Member Reviews

Easy to “devour”
I was lucky enough to receive an ARC from NetGalley, and this collection of short stories is fantastic. Short stories and horror are a great combination, as is showcased here in DEVOURING TOMORROW.

As a collection of short stories, the writers were given the premise of the state of food in the future, specifically in Canada.

What did I like:
I forgot how much fun short stories are. Because of their brief nature, writers can take big risks in telling their stories. Whether it be a story using restaurant reviews (I WANT CANDY) or without dialogue tags (SUCCULENT), the payoff is worth it. Just by changing the normal convention of a story, I was forced to think more about what I was reading.

And that’s not to say the rest of the stories didn’t make me think. Oh, they did. At about halfway, I started wondering if a few of the short stories might be connected. But I don’t want to get into any spoilers.

I also liked that the stories were being told across Canada. It added a dimension to the stories that made me feel more connected. Sure, some of them were so far in the future I didn’t feel the same connection, but that’s also the point. We’re imagining the future of food.

What didn’t I like:
The main thing I didn’t like was also what I enjoyed the most: the stories are short stories. Some of them (POLLINATORS) I wanted to live in more, to see that story world fleshed out. But doing so would rob the short story of its punch.

Final thoughts:
If you’re a Candian Literature fan, this book is for you. If you love horror, this book is for you. The editors, Jeff Dupuis and A.G. Pasquella, did a fantastic job. All of the writers did amazing. I’ve been reading a lot of Science Fiction lately, so this was a breath of fresh air.

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