Member Reviews

Wholeheartedly heart-warming!

Calling this book just a holiday romance seems like an understatement— it is so much more. The holiday element is just an added bonus to an already complex and engaging story. The characters are so well-rounded and thoroughly developed with raw and real backgrounds— the reader can’t help but be drawn into their charm and stories. I would eagerly read another 300 pages about them!

Thank you to Storm Publishing and Debbie Johnson for providing me with an ARC of this book!

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-Small Village
-A lot of Humor
-Lovable Characters
-Slow Burn Romance

This was the coziest holiday romance! Very easy to get into the story and you’re instantly hooked. The storyline was flirty, fun, very humorous, and super romantic at times. Perfect for the festive season!

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the arc of this book.

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Book Review: A Very Irish Christmas

I want to extend my gratitude to NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy of A Very Irish Christmas by Debbie Johnson. This enchanting romantic comedy is the perfect escape into the heartwarming spirit of the holiday season.

From the moment I met Cassie O'Hara, a New Yorker with a zest for life, I was captivated. Her decision to spend a month in a quaint Irish village, funded by her spirited nana’s will, felt like the start of a charming adventure. I found myself eagerly anticipating her experiences in this picturesque setting, complete with cozy cottages and festive cheer—well, at least that was the expectation! Instead, Cassie faces a rather draughty cottage and a temperamental stray dog, adding a humorous twist to her plans.

The love interests, Charles and Ryan, are distinct and compelling. Charles, with his aristocratic charm and noble heart, contrasts beautifully with Ryan, the enigmatic handyman whose Irish accent makes Cassie’s knees weak. I enjoyed how their relationships unfolded, especially as Cassie navigated her event-planning duties at Bancroft Manor alongside Ryan. Their chemistry crackled, and I found myself rooting for them amidst the picturesque chaos.

One of my favorite aspects of the novel was the exploration of family secrets tied to Nana Nora's past. These revelations added depth to the story, enriching Cassie's journey of self-discovery and belonging. As the village life weaved its spell, I couldn’t help but feel a growing connection to Cassie and her quest for love and home.

Debbie Johnson’s writing is infused with humor, charm, and a healthy dose of festive spirit. I laughed out loud at the witty banter and found myself grinning at the delightful romance that blossomed in the midst of holiday preparations.

Overall, A Very Irish Christmas is a cozy, uplifting read that captures the magic of the season. It’s the perfect book to curl up with, a delightful blend of romance and comedy that left me feeling warm and fuzzy inside. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to embrace the holiday spirit with a touch of Irish charm!

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Thanks to Debbie Johnson and Storm Publishing for the eARC of this novel. I was so excited to read this one and it lived up to the excitement. I love a good book with Irish and British characters. This was no exception. Great writing style and great storytelling. Can't wait to read more from Debbie.

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This is a very heartwarming holiday read that will have you refilling your eggnog throughout the whole book! Once you start, you won't be able to stop. I loved Cassie and reading through her journey. Highly recommend adding this to your holiday TBR!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

This book was great! I loved the writing style and I loved the characters and their chemistry. I loved the Christmas vibes. Great book!!

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Looking for a heartwarming holiday read that feels like a cozy evening by the fire with a cup of hot cocoa? "A Very Irish Christmas" by Debbie Johnson is just the ticket! This delightful romantic comedy is filled with wit and charm, making it an utterly perfect choice for the festive season.

This book whisks readers away to the countryside, where love and laughter blossom amidst the holiday magic. With its delightful characters and cozy festive setting, this charming story is sure to warm your heart and lift your spirits.

Cassie is a great lead female and with more than one male lead to choose from, people will love this adorable book.

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A very Irish Christmas

Cassie, a woman who is grieving the loss of her sweet Nan and the man who left her down the aisle. Leaving America for the Christmas holidays to go explore her Irish roots.

This novel is comedic, romantic, sweet and overall addicting. Following Cassie on her journey to healing whilst court in a somewhat triangle between the Dashing Charles and handsome Ryan. And she has to decide who she wants before she leaves to go home? There’s also a dog named eejit!

Overall I have thoroughly adored this book, it’s given me all the Christmas feels and I cannot wait to read more from Debbie!

Thank you net-galley for this arc!

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This is a lovely Christmastime travel romance. I loved the setting of a mostly Irish town in the English countryside. I also loved that this trip of a lifetime was meant as a tribute to Cassie's Irish grandma and at the same time, a way to reinvigorate her life and spirit. Both book boyfriends were dreamy and the people she meets on her trip are wonderful and charming. On a personal note, the Irish expressions and experiences reminded me of my own Irish immigrant grandparents that I loved which was heartwarming for me.

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Sinopsis en español:

Una parte de azúcar americano, dos partes de especias irlandesas. Cassie O'Hara está a punto de descubrir la receta de la Navidad más dulce...

Cuando Cassie O'Hara, nacida en Nueva York, decide usar el dinero que su descarada abuela irlandesa Nora dejó en su testento para reservar una estancia de un mes en un pintoresco pueblo rural, espera una acogedora cabaña, pastel de bistec y cerveza y mucha alegría navideña. En cambio, recibe un desastre con corrientes de aire cubierto de polvo, un temperamental perro callejero y dos hombres devastadoramente guapos que compiten por su atención...

Está Charles, el elegante aristócrata inglés con una enorme casa señorial y un corazón de oro. Y Ryan, un manitas irlandés de pelo rizado con un pasado del que no habla y un acento que la debilita en las rodillas.

Cuando Charles recluta la experiencia de Cassie en la planificación de eventos para salvar su patrimonio familiar, ella se encuentra trabajando hombro con hombro con Ryan, dando nueva vida a Bancroft Manor. A medida que la vida del pueblo teje su hechizo, Cassie descubre algunos secretos intrigantes sobre el pasado de Nana Nora. Con su boleto de regreso a la vuelta y su corazón trayéndola en direcciones inesperadas, ¿puede Cassie encontrar el amor y la pertenencia que Nana Nora siempre quiso para ella?

Una comedia romántica para reírse a carcajadas llena de encanto irlandés, coqueteo festivo y suficiente espíritu navideño para calentar incluso el corazón más frío. Perfecto para los fans de Sophie Kinsella, Catherine Walsh y cualquiera que crea en la suerte de los irlandeses...


Es una historia sencilla, rápida de leer, con personajes agradables y con final feliz.

Hay triángulo amoroso o al menos se da a entender, sin embargo, desde el comienzo es muy obvio con quien se quedará. Tengo que decir que me gustaba más el otro, pero con quien se quedó no era mala opción, solo que sentí que la otra persona estaba lista para una relación.

Gracias a NetGalley, al públicista y a la autora por el ARC.

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Absolutely loved this book, wasn’t sure at first but soon got into all the characters and the setting. It’s a lovely read and I’d give it 5 *

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This is a gorgeous festive read brimming with fantastic characters and set in a wonderful village location. Told from the perspective of New Yorker Cassie who decides to go to England for December to avoid feeling like the family failure at Christmas - something she’s struggled with since being jilted 3 years ago. Finding herself in a cottage that doesn’t meet her expectations doesn’t get her break off to the best start but when she encounters the villagers then finds herself invited to stay at the local manor things start looking up. The storyline is great but more than anything the characters make this, in particular the quirky villagers and the offbeat residents of the manor. This has lots of joy and positivity but some sad personal stories mixed in which bring the characters even more to life but overall it’s a very feel good read.

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LOOOOVE THIS BOOK! IT's so funny and the plot and storyline keep you in it. Would highly recommend. Great character development

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Three and a half stars.

Cassie O'Hara is a New York events planner, but (fairly) recent events have really put her off her game. Her fiance dumped her at the altar and then married someone else, her beloved Nana Nora died just short of her 100th birthday, and of course COVID. She's been demoted to children's parties rather than the swish corporate events she used to plan and basically she can't get over it all. The approach to Christmas is the worst because her wedding was to have taken place on Christmas Eve. The thought of Christmas shopping, or spending the holidays with her judgemental mother and sister, is just too much.

Cassie's best friend June suggests Cassie spends Christmas away, visit her Nana's home country of Ireland, maybe meet Hugh Grant or one of the other English actors she used to obsess over. And so, much like Cameron Diaz in The Holiday, Cassie finds herself in the Cotswolds four weeks before Christmas. Unfortunately there has been a terrible mix-up, the charming cottage she booked and paid for is cold, dirty, and damp. Intending to console herself with a pint of Guinness in the local pub, she is beset by a stray dog, and rescued by a charming, flirtatious Irish man called Ryan and an elderly woman called Eileen who taker her in and help her get straight before going to the pub. Bemoaning her accomodation to the handsome man beside her, Cassie is horrified to discover that he is none other than her landlord Charles, Lord Bancroft. As an apology for the cottage (which was being refurbished) being left up for rental, Charles invites Cassie to stay with him and his family at the Manor.

Can the attentions of two very different men help Cassie to forget about her broken heart? Can Cassie help Charles to bring the Manor back from the brink of insolvency with her clever event planning ideas?

This is a classic feel-good holiday romance. It's gentle, there's no unnecessary drama, just a cosy small town HEA. Classic Debbie Johnson.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley.

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This is why I don't usually read purely Romance, they can lead to disappointment and I dread that. The protagonist in my opinion chose the wrong man, from my point of view anyway, I mean I am crushed! I should have known when the star of our show wallows in misery for three years after her heartbreak, three years! What a waste, this is an insight into this well written love story, obviously unrealistic but you are drawn in anyway! You can see Hallmark Christmas Movie written all over it, but I still kept reading, why not, it was a fun glimpse into snow globe! If you like Hallmark movies, then this book is for you.
Thank you #Netgalley #StormPublishing

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What a delightful read! Apart from the romantic storyline there is also the description of a wonderful, close-knit community who support each other and work together to save their way of life.
There is a magical setting to the story: a snowy Cotswolds village right before Christmas. And there is an adorable, excentric cast of characters right down to Eejit the dog!
It was lovely to see how Cassie the heroine finds herself and also finds her man. It is always good to get a great happy ending. I must mention the very nejoyable, lively style of the author. I have always loved how Debbie Johnson writes and now I will re-read her earlier books, starting with the "iconic" Comfort Food Cafe series.
I can recommend this book and all Debbie Johnson books to everyone who loves good romantic stories with loveable characters.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this Christmastime rom com. The setting was simply magical, and the author not only delivered an Irish Christmas but an English manor house, two of my favorite things. Also fabulous about this book are the two men who show interest in the main character, Cassie. Cassie was someone I would want to be friends with.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes Christmas romantic comedies, Irish Christmases, English manors, and charming entertaining reads. I received an ARC from the publisher through NetGalley and this is my honest review.

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What do you do when you are literally dumped on your wedding day? How do you survive three years later that your ex fiancée has married someone else? Plus your favorite family member your Nanna Nora has passed away and you miss her so. Well this is Cassie O’Hara and her life is just crumbling. So her friend June talks her into taking the money Nanna Nora left her and travel, Cassie doesn’t need to worry about work or anyone. So she goes first to England then to Ireland to see if you can track her Nanna’s roots. Well England was rainy and the cottage she rented for the month is horrible. Did she make a huge mistake? Until the owner of the cottage apologizes to Cassie for the mix up and invites her to stay at his home. From here on things change for Cassie. She finds herself not thinking of Ted anymore. She is so engrossed with the people of the town, with Charles and his family and the mysterious Ryan. Could Charles and the mysterious Ryan help Cassie get on with her life? A life here in Ireland where she can get to know her nanna’s life before she came to America.
This was a real feel good story of love, forgiveness and family. Loved the colorful characters and the descriptions of the towns especially since it’s Christmas. I really enjoyed everything about this book. Cassie was a down on her luck woman who took a chance and changed her life for the better. The love and guidance from her grandmother made her a better person. I have not read anything else by Debbie Johnson but I hope to in the future.
Thank you NetGalley and Storm for the ARC. Thank you Debbie Johnson for a charming and uplifting story.

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My thoughts on this book can be easily summed up by calling it a feel-good cozy romance that is best enjoyed on a snowy day with hot cocoa and cookies. For a more in depth review I have structured my thoughts into three parts:
The style of writing:
This is the first book of Debbie Johnson's books that I've read so far, but I am pretty sure it won't be the last. I loved her cozy and witty style of writing and the usage of Irish slang to draw us into her world.
The story:
The basic premise of this book was good (being heartbroken and recovering by becoming an active part of your life again) and I did like how she slowly became part of the town. However I just do not care much for slow burn love triangles. At some points it felt very stretched and I just wanted her to choose someone. So sadly, the main parts of this romance book that I liked were the ones without any romance.
The characters:
I. Loved. Everyone. The characters felt so welcoming and warm it made me so happy to read about them. The one I liked the least was the main character and that was only because she was very dumb and took forever to accept that someone might be interested in her (how does someone convince themself that two confessions of love - one with the offering of a house - must be lies???). The others were great though <3
So in summary: I absolutely recommend this book if you want a slow burn smalltown romance with a love triangle and some witty Irish humour. However if you can't stand a MC who doesn't make their mind up and is very oblivious - stay away!
A big thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for giving me this book as a free arc in exchange for an honest review :)

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This such a sweet story. Cassie's life has been on a downward spiral for the last 3 years. Jilted at the altar, her work hours cut and her Gran's passing have left her feeling despondant and lacking in self confidence. At her friend's urging, she decides to use her inheritance from her Gran to go to find out more of her heritage in Ireland. But ... she ends up booking a little place in the Wiltshire Cotswolds in Campton St George in England. There she finds new friends, new love and regains her self confidence both in her approach to life and in her work when she ends up helping with the marketing of the manor house. Full of touching moments, humorous situations, heart warming characters and a stray dog that adopts Cassie, this is a wonderful story. I also loved the Irish blessings and quotes at the start of each section!
Thanks to Netgalley, Storm Publishing and Debbie Johnson for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review

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