Member Reviews

The Vengeance was a refreshingly unique tale that started off set on a pirate ship and descended into upper-class France, with all its balls and frivolities and splendor. The main character, Morgan, is authentic and resilient regardless of the journey she goes on and the difficulties she faces throughout the book, and I enjoyed her rejection of societal values that she saw as nonsensical as well as the love and loyalty she showed towards her crew and the people she met. Although there wasn't much emphasis on the main fantasy element towards the latter part of the book, and I wish we got to see more of Morgan's life at sea, this was a good read nonetheless and I'm looking forward to the next in the series.

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I really enjoy have a strong FMC. Morgane is loyal and can handle herself in a fight!

I loved everything about the pirate part of the story (which was basically) 3/4 of the whole book but I was expecting by the cover and description for there to be a bit more related to vampires. I felt as though the vampire part was sped through and wrapped up quickly to end the book BUT my hopes are that there will be a book two!

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It's hard for me to rate The Vengeance by Emma Newman, because it doesn't quite fit the title or description.

First of all, it's got The Vampires of Dumas right there on the cover but this is first and foremost a pirate story. I enjoy a good pirate story so I appreciated that aspect of it, but there's no hint of vampires until the end, the 85% mark. Based on the description, it feels like the story doesn't really start until this point and then it peaks and wraps so quickly in the last 10%. But how? It appears there's to be more books in the series but I have no idea how that will work or where the story would go.

Settling on a 3 star. It's got a bit of slow pacing but I like the pirate story. Overall left me feeling confused.

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A brilliant page turner with great characters,
, especially the lead character Morgane, who starts the story as a pirate and then discovers her ancestry is not what it appears to be. I was attracted to the book by the mention of Dumas, who is one of my favourite authors. and I was impressed by the novel, and really enjoyed it. Highly recommended.

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The Vengeance is a fun adventure about pirates, vampires, and a woman’s quest to uncover the truth of her parentage. Morgane is entertaining as a narrator and relatable in many ways (I also don’t see the point in certain social frivolities and the rich only getting richer). She’s fair, loyal and can handle herself well in a fight. I quite enjoyed following her along in a story that is mainly character driven.
Morgane navigates through drastic changes in her circumstance, going all the way from swashbuckling to vampire hunting while contending with a sudden shift in social class. Once a pirate, now the daughter of a Comtesse.

The pirate aspect of the book was one of the best parts, it was well researched and felt authentic. This, however, only highlights the one thing I have to say against the book. Which is that there just wasn’t enough time spent in the vampire portion. It’s well over 75% of the way through before we really get a hint of the vampire aspect of the book and even then, I felt the story would’ve benefited by swaying a little longer in that direction. I find myself still wanting to know more about how vampires are tied into the nobility, apart from Isabeau and the Comte.

Hopefully, this is further explored in the following instalment in the series.

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