoy more horror and violence in their holiday films than I do will have a wider range of the quizzes they can take. Fortunately, the quizzes for the raunchier movies don't lean into that for the questions, I've seen Bad Santa, and its questions could have been much dirtier, haha! That the answers are upside down on the same page means the person reading the questions aloud will have to cover the page to participate, and it seems that having those answers at the end of the book might have been a better way to go. The main difficulty was how significantly not ready for review the ARC was. Graphics and text were overlaid incorrectly, so that the words couldn't be read. The background of most pages was pixelated. Graphics and text were offset on the page so that they didn't line up as intended. There were instructions for the publishers across a two-page spread. Some text is essentially double printed, causing a blurred look. I hope these issues will be ironed out prior to publication, and would suggest ebook buyers check the sample before purchasing, to be certain.

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Thank you, Epic Ink, for the ARC.

This is such a fun trivia book! I am a movie enthusiast of the 90s and I am sure the adults will enjoy this book the most!

The questions are fun and the options are really good! The presentation is fun with the colourful fun illustrations.

Perfect for the holidays and yes, you gotta involve everyone. IT IS GOING TO BE A HUGE COMPETITION! Have fun!

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Thank you NetGalley for this arc!

This book was very fun, I don’t know as much as I thought I did! Writing is very small on certain devices

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This is such a good Christmas quiz book and am sure loads of family’s will love to the quizzes in this book. Some of the questions are easy and some are hard but that makes the book more fun as it keeps you guessing. I liked all the illustrations in this book they are well drawn and make the book that more interesting to read and I am sure most people will know the Christmas movies that’s in this book. I am so glad the author wrote this book and I can’t wait to buy an actually physical copy so I can do these quizzes at Christmas time. Great Christmas quiz book. The author kept the spirit of Christmas though out the whole book ⛄️ 🎅🏻xxx

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This book is the perfect addition to those holiday family gatherings! I only did a quick perusal, not wanting to spoil everything, but this will definitely be brought out this christmas season.

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