Member Reviews

Brilliantly written and exploring a range of themes, this book was incredibly moving.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the chance to read this ARC.

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I was really keen to read Enter Ghost as the premise and Women's Prize nod intrigued me. Unfortunately, I had to give up after chapter 5 as I simply wasn't feeling engaged.

The novel explores some important themes but the pace was too slow for me and I didn't feel a connection to the narrator. I rarely find myself unable to finish a book but in this case despite still feeling the storyline held potential I wasn't able to continue reading.

Perhaps this is a book I'd try and pick up again later but for now it's going to have to join the small group of titles on my "did not finish" shelf.

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Beautifully written, ever-relevant, and so moving. An extremely talented writer. Everyone should read this.

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