Member Reviews

Tara's patient, Mia, has a vision of her killing her best friend, Alice.
Tara sets about to investigate this, and to find out if Mia is guilty of the crime, and if this is nothing more than a false memory.
She finds out that several people have the motive and opportunity to have killed Alice, but each suspect is holding back, or blatantly lying.

This book was good, but the pace was too slow for me. There are many twists, but to keep up with the lies that are told by the characters, I really had to concentrate.
It is full of suspense, and quite emotional as Mia is struggling with guilt.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this book.

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This book was good. I had a couple guesses who did it but I was wrong. I did like the characters in the book. The one thing that irked me was the phrase used “bushy-tailed and bright-eyed”. It’s probably only because I’ve heard it “bright-eyed and bushy-tailed”. But other than that, I liked it.

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Although this is a slow burner glad I stuck with it! A twisted tale full of lies and deceit, it’s a great read and i loved it!

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The Guilty Patient is a suspenseful, action-packed thriller. My main issue with the book was that there seemed to be way too many plots for one book. Clearly, if you had read her previous book, you'd understand a bit more of some of the side comments and character interactions. While I was intrigued with Mia's story, most of the book was spent on Tara. I, personally, didn't care about Tara's relationship with her brother or what happened to their family (maybe I would have if I'd read her previous book). I did enjoy the actual mystery around Mia and who killed her friend. I was continuously guessing throughout, which I do love in a thriller. This book was a bit all over the place, which is possibly why my review seems disorderly. Overall, there was just too much going on that didn't actually connect for me to enjoy the book.

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I really enjoyed The Guilty Patient by Luana Lewis. Though it stared a bit slow it quickly picked up and was hard to put down.

Pregnant Mia seeks the help of Psychologist Dr Tara Black, after having recurrent visions of her friend Alice's death years earlier. Thinking she may have played a role in her death, Mia is unable to find peace and enjoy her pregnancy. She knows Alice was planning on leaking a big secret that would affect both of them. She also knew she was jealous of the relationship Alice was in with boyfriend
Tom because she herself was in love with Tom. But could she be that angry or jealous to commit such a violent act?

Tara is immediately drawn to her new patient, but seems to have her own past issues she needs to deal with. Going back and forth between the two pasts, Tara uncovers answers, some she wasn't ready for, and as a result both she and Mia can begin their healing process.

The story alternates between Mia and Tara with more emphasis on Tara and her past. It alternates between past and present, and at times can get a little confusing but is a good story.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the advanced copy

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I really enjoyed this thriller about a young pregnant woman that comes to see a psychologist to try and work out what happened the night her friend died. She has been carrying the pain of her death for years and as she nears the end of her pregnancy is unable to bond or get excited about the baby due to her fears that she may have had something to do with her friends death. As Tara tries to get to the bottom of the demons haunting her patient and delve deeper into her life and family she is also chasing some secrets of her own. This is one of these books where you are constantly changing your mind about what happened and it takes some time to actually like the young woman or understand why she is the way she is. A really good read with a great twist at the end.

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📖 Book Review 📖 Memories are sneaky. Mia has been grieving the death of her best friend Alice. Through her grief, she ended up marrying AlIce’s boyfriend Tom and now the two are expecting a baby. At the end of the pregnancy, Mia has recovered the memory that she herself killed Alice. The Guilty Patient is one twisty ride through lies, secrets, and bombshells that are bound to be uncovered. But Luana Lewis leads us to question how reliable our memories can be, especially when related to trauma in this absolutely thrilling novel.

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Mia is struggling with memories of the night her best friend died. She decides to see Dr. Tara Black to help her discover what really happened the night her friend died. Could Mia have killed her? Was it an accident? She has pieces of what happened that night but she needs Dr. Black to help her process everything and push her to not give up.
I enjoyed this book but it was a slow read and even though there were some twists and turns, I found them to be a little predictable. Still worth the read though!

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There was entirely too much going on in this book. Switching from person to person in chapters was a lot. Multiple story lines. Slow paced on top of it all. Struggled to finish.

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What a read...

Alice died at the lake and Mia and her husband Tom are now revisiting the place where Mia cannot recal what truly happened..

Mia has confessed to killing Alice and has flashbacks..can these thoughts be trusted to be true and did Mia do what she thinks she did.

Dr Tara is a therapist and Mia is trusting her to help her remember.

This is a drama filled novel with twists galore. It is a fabulous read and One I really enjoyed..

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Mia can not remember if she killed her friend. When she starts going to therapy some memories start resurfacing and people’s stories start changing.

This was a fast paced thriller. It sucks you in right from the beginning! I love thrillers that have twist and turns that you don’t see coming and this book has just that! It started off a little slow but made up for it! Would highly recommend.

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I really enjoyed her last book but had a hard time getting into this one. Mia can’t remember if she killed her friend or not, so she enlists Dr Tara blacks help. I enjoyed hearing about Tara’s previous case and more information about her brother, but found that I skimmed most of it. I wasn’t that interested in Mia or the people around her.

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The Guilty Patient
By: Luana Lewis
Publisher: Bookouture
Pub Date: October 14, 2024

Mia is returning to a place where her friend Alice was found dead at the lake years ago. She is going back with her husband Tom, and has never really spoken about that weekend.
She is now seeing a therapist and is having flashbacks? New memories are coming back. Could she have been responsible? Are they false memories? Is she being manipulated?
This noel explores a few scenarios which lead to several possibilities. She was not the only one there that weekend. Some memories stay hidden to protect us?
This novel is fast-paced and what you want in a suspense psychological thriller.

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Kind of slow to start but just stick with it and it will gradually pick up pace. It is kind of a family drama novel. Several twists and turns.

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We have met Dr Tara Black in the previous book and she plays one of the main roles again. She is not the only recurring character though. There are two more who make a reappearance. 

Tara is not the only one who is struggling to remember what happened that one horrific night many years ago. Her new patient also seems to have trouble recalling the details of that particular evening that turned her world upside down.

Tara will not stop until she has done everything she can to help her patient, trying to find out if she is indeed a guilt y patient.

In the meantime, Tara is still trying to work through her grief, but there might be light at the end of the tunnel.

This is a story about trauma and feeling guilty It also shows how the past can effect the present. There are a lot of emotions involved and let's not forget about the twists and turns...

The author created interesting characters and although I found it a bit slow paced, it's is still a great book. 4,5 stars.

Thank you

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