Member Reviews

The Little People, Big Dreams biography book series is a fun and informative reading experience. This book on Salvador Dali was interesting and taught me things I was not aware of before. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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Another beautifully illustrated book for kids in the 'Little People, BIG DREAMS' series! Salvador Dalí is one of the greatest surrealist artists but he once was a young boy with big dreams who believed in himself and dared to be different. The whole series is very inspiring and introduces kids to famous artists, scientists and athletes in an easy and illustrative way.

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Another cute book in the "Little people, Big Dreams" series. Perfect for younger readers who want to learn more about Salvador Dali. Well written and cutely illustrated.

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Another great installation in the Little People, Big Dreams series of books. Salvador Dali is a fascinating figure in art history and this story gives a great look into a few key things about his life and work. I love how the story pulls in some of the other things that Dali did - like moving to New York and designing furniture, writing books, creating shop-window displays, etc. Much more than just the surrealism art that he's known for. As expected, this book has a great moral to the story - the importance of asking ourselves "What wonderful things will I achieve today?" to live each day to the fullest.

I also enjoyed the recap/timeline at the end and the emphasis that "great things can happen when we believe in ourselves and dare to be different". I think both of these takeaways are great for young readers and can help to encourage creativity and perseverance. The illustrations in this book felt appropriate for a story about a surrealist painter. For the most part, the pictures on the page supported the text of the story and helped to bring the words to life. The illustrations are colorful and whimsical with a surrealist flair, while still depicting realistic scenes.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC of this book!

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I really do like these books. This one however had some unintentionally funny moments such as "It was full of images that didn't make sense, which is why the surrealists loved it." I know this series is for children so it's not like they're going to delve into the meaning and subjectivity of the surrealist art movement, but it just made me chuckle to see it summed up that simply. I do like the emphasis on the fact sometimes you need to let children have their imagination and be a bit weird to achieve some really cool stuff.

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I was not aware of Salvador Dalis life story going into this story but I am pleasantly surprised by this and think that children would definitely enjoy this.

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A wonderful insight into the life of renowned Surrealist artist, Salvador Dali. Being somewhat familiar with some of his paintings, I had no idea about his personal life or background until now. There are also some fantastic, vibrant illustrations.

This is yet another wonderful addition to the Little People, BIG DREAMS series.

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Little People, BIG DREAMS has turned out another adorable biography for the kiddos, this time focusing on Salvador Dali. I thought this one was especially cute. I learned more about Dali's life and history, and it encouraged me to google and learn more! This is a great intro to Dali, and the art was fantastic!

Thanks to NetGalley, Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara, and Quarto Publishing for the advance copy. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a fantastic ARC from Netgalley, thank you so much for the chance to get to read it. My daughter has historically loved all of the Little People, BIG DREAMS books series. She is now 11 but we still have and collect these, as they are always a fantastic look in a respectful way into the lives of historical figures. This is no exception, a wonderful look into the Surrealist artist, and his life. This one is not to be missed!!

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A wonderful introduction to the enormously gifted artist, with a great moustache, Salvador Dali (which is the name of the artist, not his moustache, although I would not be surprised if the opposite is equally true). Fascinating man, well done writing and drawings, a captivating introduction to a fascinating, and truly creative spirit!

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I really enjoy the books in this series and I was delighted to pick up this new release in the series on Salvador Dali.

The book has some great illustrations that helped bring the story of Salvador to life.

The book is a great overview on how he got in to his painting style and what inspired him.

It is 5 stars from me for this one, very highly recommended and a great addition to the Little People, BIG Dreams series!

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Another fabulous instalment in the incomparable ‘Little People Big Dreams’ series - this time focused on Salvador Dalí! The illustrations were surreal and wonderful and I can really imagine my god-daughter being captivated by the details, colours and shapes. I enjoyed the message that your imagination may be the secret to your success and that standing out is no bad thing.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance digital copy for review consideration!

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"Salvador Dalí" by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara is part of the "Little People, Big Dreams" series, aimed at introducing young readers to influential figures in a simplified and engaging way. The book presents Dalí's life and achievements in a child-friendly manner, highlighting his unique artistic style and contributions to surrealism. With vibrant illustrations and concise text, it offers a captivating glimpse into Dalí's world, making it accessible and enjoyable for children while inspiring curiosity about art and creativity.

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What a great book for such an unique artist. I adore the Little People Big Dreams series and this is definitely worth looking at!

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I love the Little People, Big Dreams series and thought this made a great, new addition. I thought the message to believe in yourself and dare to dream was really inspiring and as usual with this series, I like that the author focusses on the characteristics which lead to the subject's success rather than just focusing on career achievements. Dalí's story is told in a clear, concise manner which could be understood by children of all ages as well as providing older readers with an overview of the artist's life. I liked that a brief biography and photographs are included in the back of the book as well as ideas for further reading.

I wasn't keen on the illustrative style in this book however it didn't detract from the story. The style does lean into the surrealist style that is synonymous with Dalí so I understand why it was chosen however it isn't my personal favourite.

Overall I love this series and thought this was a great addition!

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