Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.
4 stars book from me. Loved the plot and the storytelling in Not In My Book and relatable, likable characters,. Loved every single second reading it.

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I really enjoyed this! It was exactly what I needed to read after a string of incredibly depressing fantasy books.

Overall, I really did have a fun time with this. Rosie and Aidan are my romantically repressed babies and I loved watching them grow together. I'm not entirely sure if this counts as enemies to lovers as Aidan admits that he was only being mean because he liked her and thought she was so talented she could handle the intense criticism of her work. This was the weakest part of the romance for me.

The excerpts from Aidan and Rosie's cowritten romance book at the end of each chapter sometimes hit for me and sometimes missed. Considering how talented they were these excerpts felt quite dry, especially compared to the actual book itself which had a writing style I really enjoyed. I did love the scene where they were writing a spicy scene together - I think the concept of working on the scene together on their separate laptops was a great way of drawing out the tension between them. The concept of Aidan's love confession being the end of their book was stronger conceptually than in conception.

Otherwise, I loved the cast of characters, the pacing moved quickly and I flew through this one. Thanks so much to Transworld and netgalley for the arc. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4 stars.

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After finishing this book, one thought stood out clearly: I absolutely adore it!
This novel stands out for its originality, even though it follows classic romance tropes of two headstrong, contrasting personalities. It weaves in some of my favorite themes—enemies to lovers, forced closeness, and opposites attracting—while infusing it with a Southern flair, Peruvian authenticity, and festive cheer. The New York setting, which feels like it was tailor-made for love (romantic park strolls, whimsical Christmas décor, elegant restaurants, sipping frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity!), somehow manages to outshine even Paris as the ultimate romantic destination.
Although the plot adheres to familiar formulas, I didn’t mind at all. It's like a weekly indulgence that lifts my spirits! (We could use more stories like this! Don’t listen to those brooding, real-world Aidens—they’re a temporary balm for the soul, helping us stay afloat when life gets rough.) The execution of beloved tropes, the slow-burn romance, authentic family dynamics, and witty writing class banter between Rosie and Aiden were spot-on!
The ending was especially heartwarming! I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did, but Max and Hunter’s chapters were so close to flawless!
As for the plot: Rosie, a hopeful and bold woman in her twenties with Peruvian American roots, leaves her life in Tennessee behind to chase her dream of becoming a romance novelist in New York. In a writing class, she crosses paths with Aiden Huntington—a tall, handsome man with piercing green eyes—who loathes romance and quickly becomes her harshest critic. Despite her initial crush on him, their interactions escalate into heated confrontations, making him her arch-enemy.
Their constant bickering disrupts the class so much that their instructor forces them to collaborate on a joint project blending romance and literary fiction. As they begrudgingly spend more time together, they begin creating characters based on themselves, inadvertently exploring their real emotions. The tension between them evolves, and the boundaries they built start to crumble as undeniable chemistry grows. Will they be able to finish their collaborative book without any major fallout—or will they embrace a happily-ever-after, not just in fiction but in real life too?
Both are hesitant to risk their hearts, but what if taking that leap is the only way to find your true match?
In conclusion: I had a great time with this book! Some of the characters’ stubbornness irritated me, but ultimately, I’m giving it 4.5 stars (rounded up to 5!) because of Maxine and Hunter!
Big thanks to NetGalley and Alcove Press for providing this digital ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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