Member Reviews

This shouldn't have been boring, but it was. The premise isn't that original, but the fun should come from the telling, not solely the plot. This felt like an interminable WhatsApp from a friend who insists on sharing every dull detail and explaining every dull action. And oh my god, who says 'flucking'? If it was to hammer home what a very ordinary, law-abiding, well behaved woman our protagonist was, it was severely laboured.
The writing has no life, no cleverness and no joy. I won't bother reading the next one.

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This isn't my typical read but it sounded interesting -- I can't believe how quickly I got sucked into the story! I put everything else aside to finish this, which luckily didn't take long. The characters were so relatable, even though I have nothing in common with them, and I felt for them for their loss and betrayal. It was so great that these completely different women could band together instead of being angry at each other. Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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Such a superb read. I love when woman come together and bond and help each other. Went somewhere I didn't suspect but was a fabulous read from beginning to end.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an early release of this book.

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Very quick and fun read, I found myself instantly liking Jules, the main character of the story. She seems as if she would be someone I could be friends with.
The story slowly draws you in, there are times when I would think, how is she not questioning this, but also understand how she is just going with the flow and enjoying life and her relationship.
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a quick light read.

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Combine the 2014 film "The Other Women", the TV show Snapped and maybe a documentary and you'll get the exact same feels as I did reading this story.
I absolutely LOVED this read!
It's not a crazy, drama filled, fast paced story. It slowly pulls you in to the point you loose the ability to stop reading.
Spoilers may be ahead...
It was amazing to read a story that began with one 'mistress' rather than the wife. All the little red flags are there right from the start. Subtle to begin with. But as the story progresses, each become brighter and more blaring.
This was an amazing story of accidental 'sisters'. There wasn't catty hate between the women. Just solidarity and life long bonds.
Love love LOVED!

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It is often hard to believe that such strong and successful women that Jess, Jude, Jules and Jaz would fall for such and narcissistic and devious man like Sean but he played upon what they were seeking and pretended to devote himself entirely to satisfy these hopes as he purported all to be the loves of his life. He preyed upon Jules desire for company, Jess and her buying a house and Jaz and her desire to have a baby. What was also interesting is that once the relationship stretched longer in time was his capacity to make up excuses to prolong the time that he saw each one of them. Once they all found each other, they realized a strong bond formulated by pearl gumball rings, Cristal and red roses. I applaud Jules and her tenacity of bringing everyone together as well as each one opening up to each other regarding their shared experiences. The end was classic and he would never have expected what these women were capable of. He certainly found out!

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Jules is a divorced woman with a child, Max. She really isn’t interested in finding another relationship but happens to start one when Sean is in the same restaurant and suggests a good bottle of wine for her to try, and then buys it for her. They hit it off and are in a relationship for 5 years - not married but seeing each other as often as Sean’s travels for business will allow. When something happens to Sean and his phone is at her house, Jules sees messages coming in from another woman and some of the phrases strike similar with things in her own relationship with Sean. Jules starts digging, and soon finds other woman in relationships with Sean. This is a quick read and has some interesting characters. A decent book for a light reading day. I give the book 3 stars.

Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for this digital ARC in exchange for my honest review. It is due to be published October 8, 2024.

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This book offers an engaging story, though it does take a bit of time to fully draw you in. The pacing at the beginning may feel slow for some readers, but once the plot picks up, it becomes quite compelling. The characters are well-developed, and the storyline is both thoughtful and memorable. Overall, it’s a satisfying read that is worth the initial patience.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was my first book I was able to review and it did not disappoint. I was sucked in on page one and not many books do that for me usually it takes a chapter or so for me to figure out if I want to read something! I finished this book in just under 2.5 hours. I couldn’t put it down.

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This novel has explored themes of betrayal, trust, self-discovery, and most importantly the power of sisterhood. The book begins as the protagonist navigates her post-relationship life, trying to protect herself from further heartbreak. The story touches on the complexities of modern relationships, emotional manipulation, and the importance of solidarity between women. Ultimately, it delves into how confronting painful truths can lead to unexpected strength and personal growth.


Relatable Protagonist: Jules is a compelling lead, and her emotional journey resonates with anyone who has faced betrayal and sought healing.

Engaging Plot: The mystery surrounding Sean's behavior, culminating in the shocking revelation that Jules is one of multiple women in his life, provides ample suspense and intrigue.

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Sean is a bit of a ladies man and with three other women on the go Jules finds herself wondering why she bothered with him.

Jules hasn't had much luck with her men and she thought Sean was different. When she finds blood everywhere and his phone ringing in the garden she has more to contend with.

This is a good read but not a brilliant one. It is funny in places and everyone will find a little of themselves within the pages. it is a true to life tale and being a shortish read it was perfect for a dull rainy day when I had nothing else to do

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I enjoyed the plot of this book, however I feel like the writing could have been a touch more refined. I found myself skimming occasionally because the writing felt childlike or not complete. I would still recommend to friends and family regardless.

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Quick read and very enjoyable. Hits a little close to home. Glad I chose to read it. The story was well written and easy to follow.

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