Member Reviews

***advance review copy received from NetGalley in return for an honest review***
I must admit I’m not a wild fan of first person narratives, I always find that the main character tends to come across poorly for me and I did find that to an extent here. I also wasn’t overly keen on the humour between the flatmates/friendship group - it just felt a bit forced and 90s sit-commy.
That said, once the book gets going it doesn’t really stop - there’s hardly any filler here, and I always think the mark of a decent story in this genre is a constant drip feed of new and relevant information to the character/s. Too many offerings rehash the same known facts and take too long to progress the plot, but this murder mystery reads more like a teen slasher movie when it moves into its second half.
It does also read more like a YA novel, which is fine but interesting given the main character is supposed to be just into her 30s. If you’ve read and enjoyed things like Truly Devious or A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder or even The Final Girl Support Group, I suspect you’ll find a lot to like here.

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A mystery thriller with a slash of humour. I struggled with the pace, setting and dialogue and failed to finish. A younger audience will appreciate the sly humour and cultural referenes.

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Everyone in the Group Chat Dies, is a mystery thriller centred on Kirby Cornell, who after leaving behind a massive secret receives a text from her friend Esme, who has been dead for the last year.

It is a quick read with characters full of personality and a pretty good mystery, that will leave you guessing until the end. However, I do feel that the two different timelines made it a little hard to follow. I also felt it was a little reference heavy at times.

I would recommend this book to readers that are looking for a fast-paced, funny mystery.

Thank you to NetGalley and Head of Zeus for this ARC.

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I very much enjoyed this writer's previous novel about the perils of online dating, and this new story is no less entertaining. Not to mention, topical in its treatment of issues such as our social media activities and obsessions with true crime and podcasts.

When the MC receives a message in the nearly-defunct group chat that she shares with her ex-flatmates, the warning that everyone on the group chat will die is bad enough. But it is made considerably worse by the fact that the apparent sender of the message died a year ago!

Fast-paced and funny, you'll glide through this one, giggling frequently along the way.

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A fast paced and mostly engaging storyline, with an ending that I didn’t see coming for most of the book! The use of the dual timeline added more interest to the overall story, whilst the utilisation of WhatsApp messages and mentions of social media made it more realistic in a digital age. There were points where I would become frustrated by the seemingly unnecessary tangents the main character would go on, as I felt this added little to the overall arc of the book. However, overall this was an enjoyable and compelling read.

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when esme messaged her group chat a year after her death … is it really her

the writing is extremely modern, twisty and quick witted.

a lot of Y/A’s could easily get into this style as it’s easily digestible and fast paced, especially with the inclusion of social media elements ( whatsapp, tiktok etc ).

personally, the plot gripped me and was very well executed. i love how esme’s modern day disappearance is linked into a past town mystery.

i would definitely read another book by this author.

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Thank the Crow I was selected for an ARC of this book. I loved Don't Swipe Right so leapt at the chance to read this new book early. I was definitely not disappointed!

It is set in 2 time periods (present and one year earlier) which I really liked and kept the intrigue going as present day Kirby would allude to things that past Kirby was going to experience.

Overall, the setting had a very Hot Fuzz meets Making a Murderer small town feel to it, which I really enjoyed as that's always an eerie setting, and I was kept guessing right to the end about the murderer's identity.

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First of all thank you for approving my request!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The authors writing style had me hooked throughout this book.

I didn't want it to end, a book I really couldn't put down.

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I enjoyed this book, it was a fast paced thriller with an interesting concept. I found the focus on armchair and online detectives to be novel and added an extra layer of intrigue to the plot.

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I really enjoy a good murder mystery/thriller. It’s my fav genre. This one was engaging and I did like it. Multiple characters can be a bit hard to follow but I still enjoyed this read. Thank you for an early copy of this book.

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"Everyone in the group chat dies" is a mystery/thriller book that keeps you hooked until the end. I couldn't stop reading and formulating my own ideas about the plot and where things were going.
The book is really well written and it made me laugh at times, feel excited in other moments and even cry a bit.
I wholeheartedly recommend this book for people who love a good story surrounded by mystery and with well written characters.

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Another enjoyable and fast-paced thriller from L.M. Chilton deals with the ramifications of social media, cancel culture, and journalistic ethics, all while telling a 'I Know What You Did Last Summer'-esque whodunit about a group of former flatmates being picked off following a traumatic incident one year prior. The characterisation outside of the lead isn't the strongest, but the mystery is strong and it has the hallmarks of another fun murder mystery from Chilton,

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A fast-paced, dark funny thriller where secrets unravel, paranoia rises and chaos ensues. Clever twists and sharp humour but the different time lines made it a confusing read at times

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I was pretty excited about this one, I like a humorous thriller something that does a bit of everything. So I was excited when I got this book.

It did not deliver for me, I found it irritating and boring. I liked the writing style so I would try this author again I just found the characters irritating. I couldnt get through it and I didnt want to know what happened to them.

I will give it one star because we must and one star because I didnt finish it.

Thank you for the ARC but I could not continue. I think others will like this based on what I read… I am hopeful for the author this is a hit.

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So. Much. Fun…
Just who exactly is the Crowhurst Killer? A group of flatmates, an obnoxious landlord, a dead end town, a chat group, social media sleuthing galore and the odd local spree killer. Kirby Cornell, local journalist finds herself in a whole heap of deadly trouble in this murderous romp with a deftly drawn cast of eclectic characters and a fast moving plot populated with much dark comedy and quirky one liners. Compelling and just.. so much fun.

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Kirby receives a Whatsapp notification from a group chat that has been inactive for a long time. The message is from Esme, an ex-flatmate, saying 'miss me?' The weird thing is, Esme died twelve months ago.

I found a lot of the book difficult to follow due to the conversations that went off on tangents about random topics, coupled with the two different timelines.

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