Member Reviews

I absolutely adored this book from the first page. The sense of caring from the neighbours in the house. The love story of Meredith and William. The individual stories of the more minor characters which all feed into their care of Meredith. I wasn't a great Diana fan so that part of the book wasn't a pull for me but the effort put into her dresses, usually only worn once or twice was incredible! The author manages to convey the effect that creating these dresses had on the lives of the amazingly talented people who made them so well. It really was their life work. She also manages to document dementia brilliantly. As someone who went through dementia with both parents I was in tears at the kindness, patience and consideration the neighbours, Jayne especially, showed Meredith. A wonderful book that I recommend everyone to read and enjoy.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy. All opinions are my own.

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Oh how I loved this book..

Reading the blurb I immediately thought Paul Burrell stole the missing dress and i did giggle to myself but this novel is more than a missing dress, it is historical view into the life os a much loved Princess and her wardrobe.

As a dressmaker I really did enjoy the life inside the atelier and the story was well developed.. mixing fiction with a litlle true life was for me as a reader a joy..

An amazing tale and a fabulous read..

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I absolutely love anything to do with fashion and dressmaking especially when it has to do with the time of the beautiful princess Diana. I find it so interesting and I know readers will as well.

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