Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this Advanced Reader’s Copy of The Honeymoon by Gemma Rogers due to be published October 18, 2024.
I read The Neighbour by Gemma Rogers and loved it so I was excited to get this one!
Kelly was supposed to have the perfect wedding and honeymoon. It was – until she discovered her best friend, Liza, with her husband. She escaped to her honeymoon locale alone, only to be joined by Ryan, Liza, and Liza’s husband, Bobby – Ryan’s business partner and best friend.
Whoa – all the twists in this book were great – from the four former friends’ marriages and business to other affairs. Throw in some shady characters following them when they returned home, and it made for a fabulous page-turning thriller. It was well written, entertaining, and a page-turner! I highly recommend it!
#NetGalley #GemmaRogers #BoldwoodBooks #TheHoneymoon

The Honeymoon by new to me author G.Rogers, published by Boldwood Books, is a romance at first sight, a thriller at second.
Kelly is a character I just couldn't agree with. She gets cheated on by her husband on their wedding day, goes on honeymoon alone, protects her husband - Igdkw, endures an horrrible experience, comes out on the other side and still, I kid you not, protects her sc..bag of an husband, no mam, you don't do that at all.
All in all an ok read 3,5 stars.

A new book by this author and I always know there is going to be a twisty tale and a great read to come
And I wasn’t disappointed!
Imagine being in your perfect world, married for a few hours and so happy…looking forward to your honeymoon and on cloud 9 when you literally see something that shatters everything and changes the direction of your life……. Well this happens to Kelly and so instead of enjoying the happiest day of her life she is leaving it in a taxi headed for Crete,alone
I loved the surprise at the holiday resort when Kelly gets yet another shock and really then from that point the story goes deeper and more revelations appear and things get tricker than tricky
A really good build up to the end and a surprisingly sad ending even though warranted,
Again a fast paced exciting read from this top author whose books never fail to entertain and keep you hooked,loved it

It was Kelly and Ryans wedding day. A perfect day, and Kelly couldn't have been happier. That is, until she saw her new husband in a secluded summer house in a very compromising position with her best friend Liza. Kelly feels totally betrayed, and unwilling to face not only Ryan and Liza, but any of her family and friends at the reception, she heads to the bridal suite, changes her clothes, packs her case, and slips away from her wedding. She heads for the airport, honeymoon flights are booked, and she decides to go on the honeymoon alone and use the time to try to relax and figure out what to do.
She has a few days to herself, but eventually Ryan turns up denying any involvement with Liza. Ryan is evasive, and Kelly wonders what other secrets Ryan has, and what other lies he has told her. She makes a decision to just get through the days left of her honeymoon, and once they are home again, her marriage is over. Then things begin to go wrong, starting with the arrival of Liza and her husband, both saying that Ryan had asked them to join the honeymooners weeks before the wedding. Kelly wonders what other surprises might be in store, and what will Ryan come up with next.
This is a great psychological thriller, the shocks and plot twists just keep coming right up to the gripping finale. A tense page turner. 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of The Honeymoon.
This was my first Gemma Roger’s book - I liked the writing and fast moving pace.
However, the story was a bit far fetched and the characters were not very likable!
I was somewhat sympathetic to the main character, Kelly, but her behavior changed my opinion! lol
I would read another of her books and give her another try.
3.25 stars

Another fabulous read from Gemma Rogers. I abandoned everything else and devoured The Honeymoon in two sittings.
I found myself so angry on Kelly's behalf and eventually angry at her! No way would i have been able to put up with what was thrown at her.
Wonderful writing as always and such well written characters that i could easily visualise them.
I highly recommend this book and now sadly i have to wait for the next one......hope its not to long.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

In a split second, your whole world crashes around you… My wedding was the perfect whirlwind of a day. The happiest I’d ever been. That was until I discovered my beloved husband, Ryan, tucked away in a compromising summer house clinch with Liza, his best friend’s wife! Great read!! Definitely a great thriller! This book had chilling suspense, intriguing, murder, mystery, cheating, violence, and a few crazy twists and turns! The story was very interesting! I highly recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley, the author and the publisher for sharing this book with me!