Member Reviews

A fresh new world, dealthy trials and a brewing rebellion.

This story takes place in a Timbuktu, a world not too unfamiliar with exciting elements that captivates the reader. Whilst the start is heavier with the world building, I read the last 50% in just over an hour because it is was so engaging and I didn't want to put it down.

The main characters romantic ideals specifically can make her a little hard to like, especially considering the bigger picture but her loyalty is much more likeable. The plot was very engaging and it had some very fun twists that made you look at the story completely differently (in a 👀 way).

Thank you to Netgalley

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3.5 stars
This book starts out a bit slow, but the second half has a suspenseful life or death situation that puts you on the edge of your seat, it’s full of death, fighting, magic and the realisation that maybe those you thought you could trust you can’t and those that you don’t are actually the ones that you can.

The FMC was a bit annoying at times, especially at the start when she was all doom and gloom. I loved her growth with Jeneba and Penda, as well as her relationship with her sister that we see grows by the end.

The ending was a bit abrupt, I know it’s setting up for a series but I was hoping for a bit more of a conclusion.

I love the worldbuilding and the concept of the gods, sorcerers, magical maps and a deadly suitor competition.

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I came across this book by chance and was given an opportunity to read this via NetGalley, the story focuses on Amie who has had an unfortunate fall from grace. She ends up as one of three maids that looks after the Princess Mariama. The fantasy tale unfolds with the princess suitors having to complete trails to gain her hand in marriage, 99 of them have already failed. I don’t really want to give too much more away as in all honestly it was a rather good twist on the princess fantasy tale as indeed not is all as it seems. Amie is a rather annoying character and at times does come across a bit pathetic with her ‘my life is terrible’ stance all the time. We do get further insight of her terrible family and why what happened to her had to take place but doesn’t really push the story forward just asks more questions that are unfortunately not fully answered, main one is her sister who she hates but loves and has powers nobody really understands how she has them! The story at times is slow and struggles to get to a point but bare with as most of the focus is around 60% plus when it starts to get interesting. The book is set up I am presuming as a series or at least a further book to continue the story as the ending was wrapped up without a satisfying conclusion. I would advise this is a YA fantasy but does have elements of death, infliction of pain as well as the main characters questioning of her own self discovery.

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