Member Reviews

I was a little nervous going into this one because I'm always wary about a professor/student dynamic being a teacher myself. That was not this book though, thank goodness. There was so much joy in this book that it made me smile so much. Lila and Reed were absolutely meant to be, and I loved watching their relationship develop. I especially loved how Reed fell equally as in love with Lila's mind as he did the rest of her. We love a man that lifts his queen up!

The only stipulation I had for this book was the age gap. Not because I thought it was a problem, but because I really did think that Lila had some growing up to do before jumping headfirst into a relationship. This was shown towards the end, but I would have liked a little more.

I will post my review for this book on my social media on 9/20.

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Wow, just wow! Honestly, this series was in my TBR for a very long time — I was waiting for the right moment to start it, and let me tell you, I found that right moment! First things first, I haven't read the first two books, so I kind of went in blind and got to know where the couples from the previous books ended up. But if you're afraid to start this series from this book, please don't be. It could be read as a standalone, and I definitely understood the family dynamic, which was basically the heart of this book. This warm feeling cocooned me from the very first interaction between Lila and her parents, and it didn't let me go until the end. It was perfect, you know? I absolutely adored this book and the message it sent. That message found me when I needed it the most, and I don't know if it's the universe telling me something or not, but this book felt like a hug after an exhausting day, like a breath of fresh air after being in a crowded room.

I was really hesitant to request it because I read that it's a forbidden attraction between an intern and her supervisor, and I'm not really a fan of such dynamics as I feared it could be another Aria x Ezra situation (yes, PLL traumatized me for life), but in no way did it feel like that. The age gap is quite big, but both characters are so mature and thoughtful; they absolutely understand the dynamic between them, and their bond is explored with such a care. It felt so layered and complex, so intense and powerful. I absolutely loved the connection between Lila and Reed and how their story evolved. The chemistry shone through the pages, and I was fascinated by it, but most importantly, I loved how strong and captivating they both were.

This book sends such a beautiful and empowering message, and I'm so, so, so thankful for it because I read it when I needed to hear those words of affirmation.

Lila is written for girls like myself — for girls who don't believe in their worth, who tend to minimize their achievements to not offend other people, for the pathological people pleasers. I felt so seen when I read her POV; it felt like Lisina Coney just wrote everything that I felt: every insecurity, every intrusive thought, every uncertainty. I absolutely loved Lila and how real she felt. My heart was literally breaking, and I wanted to scream whenever Lila doubted herself and couldn't believe that she deserved to be praised for her extraordinary mind, that she was valued because of who she is and not because of her parents or privilege.

The last 20% of this book showcased the real growth for Lila, and I absolutely loved how the healing was explored. How Lila needed to discover herself outside of her dreams to be able to move forward and accept that she was worth it, that she deserved the spot she fought for. Would I have wanted to read more about the time Lila spent in her aunt's city? Yes, sure, but even with this small amount of self-reflection, I believed in Lila's journey. I saw how she changed and matured throughout it all.

As for Reed, look, give me a man that doesn't believe in love until he meets that one girl, and I'll eat it up every time. He was perfect, and I don't even know where to start. His story broke my heart, but throughout the progression of this book, his story also mended my heart bit by bit. I loved how calm and collected, but at the same time so emotional, Reed was. How he acted with those kids from the youth center really made me want to cry because he never knew unconditional love and support, but he was still able to give those kids everything they needed.

Also, him and the puppy? I'm not even kidding, but when Reed and Lila were taking care of Ginny after the kids found her, I cried like crazy. The scene in the vet clinic? Please, I was on the verge of a mental breakdown because of Ginny. However, it was so beautiful to see how Reed finally was able to deal with his previous trauma by taking care of the puppy, how he understood that it wasn't him who was responsible for Daisy's disappearance.

Reed's healing story was absolute perfection; I loved how the traumatizing events from his childhood were explored with such care.

Now, Reed and Lila.

When he cares for you more than he cares for anything else >>>>>>

Honestly, I had my concerns because of the big age gap and the potential dynamic, but I swear I've never been so happy to be so wrong. Their chemistry? Amazing! Their dynamic? Absolutely mesmerising! Their scenes? I wanted more! And it's not often I can say such things about similar couples.

I loved how the story between them evolved in parallel to their own stories — how they needed to heal individually before starting their journey together. It was absolutely beautiful and captivating. The hesitation between them was completely understandable, and I honestly had quite a few moments where I thought that maybe by the end of this book they could stay separated, as with all that moral stuff, it would have been understandable too. But also, I absolutely enjoyed the ending and how things were handled. The message of finding yourself before entering any relationship is the one that a lot of people need to hear, and I loved how this was explored in this book.

Along with some really swoon-worthy scenes from both Reed and Lila, throughout this whole book, I wanted more! I wanted them to finally get together, to finally follow their hearts, but let me promise you that the wait is one hundred percent worth it! It was so, so, so good; by the end, I was really a mess, but I loved every bit of it!

So, in conclusion, I can say that this book was absolutely perfect! With complicated dynamics, some beautifully written storylines, and perfectly crafted dynamics between the characters. As I haven't read the first two books, I'm definitely going to get back to them because I need to know the full story of Cal and Grace and Maddie and James. And I know I'm going to cry when reading Maddie's book because I already feel so sympathetic toward her.

Anyway, if you're having doubts about whether this book is what you need, please just try it. I know I did, and I don't regret it at all!

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Lisina Coney has done it again.. Three times in a row. As a chronic over-thinker, I adored Lila and getting to be in her head. Reed is just as swoon-worthy as Cal and James. I also can't ignore the value of the subplots and topics Lisina threads throughout her stories. Sexual education via bibliotherapy, trauma informed care, men who go to therapy, how to teach kids about consent.... *snaps fingers*

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I literally couldn't put this book down. The story is well written. I loved the connection between Lila and Reed - I felt butterflies in my stomach. This was my first book in this series for me. It can be read as a stand alone, but I am going to read the other two books before this one. This was my first book by this author, and she is a favourite of mine now!

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The Deepest End of Love is the third in a series of standalone books, and this story captivated me from the first moment. We meet our protagonist Lila who has just found out that her boyfriend is unfaithful to her and that she will have to work with her teacher, Reed, whom she permanently avoided since he was a friend of her parents. Well, with that you can imagine the accumulated tension that there will be between the two of them, as it is a forbidden relationship. But it is not only the physical attraction that will make you scream but also all of their interaction, as the pages turn we will see the problems they have, their fears, insecurities, and how they will overcome little by little. I also loved all the stories of the children at the center, because this book will make you think about many situations that many children experience. So in conclusion, I believe that this book is amazing that is why I recommend it to everyone because of the incredible evolution of the characters and also because the book will make you think, scream, cry laugh, and above all enjoy reading.
Also, I published my review on Goodreads, and I will post it on Instagram on the 20th Friday. (@booksmar6)

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I absolutely love Lisina’s slow burn, tender romances and this was no different! Reed and Lila truly found a home in my heart. The age gap, family connection, forbidden romance aspects were very well done and the tender unfolding of love and trust was seriously gut wrenching. As with the other books in the series, the themes around healing, in particular, were thoughtfully explored and I really appreciated how both characters treated each other with such grace and respect. The epilogue of all the characters back together really sealed the deal as one of my favourite romance trilogies ever!

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I loved this book. The story between the FMC and the MMC was so beautiful. The struggles and trauma added so much to the character development. I don’t normally love age gap where they know each other but this was so good. I ate this up. A stunning and beautiful story.

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I absolutely loved the healing process that took place between the characters in this book. The stories of the children from the youth center were also very interesting. The author has created a diverse cast of characters, and there were moments in the book that made me stop and think. The love story between Reed and Lila was absolutely beautiful and tragic at the same time. It showed that time and distance can bring people closer together through healing and self-reflection. The character development of both Reed and Lila was amazing, and I found myself completely absorbed in their journey throughout the book. Not only was the relationship between Lila and Reed intense, but so was her struggle with self-worth and identity. This made me turn the pages quickly, as I was eager to see where her journey would take her. Reed, on the other hand, went through his own difficult childhood and had his own journey to complete. Together, these two characters formed an incredible pair that I couldn't help but root for.

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Such a full circle moment to have the final book in this series be about Grace & Cal’s daughter. What I loved the most was how Lila and Reed’s relationship developed so naturally. The tension, angst, and slow burn were done so well.

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This book was the perfect conclusion to this series.
Lila and Reed have a very unique dynamic. Forbidden, yes. Immoral, no. The author writes age gap perfectly. In this latest book, I found a lot of what I loved in the first. Cal and Grace have raised a young woman to be proud of. Reed's backstory broke my heart, the man is a walking green flag. I loved it all.

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This book was the perfect conclusion to this series.
Lila and Reed have a very unique dynamic. Forbidden, yes. Immoral, no. The author writes age gap perfectly. In this latest book, I found a lot of what I loved in the first. Cal and Grace have raised a young woman to be proud of. Reed's backstory broke my heart, the man is a walking green flag. I loved it all.

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what a great conclusion to this series. Lila and Reed’s story was truly breathtaking. I am a sucker for an age gap but I don’t usually like professor student… The way this was handled was well done although it’s not my favorite. Lila was at times, annoying to me when she was talking about her people pleasing tendencies, but I understand that it was a real issue for her that she was trying to work through and appreciated the growth that she had in the end. Reed’s story was heartbreaking and I’m glad he also got to have some redemption at the end. I love how the epilogue had all the characters from the series altogether and happy and I’m glad things ended the way that they did.

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*The Deepest End of Love* by Lisina Coney is my favorite of the series, and it absolutely blew me away! As a fan of the age gap trope, this book hit all the right notes. Lila and Reed’s chemistry is undeniable, and their struggle to keep things professional makes the tension even more delicious. Reed is not just the perfect mentor, but the perfect match for Lila, despite their differences. The story is gripping, romantic, and full of heart. It’s the third book in the series, and by far the best—an absolute must-read!

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2 🌟

I fear this was not it. I feel like I’ve been reading this for ages. It dragged for me which I hate. I actually had to force myself to finish.
Some aspects were cute and I liked but ultimately it just wasn’t it for me.
Loved book 1, book 2 was meh and this was kinda disappointing.
I really wanted to love it.

I received an early eARC from NetGalley and Page & Vine. Thank you for the opportunity to read this early.

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Lisina Coney has such a way of telling stories that touch your heart. I loved the character development throughout this book and how they were able to use their gifting to help the children. It was a beautiful reminder of how powerful love can be.

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I'm going to say it, this is my favourite book of the series. I loved the relationship between Lila and Reed and they way it developed, they both understood eachother so deeply and were there for eachother throughout the book.

I loved how he put Lila first and tried to protect her as much as possible even if it meant he got hurt in the process. I just loved everything about this book and could read another book on these two. The dynamic between them and the love they had for eachother was just amazing.

I'm so sad to see the end of this series but cannot wait to see what the author has coming in the future. Highly recommend this series and this book specifically!

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Thank you Lisina Coney & NetGalley for the ARC 🫶🏻
Such a full circle moment to have the final book in this series be about Grace & Cal’s daughter. Lila is caught slashing her ex boyfriend’s tire by a good family friend / internship supervisor. Which is how she ends up with the nickname “little criminal”. Lila really cares what other people think about her which is why this is a 4⭐️ for me. At times she felt extremely immature even though we are the same exact age. I’m actually obsessed with Reed though. His backstory had me crying. He becomes the most perfect dog dad. And the way that he is with the kids at the internship is amazing and had me swooning. Overall this was the perfect way for this series to end. Reed & Lila had so much growth by the end of the book. They were my all time favorite couple.

“To everyone who struggles with self-doubt. You deserve all the happiness and success you dream of. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise—not even yourself.”

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This book has by far been my favorite in the whole series! It’s such an emotional and impactful read in the best of ways.

“I said you taught me plenty of things and you didn’t believe me…but you taught me the most important thing of all, Lila. You taught me how to love.” Lisina just when I thought you couldn’t write another man we can’t help but love, you give us Reed.

All of my favorite tropes wrapped up in one beautiful book. Age gap, forbidden romance, professor, parent’s good friend, mentor. Did I mention he even brushes her about the most swoon worthy micro trope.

Our FMC Lila is studying to get her masters to become a youth counselor, she’s a great student but she’s really just living her life going through the motions. After catching her EX-boyfriend cheating on her, she makes some rash decisions that are out of character for her and is caught in the act by her professor…which earns her the nickname Little Criminal *enterally screaming*

Our MMC Reed is 12 years Lila’s senior, as well as a professor at her university and parents good friend. Reed had a hard childhood that wound him in the foster system at just 7 years old. He never thought he could love someone without hurting them. After months of tiptoeing around each other they have a connection they can no longer deny. Unfortunately, timing is not in their favor and a “friends” jealous betrayal sets a series of events in motion that threatens both of their futures.

I absolutely loved all the healing that occurred between every single character as well as the stories of the youth center children. This book had fantastic character diversity, as well moments that truly made me stop to think.

Reed and Lila’s love story is absolutely beautiful and tragic at the same time. It also goes to show that time and space can truly bring people together with a little healing and self reflection. Their character growth was truly amazing and I could not put this book down.

I wish everyone had a family like Lila’s with her supportive parents and relatives. The ending was the perfect wrap up to this series. That fact that Reed was Cals last appointment had me tearing up and without spoiling anything…the way Reed did what he did to ask Lila that important question had my heart exploding..

Thank you so much to Page & Vine and Lisina Coney for allowing me to read this pre-release in exchange for my honest review.

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Lisina Coney never disappoints! I adored this book SO MUCH and how obsessed Reed was with Lila! Lisina truly knows how to create the best chemistry for her characters and this couple, dare I say, may just be my fav of hers so far! I could not get enough of this book and just had to read it in one sitting! It is so bittersweet to say goodbye to these characters, but I cannot wait to see what Lisina has in store next!

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The third and final entry in this series did a nice job of tying up all the loose ends in the series. However, the story itself fell flat for me and felt repetitive of book 2. Again we have a forbidden romance (professor and student) and a large age gap (she's 24, he's 35). Again we have a slow burn and a third act breakup that lasts too long (almost a year of the story, and about 25% of the book). For those reasons, this one was a miss for me.

Content flags: Reed's parents physically and emotionally abused him as a child and there are scenes that recount those experiences; there's an instance of revenge porn (though not with very explicit images)

I voluntarily read a gifted copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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