Member Reviews

Fire is novella number 3 in the author's Elements series. It follows on from Water (November 2023) and Earth (April 2024). For those who are not familiar with the books, they are loosely connected to each other, they can be read as standalone. In the case of Water and Earth the main character from Earth was somewhat of a lesser character in Water. Here, our protagonist, Freya, has connections to the character from Earth. The stories are also told from the viewpoint of the protagonist throughout.

In Fire we meet Freya, who is a doctor that specializes in burns, and plastics. We follow her over the course of a few months of her life, and she also dips into her childhood, which explains some of her characteristics and behaviour.

It's a short book, so to go into too much detail would definitely be a spoiler, but I thought it was fascinating. If I had the time I think I probably would have read it in one sitting, but instead I was forced to spread it over a couple of days. It more than surpassed my expectations. The subject matter may not be the easiest for some, and there are certain some uncomfortable moments, but I thought it was a very well put together story. If you have been eagerly waiting for this after reading the other two then you are in for a real treat.

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The third part of The Elements series.
The first,Water, had a definite calmness about it. Earth had far more conflict, and here we have compulsive and totally amoral behaviour.
Freya is a highly skilled surgeon specialising in plastic surgery, particularly for burns victims. She is on the face of it a successful, self-sufficient thirty something years old single woman, but she has a darker side to her character. She has a predatory side.
The story bounces along between two timelines, her adolescence and the pres3nt day. She has had an unusual upbringing, living most of the year in rural Norfolk with her single grandmother and then spending a month in the summer with her mother in Cornwall. It was during this holiday when she was twelve that she endured some traumatic events that had repercussions for the rest of her life.
I had looked forward to this latest book, and it did not disappoint. John Boyne has done it again!

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Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read this book in return for an honest review. I absolutely loved the first 2 books in this series so I was excited to read the new book Fire. It is definitely a dark story that deals with a very difficult subject. I found it fascinating and deeply disturbing and I was blown away by the quality of the writing. John Boyne never disappoints. I love how he makes a short novella feel really complex and well thought out. I felt as though I had read a 500 page novel as it contained everything, so much depth and complexity. I would definitely recommend this book to all. 5 stars without a doubt.

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Fantastic book, read in one sitting..abuse and revenge..who is the victim? The only part I don't like is having to wait until May for Air to come out!

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I can't give John Boyne's writing anything less than five stars but the story... So hard to read and so disturbing. Freya is complex and her actions are evil but can they be excused by what happened in her childhood? This is a book to be discussed at length and it will linger in my mind for a very long time. I have to say that I preferred Water and Earth but that's purely because I felt some sympathy for the protagonists, I found it hard to feel any empathy at all towards Freya but that's what makes Boyne such an amazing writer.

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He just keeps getting better and better.

The protagonist of the third novel in the elements quartet is Freya. Freya is a surgeon specialising in skin grafts in the burns unit. With her profession comes wealth, respect, trust, but Freya has a mysterious past and a dark secret.

Such a short book packs such a powerful punch and I am eager to find someone to talk about this with. A brilliant bookclub pick!

Thank you NetGalley and Doubleday for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow what an outstanding yet completely uncomfortable read. This series is just so well linked together, and Freya is the worst character ever

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Wow, what a shocking read!

This is my fourteenth John Boyne book of 2024, and although I know to expect some incredible writing I am always amazed by what he can do with words.

The crafting of this narrative is incredible - it's dark, it's challenging, but it is so very captivating.

I am so grateful to the publisher for contacting me about this ARC, and can't wait for Aaron's story in Air.

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Do I even need to read a John Boyne novel before giving it five stats? Probably not, but I love nothing better than reading his writing so I'm more than happy to.

Fire is the third of the Element series and comes with a number of trigger warnings for sexual abuse. One thing about Boyne is that he doesn't duck the major issues and those who have read the previous novels in this 'series' will know that this is also a hard hitting novel. To tell more of the synopsis will give way to spoilers so I won't but this book cements Boyne as my favourite author.

Thanks to Netgalley and Random House UK, Transworld Publishers | Doubleday for an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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This is the third in John Boyne's elements series of short novels. I found this one to be very disturbing, as Freya seems to have no conscience at all. She had a terrible childhood, and this theme of a damaged child - (does it excuse later behaviour? ) is examined in the book. The writing is concise and never becomes gratuitous. I loved the text messages sent by George which showed his immaturity. It's hard to say more about the plot without giving spoilers, but there were a couple of parts which stretched credulity. The links between the three novels so far are becoming more obvious. I had to re-read them all again to find the links I had missed. I hope that all the threads are pulled together in the last book, Air. Sadly I will have to wait until next year to find out. It is always a treat to read a John Boyne - I loved this.

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I find this a difficult book to review as the content is hard-hitting and disturbing. It’s not my usual kind of novel but I couldn’t put it down. It’s definitely darker than the previous two novels in the series and I sometimes had to have a short break to process what I had read. Yet Fire is so cleverly, sparsely written and made me think. Freya’s childhood is desperately sad. Details from the first two books are cleverly brought into this third novella and I eagerly await the fourth. Beautifully written, challenging and thought-provoking.

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Fire is the third novel in John Boyne’s Elements Quartet
Freya Petrus is a 36 year old surgeon specializing in skin grafts. In her job she has genuine care and concern for her patients. She’s assisted by a young medical student Aaron whom she barely acknowledges.
Freya is attractive, lives in a desirable flat and on the face of it should have everything going for her.
However after experiencing a shocking trauma in childhood, she’s become someone capable of vindictive cruelty.
The reader is left to decide whether this is due to her childhood experiences or if she has always had these traits?
With themes of child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault Fire is a dark and disturbing read, however the author has never flinched from such detail when the story demands it. Like the previous two books there is a lot to debate about right and wrong. Nothing is clear cut. These are books that really make you think.
John Boyne also cleverly interlinks characters from the previous two books and I can’t wait to see how he ends the quartet when the final book Air is published next year.

Many thanks to Transworld, Penguin Random House & NetGalley for an ARC

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This is the third book in Boyne's Elements series, and like the previous two it packs a punch. The focus of the story this time is Freya, a successful surgeon that seems to have an extremely privileged life, but it wasn't always like that, Freya's is a life built on darkness. As you would expect with a book that features rape, and child abuse it isn't an easy read, but Boyne handles the topics brilliantly and really draws you in to Freya's story.

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Fire is the third novella in the series about the elements by best selling writer John Boyne. Each is a standalone story but with common themes of people questioning elements of their character. Are they the person they always believed themselves to be?
Fire is the darkest book yet, as we study the life of a plastic surgeon specialising in burns victims.
On the surface Freya is a successful, attractive woman in her mid 30s with all the trappings of success. But no-one really knows her, or what happened to her at 12 year old. We discover Freya has a secret life based on cruelty and revenge. We find out the reason why. Boyne then poses the ultimate cliff hanger, as the book ends with Freya needing to make a decision. Our verdict will determine whether or not we believe she is a sociopath versus someone who regrets her actions and can feel empathy.
I literally dropped everything to read this book and I wasn't disappointed. Boyne parses his writing to be economical in description and unnecessary emotion, yet the book pulsates with fury and barely concealed restraint. Once again I am blown away by the writing. This is the tragedy of a person with so much potential whose life was ruined as a child. Was it nature or nurture that determined her reaction?

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4.5 stars
Oh wow, what a difficult book. I’ve read Boyne’s other works in the Elements series and loved them, and this is the same. Boyne explores the incredibly difficult subject of rape and child abuse and women abusers. I tore through this book in a day, desperate to find out what was going to happen to Freya. While the subject matter and plot were so hard to read, I think Boyne tackled these issues and these scenes with as much respect as they demanded.

I also enjoyed how the book linked with the other 2 in the series, it really feels like a well thought out and planned group of books. I am eagerly awaiting the final instalment.

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Fire is dark, disturbing and brilliantly written. I won’t go into any more detail on the plot as I wouldn’t want to give anything away.

For me, at the centre of this novel is a complex moral debate, John Boyne has written sympathetically about a difficult subject, and at times Fire was difficult to read. But I read it in one sitting and was hooked throughout. I had different reactions to Freya. What the manipulative adult Freya does is unforgivable and terribly sad. What happened to the child Freya was also very sad and damaging. The story then throws up questions - to what extent could I as the reader seek to understand or find an explanation for the actions she took as an adult. How much were her actions as a child a result of what happened to her?

I also found it interesting that when the adult Freya lost control of a situation, was she a victim at in the new dynamic? What made the other party act as they did? Again back to the nature/nurture debate.

Having read Water and Earth I enjoyed the references to these previous stories, and also to the wider themes of earth, water, fire and air.

Another brilliant book from John Boyne, and I can’t wait to read Air.

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This book is shocking.

After reading the first two books, I knew it wasn't going to be an easy read.

This book is 3 of 4 in an Elements series, and all have a theme of pedophilia, with each book a different story and a different relationship to the crime. This is a book that you want to read, as the writing is always good and you've read the earlier books in the series, but it is a book you are not sure you can - I felt this so strongly at the end of one chapter - I want to know where the story goes, but not sure I can read anymore.

John Boyne does not waste words, the story is so tight, that although the books are short, you feel every sentence - this is good for a full on read but does not give you any respite from the story. So I don't think it should change, just need to prepare yourself as you go to read it. You have to choose your time and environment to read. There are some great sentences in it, "The cave, the grave, these waves" was so profound. The desperation and frenzy generated by the long text exchange is thrilling.

Freya is drawn as a detailed character - and a large theme through the book is the duplicity of hurting and at the same time trying to fix people in her role as a doctor. How can a person live with such opposite and competing wants, it must be exhausting, and we do see that come through at the end. I had huge admiration of her progress given the childhood neglect

The plot is really clever, from the childhood trauma, to her career, her actions, where she lives, how she finds her prey etc. The end comes quickly. thankfully, as not sure I'd have been able for more.

I did wonder at linking characters in the book back to the earlier novels, particularly Rebecca. I felt her outburst at meeting was strange and indeed wonder did she know Aaron's story - and if she did are they the best match as a couple. Did Freya need to be living in the footballers's apartment or on the jury - it added nothing to the story, and I was wondering was there going to be more of an overlap of the story. But having said all that, I am hopeful of a line or two in the fourth book that tells us more on Frerya's story.

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This is the third book in John Boyne's Elements Quartet and following on from the previous two this packs a huge powerful punch.

This is a one sit reading. It can't be anything else as you are pulled into the world of Freya. As a child , she was the victim of horrendous acts but as an adult her retribution is dark to say the least.

Freya works on the burns unit at a hospital helping to save lives and ideally give back some hope to victims . She is supported by her secretary Louise and new intern Aaron who she tolerates. But beyond the confines of the hospital and saving lives Freya leads a darker life - a sinister existence.

John Boyne pushes the boundaries of societal expectations with regards to horrific personal tragedies and punishments and challenges our thinking - sometime manipulating our thoughts in the most difficult ways - twisting our sense of victim and perpetrator

It is difficult to write about the plot as to do so would add spoilers. There are threads that link the previous novels Earth and Water to Fire. This - like the previous books- opens up debate, darkens our thoughts and horrifies more than the other novels- you will need to find a friend who has read this book and the others to unwind your responses; express your emotions; reflect upon the world we live in.

John Boyne is a master storyteller and in all his work digs deep in to the human's darker recesses.- pushing taboos.

This is a story about the perpetrator but also about the long term damage to victims

This is a book that will linger long after reading- it will cause debate but most certainly draw more attention to something none of us want to or do consider and possibly give a light of hope to the victims of such crimes that they won't be forgotten

As for stars --- it is difficult- Five stars for a master storyteller.... but in relation to giving stars to the plot , the content and the impact then that in itself is a challenge. I'm sure many others will find this a dilemma.


The elements destroy everything. Think of water. When someone drowns, and their body floats back to shore, their features are so bloated it can be difficult to identify them. Think of earth. When a body is buried, it starts to decompose immediately. Think of air. If we’re deprived of it for even a few minutes, we die. Then think of fire. When someone’s physical appearance is damaged by burns, we turn away, repulsed. We don’t want to know.’

Can a person be blamed for how they were born? No, probably not. But it’s neither here nor there, is it? It’s the committing of the act that matters.

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