Member Reviews

When reading the blurb for this book, I was immediately hooked and requested with my fingers crossed, I am a huge fan of cosy mysteries and this one fit the bill perfectly.
A gated community in which the neighbours are friendly, distant but friendly. They all have their own lives, mysteries and quirks and they all get drawn together with a murder within their own community. When the body of a man is found, no one is sad- they all disliked him for his arrogance and incredibly poor treatment of his wife, a mousy woman, named Linda. Many just believe she shot him after too many hits and insults.
However, Celeste, owner of the homes, knows differently and she requests that two of the other residents, get stuck in to solving the murder, which then amounts to a plural! Murders…
Audrey is a cleaner and Lewis a writer- neither know the other but over time, a strange friendship and mutual respect is founded and they come to spend most days together plotting, examining and debating the evidence and clues, As the reader, you get drawn in to following their thinking, but also being left other clues they haven’t pieced together yet. I was kept guessing all the way through to the end!
I was really impressed with the plot and intricacies of the characters and suspects all living so closely together.

I highly recommend this one!

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