Member Reviews

This is my first book by the author. I was pleasantly surprised by the character development and storyline. It caught my interest from the start and I love the Irish setting. There were twists and expected outcomes. Thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read an ARC.

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I didn’t realise it was part of a series but it was fine as a stand-alone. Great characters and storyline. Plenty of suspense to keep me enthralled. Would definitely read the next novel. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it.

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I didn't realize when I requested this book that it was part of a series. I haven't read the other books, but I was able to follow everything clearly. I really enjoyed this book and liked that I, the reader, got to know all the characters and see into their thoughts and understand their feelings. I even sympathized with the killer. I'm definitely going to read the rest of the series.

That being said, there were a few areas where the story seemed to drag and a few too many coincidences to overlook. Such as Peter and what Gerren found in his own home. Nic also came off strangely because she seemed to know everything just because of her "intuition". She took leaps in logic that turned out to be right, which the reader knew, but it didn't make sense for her to come to some of those conclusions. She came across as a bit of a Mary Sue.

Also the ending was very abrupt. It felt like the story was nearing this epic climax and then just fizzled instead. Everything was wrapped up neatly in regards to the fate of the killer, but so many of the plot points introduced with them were left unresolved and unlikely to be addressed in upcoming books. It left me feeling like the story was unfinished.

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Gerren Penrose has waited too long to call on his friend, recluse Rob Harris. He takes the twisty road to Rob's secluded cottage, steps inside.... To be hit by the stench of death. Gerren follows a trail of dismembered pieces, to what remains of his friend. The grisly sight sends him running from the cottage - the howls of Rob's beloved collie ringing in his ears. He thinks the horror is behind him. That he's alone out in the darkening hills. But he is wrong. Not far away, a woman hides in the shadows, watching silently. She and the dead man were close like you wouldn't believe. But she's not sorry he's gone. She's smiling.

Detectives Aaron Birch and Asha Harvey have been called out to a rural cottage to investigate the horrific death of Rob Harris, whose body had been dismembered. This is Aaron's first case as SIO. This twisted tale is tense and descriptive. Aaron and his team work well together. The characters are well-developed. Although this is book four in the series, it does read well as a standalone.

Published 26th September 2024

I would like to thank #NetGalley #JoffeBooks and the author #KerryBuchanan for my ARC of #TheDarkeningHills in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was gripping and hard to put down. It didn't feel like everything else you see out there, it felt very fresh. I really enjoyed this book!

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I thoroughly enjoyed thus Irish police procedural. The main detective, Aaron Birch was likeable from the beginning, and I appreciated how he worked with other officers. This is a part of a series, but I never really felt out of the loop, so it was well done as a standalone read. The Irish mannerisms and speak was a bit unusual to me at first, but it added to the charm!

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I really enjoyed the dramatic opening. I found the plot compelling and interesting though it's sad. The reader is aware of the killer's identity and thus is given valuable insight into the killer's actions. Thought provoking, it's a five star read.

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This book is book #4 in the Detectives Harvey & Birch Murder Mystery series. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and devoured it in one day! It is an easy read and is excellent for those that love criminal thrillers and mystery! I do prefer very short chapters, but that is a personal preference and does not take away from the book overall. This book was just twisty enough to keep me interested, but not too twisty that it was inauthentic and overwhelming.

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This is a thoroughly enjoyable read which is set in Ireland and features Detective Aaron Birch, a very likeable character., and Detective Asha Harvey. The team work well together trying to solve the murder of an elderly farmer and the characterisation is spot on. The plotting is excellent, well written and there is plenty of suspense right until the end. I recommend this book to lovers of crime thrillers as a very good read. I do hope there is a follow up. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

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Thank you NetGalley and Joffe Books for the eARC.
Great book, I loved it. The Irish setting is appealing and so are the police characters; they're very likeable and work well together. The killer is complicated and terrifying, but, surprisingly, also got me feeling sorry for them.
It takes quite a bit of footleather and internet surfing before the culprit is finally discovered. The ending is good and satisfying: I can't wait for the next in the series.
Highly recommended!

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Kerry Buchanan did a wonderful job on The Darkening Hills. It kept me reading, and was interesting from the beginning. I was easily invested in the lives of the characters and enjoyed how all of the pieces fit together in the end. I would highly recommend this book to others and look forward to reading other titles!

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This series features DI Asha Harvey and DS Aaron Price.

Gerren Penrose and his friend, Rob Harris, often spent time together in Rob’s secluded cottage. Gerren couldn’t make it one evening, so he called around the following day only to find Rob dead. Not just dead but dismembered.

Gerren called the police but when they arrived, they thought that he was the perpetrator because he was covered in blood. It wasn’t Rob’s blood, it was his dog, Jack’s. He had also been injured but was still alive. Gerren doesn’t realise that there’s a woman hiding nearby and she’s watching him.

A gripping read which I recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley and Joffe Books for an advance reader copy in return for an honest review.

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Discover an electrifying crime thriller full of breathtaking twists, set amid the lonely hills of County Antrim, Northern Ireland! Great book!! I love these characters! I remember them from other books! This book had great suspense, intriguing, action packed, brutal murder, mystery, serial killer, and a few crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and had me glued to my kindle! I highly recommend reading this book and series! Thank you NetGalley, the author and the publishers for sharing this book with me!

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