Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
4 stars book from me. Loved the plot and the storytelling in All I Want Is You and relatable, likable characters,. Loved every single second reading it.

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Thank you so much for the arc, I was so excited to read this book even though it’s on September 🙈 the Christmas vibes were immaculate and I loved Jess and nick as characters. It’s clear from the start that they are meant to be together and although you could call the book predictable it’s exactly what I needed it to be 🥰. This book was so heartwarming and cozy which is what you want for a Christmas themed book, it actually had me fully tearing up. I think this just might be my favourite Christmas book. I can’t wait to see other people’s thoughts on this one because it was amazing!

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This book is short and sweet. Falon Ballard never misses, and I love the Christmas vibe of it, it’s just the perfect amount of holiday cheer.

The story is about Jess and Nick (love the New Girl shoutout) two writers who used to date and then one Christmas they break up. After spending years apart, he’s grown into a huge success for romance novels with no happy endings, and her career is still kind of stuck, even though she has published, she still couldn’t do it full time. They reconnect because she is expected to hand him an award and then they have to unravel and go through their relationship after being apart for so long.

It’s a second chance romance, with all the perfect tropes in it - not a fan of miscommunication trope but it works for this story, since it’s not totally in the way and it makes sense.

Anyway, loved the book, and if I could, I’d give a 4.5 star. Cutesy and funny. Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and author for providing me this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Great and fun holiday romance!

I liked this book! I am a big lover of second chance romance, and if there is closed proximity and only one bed added to the mix... sign me up! All I Want is You was easy to read, with a quick pace and fun story, and I finished it in two sittings. I would give it 3.5 stars. I really enjoyed the first 70% of the book, I connected to the characters (I was so happy it was dual POV!) and the pace of the story was good, although I am a bit sceptical of the fact a book was written within 2/3 days, but I guess it could be possible... I also enjoyed the friendship and support between Jess and the other authors!

Unfortunately, the ending felt a bit rushed and weak for me. Throughout the book, I was expecting a bit explanation for why Jess and Nick broke up in the first place, and there was so much mystery about it that I expected a good reason or something very dramatic, but I found it to be a bit weak and I felt slightly disappointed. I get that they are still in love, but they were broken up for five years, and then got back together within a week of reconnecting... I would have liked for it to have dragged on for longer, it would have made sense to need more time to think through everything. I did love the "grand gesture", it fit so well with the characters story and perfectly romantic.

This was my first book by Falon Ballard and I really enjoyed her writing and voice, so I will definitely check out some of her other books too!

Overall, All I Want is You is a fun and fast-paced holiday romance, and I recommend you add it to your Christmas TBR!

Thanks to NetGalley, Headline, and Falon Ballard for the opportunity to read an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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All I Want is You is the latest novel from Falon Ballard, and you’ll be wanting to put it on your winter TBR for sure.

I’m already a big fan of Ballard’s and was looking forward to this one as soon as it was announced. It’s a short but very sweet read that is perfect for the festive season. In it we have a second chance, lovers to rivals to lovers situation, with snowed in forced proximity, oh and there’s only one bed! Add to this that our MCs are both romance writers and you’ve got a winner on your hands.

Jess has always wanted her own happily ever after, but until that happens she’ll continue to write them in the hope of soothing her own heartache. Heartache caused by her ex Nick, who left her broken hearted at Christmas. The same ex who is now a household name author who writes romances that don’t have happy endings! When professional obligations find them snowed in, and forced to share a room!, at the same remote inn before Christmas Jess is fuming! Can the friction they both feel be just the spark they need to get them out their own writing slumps? But if that spark ignites will Jess be able to give Nick the second chance he’s coming to realise he desperately wants?

I love how Ballard gifts us with such brilliant and knowing contemporary romances. In Right in Cue we had a romance writer acting in her own rom com and in All I Want is You we have a pair of authors who are trying to write their next book, whilst snowed in with their publishers. I loved all the nods to different tropes, and the characters literally living them out, and the arguments over whether romances must have HEAs and why the MCs approached their stories in the way they do.

This was a perfect story for duel POV and allowed us to get closer to each MC. I also enjoyed the inclusion of their first 3 Christmas as a couple which helped to chart the rise and fall of their prior relationship.

This was such a fun read and one I’d definitely recommend.

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This was cute! I really enjoyed the story, the second chance romance forced proximity is one of my favourite tropes. A very cute Christmas read and really quick to get through. The third act conflict was a bit weak but the grand gesture was so adorable and made up for it.

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Jess & Nick ❤️

🏆When Jess’ publisher asks her to hand out the Romance Author of the Year award to their star author Nick, she’s reluctant but resigned to the fact that she really doesn’t have much choice.

💻As previous critique partners, the pair supported each other’s work and became so much more to each other. That was until Nick broke up with Jess, breaking both of their hearts.

🛌He would love the chance to get back together, but even just being able to speak to Jess would make him happy. Can the year end party at the cozy inn be just what is needed for a second chance romance?

📚I adored Falon Ballard’s Lease on Love debut, and this latest, holiday themed story from her felt some of the same, set in Brooklyn, vibe. The dual POV gives great insight into what our couple are thinking and feeling. Mostly though I loved how the pages of the stories both Jess and Nick are writing reflected their thoughts and needs, their separation, their proximity. It’s clever and so sweet, kind of like the peppermint mocha in the backdrop 😉

Read an eARC copy courtesy of Netgalley and the publisher
My rating 4.5/5 - ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️💫
Pub Date 24 Sep 2024

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This was so adorable and it's being added to my very official, world renowned 'Favourite Christmas Books of All Time' list.

The trope-ificiation of books is a hot topic on booktok at the moment and the next time it inevitably comes around I'm going to wave this book in front of them as proof on how to do tropes PROPERLY. The blurb of this book uses tropes to advertise the book and said tropes are named in conversation throughout the book in a very tongue-in-cheek way because these characters are romance authors and it makes sense. It IS one bed trope! it IS second chance romance! it DOES have a HEA! And those tropes don't feel thrown in for marketability, they're seamless and they make sense for the story. It's been a pet peeve of mine recently to see publishers and authors truly reach to put meaningless tropes on their graphics to entice readers, only to pick up the book and have them not be accurate, so this made me really happy.

The magic of Christmas is in full effect during the book - snowstorms, cozy sweaters and Christmas trees galore. Having Jessica be a Christmas lover while Nick is a grinch is a great contrast. Their character development throughout the story was so interesting to read about. Their reunion felt authentic because they'd both had the time to think about what went wrong previously between them. Their reconciliation was earned. The grand gesture was also a nice touch that I think a lot of writers and readers can appreciate.

My one critique is that the reason for their original breakup seemed a little contrived. His reason for breaking things off with her didn't seem entirely reasonable or genuine so it brought me out of the story a little but it was easy to breeze through because everything else was so delightful.

Quick, cozy and full of Christmas spirit, I would 100% recommend this to anyone looking for a romance over the holiday period!

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Thank you Netgalley and Headline for my ARC copy.

I absolutely adored this book, I was very unsure at how they were going to make the second chance romance work in a way that didn't annoy me. However this book did it so well I really enjoyed seeing the way they worked everything out in the end. Plus the ending was super cute. Will 100% be recommending this to everyone.

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I'm a sucker for second-chance romances but this didn't quite hit it for me. It felt a bit too on the nose for the two characters to be writing a romance together that was exactly their personalities (sassy vs reserved). I also found that the pacing was a little off.

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This book is an absolute favorite of mine! I enjoyed reading it during summer even though it’s a bit more holiday themed. I think it’s my favorite by Fallon so far! Her books are so relatable and funny. I was so curious to see why our MC despised our LI so much! I wanted to know why exact he did what he did and if they would get there own happy ending. Book perfection. Please check this one out’ perfect book to curl up with any season!

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