Member Reviews

Loved it, loved it, loved it!

Mia Anne Moran (and what a fabulous name for a character that is!) is a 22 year-old waitress at a country hotel that just happens to be haunted by a multitude of ghosts. Following the death of the hotel's elderly owner, Donahue Byrnes, Mia is tasked with entertaining the hotel's ghostly inhabitants, helping them with their unfinished business and preventing them from causing harm to the hotel and it's guests whilst reluctant owner Cormac Byrnes attempts to offload the property.

It's such a magical wee story. I loved Mia and loved seeing her grow in confidence with her unlikely new role as ghost concierge, learning to stand up for herself and embracing those things which make her truly happy. The staff at the hotel, the small close-knit community around it - all created a sense that this was happening in a little bubble in some small untouched corner of the country that I''d happily visit!

With a spooky mystery to uncover at the heart of it all, well-paced story-telling and well-rounded and authentic characters, I just couldn't put it down once I'd started reading.

This is, as far as I'm aware, a debut novel from Laura McLoughlin but I am very much looking forward to seeing what comes next - and if it were the further adventures of Mia Anne Moran, I wouldn't be in the slightest bit disappointed! A brilliant book that'll be thoroughly recommending to everyone!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Love Book Tours and to the publisher Black and White Publishing for the digital ARC, it has not affected my honest review. 

TW: death, hauntings, grief, horror, mentions of suicide

Mia Anne Moran adores where she works, the Ballinadrum Hotel in rural Ireland, because it's been part of her life forever. Its owner, the eccentric and always jolly Donahue Byrnes, had the best stories about ghosts and fairies and the most outlandishly beautiful ways of looking at the world in her childhood. Now twenty two and preparing to get married, Mia is left devastated by the elderly Donahue's death and the thought that his estranged son, the cold hearted and mysterious Cormac, might be about to sell his father's legacy. Soon enough Mia discovers that the stories Donahue told about the Ballinadrum being haunted were true and that he alone had managed the ghosts by keeping them happy. Unable to sell the hotel as the ghosts become more rowdy and dangerous to guests, Cormac turns to Mia with the promise that everyone who works there will keep their jobs once it is sold if only she takes on the role of ghost keeper and clears them out within a month. Believing that this role is what she was destined for, Mia becomes determined to figure out why the ghosts- including three WW2 soldiers, a tormented bride, an angry vicar, a little girl and a normally friendly baker- remain and if she might be able to help them move on. However, the more Mia gets caught up in the care of Ballinadrum's ghosts, the less involved she is with her real life and soon enough what Mia thought she wanted for her future isn't guaranteed. 

I really enjoyed this book, it's a slow burn but I loved Mia from the first page as she's forced to reckon with the idea that her safe place- and the man she saw as family- might not be here much longer. I found her character so interesting, she's made to almost grow up and let go of her naivety while managing two separate lives that can't link together. The hotel and its ghostly inhabitants were so well written, they were spooky and a little disturbing when upset but also friendly and deeply confused by what they're going through. The mystery of their back stories was great, each spirit and their circumstances felt unique. As she and Cormac work together you see something of his father in him, a man Mia adored and Cormac hated, and I think that their gradual trust in one another about everything worked really well. I wish we'd seen more of Mia's grandmother and her two dogs, learned more about the loss of her parents and how she met her fiance Rosco (who I was caught between disliking and being alright with on and off until the end). Ultimately this was a fun, original read that turns the idea of a place being haunted from a bad thing into something worthy of love and I really liked that.

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Most of Mia’s life revolves around the Ballinadrum Hotel. Many of the local residents have stories that involve the hotel as well. It’s as if this historic building is the fabric of the community. So when its owner, Donahue Byrnes, dies, it’s a pretty big deal. Especially for Mia, whose life Donahue had a huge impact on.

When Donahue’s estranged son arrives and reveals his plan to sell the hotel, Mia is in for a real surprise. All the stories she’s heard about ghosts and the hotel being haunted turn out to be absolutely and totally true. Donahue somehow managed to control these spirits, but now that he is gone, mayhem could ensue. His son needs Mia to keep the ghosts at bay so he can find a buyer. Or better yet, get rid of them altogether.

Mia obviously hasn’t watched as many episodes of the "Supernatural" tv series as I have. Otherwise, she would have known right away ghosts have unfinished business that keeps them tethered to a person, a thing, or a place. It takes her a while to figure out how she could possibly help these ghosts but once she gets going, she’s definitely on a mission to save the hotel.

It's remarkably easy to keep the ghosts apart. There's the bride, the old headmaster, the reverend, the gossip, and a little girl, for instance. Each one has certain demands, or questions. Maybe they're looking for something. Mia needs to figure out what those things are so the ghosts won't get restless and start walking through walls, thus scaring the hotel guests. But she also needs to listen to what is being said, even if it doesn't always make sense, so she can set the ghosts free from this place.

I thoroughly enjoyed this cosy supernatural mystery and was entirely unable to see why the ghosts wouldn’t leave the premises. The reveal was most satisfactory, and the whole story was rather well plotted. Obviously Mia’s life won’t be the same after all these spooky events but that’s a good thing, in my opinion. Just wait until you meet her boyfriend, Roscoe, who is seemingly the most supportive and loving partner, but to me just came across as extremely manipulative and condescending.

As so often happens, it just goes to show that you never really know someone or what they're capable of. Along the way, Mia will learn some of life's lessons, and find out she's stronger and smarter than she thinks. Mia, and her grandmother, are characters you warm to without even needing to try. They're like a nice, cosy, warm blanket wrapped around you like a hug.

Great setting (who doesn't love a haunted hotel?!), wonderful characters, a mystery to solve, and a little spookiness ... 'The Many Ghosts of Donahue Byrnes' kept me wonderfully entertained. The perfect spooky read for those who would rather not be too terrified to sleep at night.

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I read an eARC of this book on NetGalley so thank you to the author and publisher.

This book was hard to put down. I was so totally invested in the hotel, the fate of the ghosts, the mystery and the details of the main character’s life and what she would choose to do! A real page turner.

We have a haunted hotel which is always something I love in literature. But this isn't typical horror. It’s more subtle. Many of the ghosts aren’t inherently bad, they’re drawn to the hotel but they don’t know why. We have a woman in her early twenties whose best parts of her childhood and growing up are attached to this hotel and the eccentric owner who introduced a level of magic and whimsy into her life. Following his death she starts to find strange occurrences happening at his hotel and she seeks to discover more.

The supernatural elements of this book were really well done. The ghosts were so distinct and the descriptions of how they manifest and their sense of being was so cohesive that it wasn’t hard to suspend disbelief and truly immerse yourself in this fantastical world. While there is a level of whimsy to these apparitions, there’s an undercurrent of menace and a threat of chaos at any time due to their often unpredictable natures.

I also thought the exploration of identity was exceptionally well done. The author did an excellent job of walking a fine line with making something feel not quite right in certain relationships the main character has, whilst also allowing the reader to understand the uncertainty she is feeling. We can see why the hotel is so important to the main character, even when others seek to force her to keep up something critical to her identity to fit into a shape more appealing and easy for them. This really stood out for me in the book as my views changed slowly about certain characters.

A satisfying, intriguing supernatural mystery.

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I loved following the mystery of the hotel and following Mia's journey to find out the truth, great read overall.

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When Ballinadrum Hotel's elderly owner Donahue Brynes dies, twenty-two-year-old Mia Anne Moran discovers the spectral rumours that have long plagued the place are true. Meanwhile, Donahue's son, Cormac, wants to sell up as soon as possible but finds his plans thwarted by the ghostly goings-on.

I loved this I couldn't put it down. The characters were so vivid in my mind when reading. Mia reminded me of Melinda Gordon from the TV series Ghost Whisperer.

If you are looking for a delightful mysterious ghost story that's got just the right amount of chill in the air then you should read this.

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This book had made me have so many mixed feelings. The plot had me desperate to read this book. To be honest It took a long while for me to get reading and I don't know why.....maybe it just took a while for things to get going.....the story was fantastic and the characters relatable I think my problem was I just wasn't interest on what was going on till half way through the book. A good read for the Halloween season....

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Book Review: The Many Ghosts of Donahue Byrnes

I want to thank NetGalley for the opportunity to read The Many Ghosts of Donahue Byrnes by Laura McLoughlin. This book caught my attention with its intriguing premise and atmospheric setting, and it did not disappoint.

The story centers on Mia Anne Moran, a young waitress at the Ballinadrum Hotel, who is thrust into a decades-old mystery following the death of the hotel's owner, Donahue Byrnes. The moment Donahue passes, Mia discovers the hotel is haunted, and these ghosts are far from quiet. The idea of acting as a concierge for the dead is both whimsical and chilling, and I found myself drawn into Mia’s journey as she navigates the complex dynamics between the living and the spectral inhabitants.

Mia’s determination to solve the mystery surrounding the ghosts adds depth to her character. I appreciated her desire to keep the hotel running and protect her colleagues’ livelihoods, showcasing her resilience and empathy. The tension between her and Donahue’s son, Cormac, who is eager to sell the hotel, adds an engaging layer to the narrative. Their partnership in managing the ghostly inhabitants is both humorous and heartfelt.

As Mia delves deeper into the ghosts' histories, I was captivated by how each spirit revealed their own story, intertwining with Mia’s personal growth. The exploration of what draws these spirits to the hotel is compelling and adds a rich layer of intrigue. McLoughlin's writing is atmospheric, bringing the hotel's eerie charm to life while balancing the emotional stakes of Mia's journey.

Overall, The Many Ghosts of Donahue Byrnes is a delightful blend of mystery, humor, and the supernatural. It’s a thought-provoking

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