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ARC Review: "Hope Blooms in Tuppenny Bridge" by Sharon Booth

"Hope Blooms in Tuppenny Bridge" by Sharon Booth is a heartwarming and cozy read set in the picturesque market town of Tuppenny Bridge. This book is a delightful blend of self-discovery, romance, and community spirit, wrapped in the comforting aromas of cakes and confections from Daisy Jackson’s beloved Crafty Cook Café.

Daisy is a character many readers will find themselves rooting for. Her journey from carrying the burdens of her past to embracing the promise of new beginnings is both touching and inspiring. Booth does an excellent job of painting Tuppenny Bridge as a charming and vibrant setting, filled with warmth and Yorkshire charm. The café scenes are especially vivid, making you almost taste the freshly baked goodies and feel the close-knit community around Daisy.

The developing connection between Daisy and Noah, the local headmaster, is tender and realistic. It's not without its complications, as both characters have their own pasts and secrets. However, it’s in these complexities that Booth truly shines, showing how love, in all its forms, can help people heal and move forward.

The story isn't just about romance; it's also about finding one's place, facing the past, and the simple joys of nature walks through wildflower meadows in the Yorkshire Dales. The narrative captures the ebb and flow of the seasons, reflecting Daisy’s emotional journey.

Readers who enjoy stories rich with heartfelt moments, a sense of community, and a sprinkle of romance will adore this book. The secondary characters add depth and color to the village life, making you want to visit Tuppenny Bridge and be a part of its tight-knit world. It's easy to see why fans of the series are enchanted by the setting and the larger-than-life characters.

Sharon Booth’s storytelling is warm, comforting, and at times, achingly poignant. This novel is like a warm hug with a cup of tea and a slice of cake. As you follow Daisy's story, you’ll find yourself immersed in the quaint village life, wishing you could stroll through its cobbled streets and savor the baked delights at the café.

If you’re looking for an uplifting read that tugs at the heartstrings, "Hope Blooms in Tuppenny Bridge" is the perfect pick. It's a cozy escape filled with the promise of fresh starts and the courage to embrace love and life anew. This book is a beautiful reminder that even in the most unexpected places, hope blooms.

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This story focuses on an abusive relationship and those in town overcoming a 15 yr old tragedy. Lots of details on the abuse itself so be aware, though not a ton of that the theme is the central one. It's hard to say I liked the book, but I did care enough about the characters to want to read to the end.

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This is a powerful, beautifully told story of love, despair and being able to open up to someone who's willing to stand up for you. Both sad that someone had to go through this, and tender that they had someone who was there for them.
The events in this story have their root cause in something that's described in 'Summer in Tuppenny Bridge'. But, this story is told from a different POV and the reader is given enough info that it can be read as a standalone. However there is a trigger warning for domestic abuse for this story.
I feel the story is well written and compassionate. Well done to Ms Booth for tackling this type of situation that is often brushed off, yet occurs far more often than we realise. Most definitely well worth reading. I'm very sorry to see that this is the last book in this series, but all the stories have been tied together so wonderfully.
Thanks to Netgalley, Storm Publishing, and Sharon Booth for a free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Wow! What an emotional and triumphant conclusion to the charming and thoughtful Tuppenny Bridge Series. I have enjoyed each and every book from start to finish. And Hope Blooms in Tuppeny Bridge is just as powerful and moving as all the others. Possibly even more so as certain threads are tidied up and questions laid to rest that carried over in the series. The full arc of a central plot based around a young man who tragically lost his life is rendered and completed in this last book. The pieces of the puzzle are arranged so that all the smaller details come together to provide the big picture allowing us to understand what happened and gain insight on all the people involved. When the remainder of the secrets are revealed, there are some shocking discoveries. As part of this, relationship abuse is also exposed. There is a lot packed in the finale: including getting reacquainted with many of the repeat characters we have come to know and love throughout the series.

This story is told from two viewpoints: newcomer Daisy Jackson and long-term resident Noah Lavender. It was helpful to get inside their thoughts and understand their movements, decisions, fears and concerns.

Daisy owns The Crafty Cook Café. She delivers some mouth-watering treats like her delicious chocolate caramel cakes—a kind of therapy for her and others. She is a sweet person with a big heart who has had her fair share of trauma in the past which is possibly why she recognises the signs in others. But she has found her place in Tuppenny Bridge and when not spreading kindness with her delightful café food and drinks, she enjoys taking long hikes in the Yorkshire Dales through wildflower meadows. It is while on one of these walks she meets Noah Lavender, a kind and gentle man, who is the local headmaster. They are ‘kindred souls’ and their connection far deeper than initially realised. As a result of many shared interests, they spend time together as friends hiking and chatting about their lives but tongues begin to wag. Although Noah is married to Isobel, it is a very unhappy and difficult marriage. And over the course of the novel, the tragedy that surrounds this couple unfolds. Daisy becomes an incredible support and lifeline once his secrets are revealed. I was quite moved by her advice and actions and reactions. Daisy and Noah’s special friendship is well portrayed but danger lurks in more areas than one.

This novel contains many romantic and happy elements but this is not a light and airy story because it delves into more serious relationship territory: abuse—both physical and verbal. The author handles this remarkably well and shows us through certain characters how people often deal with this kind of cruelty. I can say no more as I do not want to give anything away but I recommend this novel, along with the whole series. I am sad to say goodbye to these wonderful characters but happy with the conclusion and look forward to whatever Ms. Booth delivers in the future. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC.

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This was a beautifully written story which captivated my imagination. There were real funny parts and sad ones too. Altogether a real page turner. Daisy's story was lovely and her friendship with Noah was full of twists and turns . This was one amazingly good read.

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This is an interesting story, packing a wallop of a surprise.
I was happy with the ending but would have liked a bit
more of the finale to be filled in~enough of the actual
consequences of the Isobel character. I do appreciate
the Author being an advocate for this issue and the
title does honor the story, if a bit briefly. Overall,
a lovely story.

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4* Easy reading

Fifth book in the series, same location, different plot, many characters reappear.

Daisy Jackson runs the Craft Cook Cafe in Tuppenny Bridge, when she meets local headmaster Noah Lavender they sense an immediate attraction to each other. But Noah is bound to an unhappy marriage and knows that if his wife hears a mere rumour of his friendship, her reaction will be extreme.

An entertaining romance with very dark moments and a happy ending (it's a romance, of course there's a happy ending). Although part of a series, there's no need to have read the previous books – I hadn't, but now intend to read the whole series in the correct order.

eARC generously supplied by Storm Publishing and NetGalley, this review is my personal, unbiased opinion.

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This is a book in a series, which I usually find very easy to get into even if I didn’t read the books prior.. In this story, I did have to reread a few sections to peace the characters together. the character Daisy came to Tuppenny Bridge after her father died and her brother moved out. She has since then opened a business, made some friends and is living on her own for the very first time.. The one thing that Daisy does not is true love. That is until she met Noah Lavender. The only problem is Noah is married. Not only is he married he is keeping a dark secret about Isobel his wife. How will Daisy and Noah be able to be together.

Was not just about a beautiful love story the crumbling of marriage. It also tells the story of abuse between a husband and wife, a daughter and father and how people deal with this. There were many characters in the story that were keeping dark secrets because everyone is afraid to talk about certain things. It was a beautifully written story with complex characters and story of love.

Thank you, Net Galley and Storm for the ARC, I’m sure Ms Booth has many more stories to tell about the people of Tuppenny Bridge.

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Wow! Just wow! I have read all the books in the Tuppenny Bridge series by Sharon Booth but Hope Blooms in Tuppenny Bridge is by far the best! I could not stop going to the next page, the next chapter. Definitely worth the eye strain to finish it. Now, I have to keep these characters close for just a little while before I start a new book.

Releases Oct. 18th. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I was invited by the publisher to review this book. This book is a part of an existing series, so while you do not need to have read the previous books to understand this one, you may be interested in starting from the beginning to get the whole vibe of the series. This was a charming read about Daisy who opens a cafe in the quaint town of Tuppenny Bridge. She has some issues in her past that have been left unresolved, but slowly she learns to prioritize herself and work through her issues. She eventually meets Noah, who becomes someone who helps anchor her and helps her heal - but, all is not as it seems with him, either. I loved going on Daisy's journey of healing and growth, and the romance between Daisy and Noah was sweet. The book appears to be "light" from the cover and description, but actually the author dives deeper into serious issues, and this is done well.

Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a fantastic continuation to the Tuppenny Bridge series but with enough information about the characters in it to remind me of who’s who which I think would make it totally fine to read as a standalone. Although this is a very uplifting series this does have a particularly hard hitting storyline about domestic violence however I did think it was very well considered and definitely showed the mental impact, shame and what prevents victims from leaving etc. The two main characters were both really lovely people and I enjoyed reading both perspectives as well as catching up with the other characters from the series. Overall there are some challenging moments in this but I do think the author did a very good job of covering a difficult subject and there’s a good balance of positive moments too.

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A lovely book set in fictional Tuppeny Bridge with lovely characters and a lovely settling that the book makes you see in your imagination .a nice read .
Book 5 in the series but good as a standalone as well .

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Great to be back with the residents of Tuppenny Bridge. This book tells a story of Daisy who recently moved there and opened a wonderful cafe with her gorgeous home bakes.
Daisy loves to go on hiking walks it helps her to relax after a tumultuous past, one day she meets Noah the local headmaster on her hike and they strike up a great friendship but there’s a problem Noah is very much married. Daisy sees a side to Noah she recognises and learns he is troubled and carrying a grave secret.
They together become fowl to idle gossip with heartbreaking results.
Well written and love the village and how they look out for one another. Looking forward to further visits.

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This is part of a series, and although it works as a standalone, it would help to know the back stories of the other characters. This one focuses on Noah and newcomer to town, Daisy. Although on the surface, it reads a bit like a cosy romance, there is more to this book. Hidden secrets and feelings of guilt are still resonant after an accident fifteen years ago. Domestic violence is an underlying theme, and without revealing too much, is handled very well and is quite thought provoking in this instance. The description of the scenery makes me want to visit this area, and I would like to read earlier books in the series. Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for copy to read and review.

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