Member Reviews

I absolutely adore the romcom side of Melanie Moreland's writing and My Favourit Boss is right up there at the top of my list of 'will listen to again!

The story of Bane and Myers will have you laughing out loud, usually at the most inopportune of times.

Throughout this office romcom, you will question, and rightly so, what else can happen to these two in this boss/employee romance...well you ain't seen nothing yet! Hold on to the nearest hard surface and ensure your tena lady underwear is securely in place, you're going to need it!

A wonderfully funny and swoon worthy story that will brighten the darkest day.

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Having read all books by this author, I was very excited to read this. I was not disappointed. Magnolia goes to work for Bane, who is a demanding boss that asks so much of his assistants they don’t last more than a few days. Within minutes of meeting, the both realize their lives are about to change.
I loved the banter between Maggie and Bane, and while he was grumpy it wasn’t ever mean or over the top. A quick read that I very much recommend.

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Grumpy boss meets sassy, sunshine girl. Funny, sweet and swoony with some office hijinks. Another book I flew through. It was so fun that I couldn’t put it down.

Alex Bane is very grumpy, very exacting and goes through assistants as fast as I read this book. After being bowled over, quite literally by Magnolia, he reluctantly hires her.

Magnolia Myers is the star here. She is funny, effusive, clumsy as hell and so darn likeable. Her sunny ways and unfiltered mouth slowly loosen Bane up. Everyone could do with a Magnolia in their life; someone supportive who is willing to charge into battle in defence of you.

I could feel the spark between them. I loved their banter, their protectiveness toward each other, those quiet moments where you can really feel the connection.

Moreland did a fantastic job melding laugh-out-loud moments with poignant moments of sweetness. The condom scene was hilarious, it had me in stitches. Definitely an author I will read more of.

Thank you to Netgalley and Melanie Moreland for the arc and this is my honest review.

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4.5/5 stars
This story follows an architect who needs to hire an assistant and when he finds the one, she turnes out to be the one for him. I loved Melanie’s previous book and this one was just as amazing. Give me any workplace romance and grumpy x sunshine trope and I will eat it up. I was instantly hooked with the writing style of the book and loved the storyline. It was fun and such an easy book more me to read. I enjoyed the fast pacing and loved seeing how the book not only follows the romance but there were some side plots that kept the story interesting. This book is told from both Bane and Myer’s pov.

Bane aka Alex is the MMC of the book who doesn’t believe in love and loves his work. He begins to open up and I loved seeing his love for Myer;s to grow especially when he didn’t know how to express it. Myers aka Magnolia is the FMC who needs money to help her dad. I loved how hardworking she was and when she was bullied, she didn’t truly let it ruin her. I loved seeing her grow and being her normal self. We do have plenty of side characters, some where horrible but some were so sweet though none were mainly involved in the story. The romance is steamy and there was great chemistry between the couple with grumpy x sunshine, forced proximity and workplace romance.

The ending was well done and overall I really enjoyed this book. I do have to have knock off .5 stars for the fact that Magnolia was mentions she has curves and is bullied for being not skinny but on the cover that represents a complete opposite so it was confusing. I liked My Favorite Kidnapper’s cover and wish that this book also represented the curvy woman we were described. Overall great book though! Also the kitty is so cute!

*this book was sent to me by the publihser to give an honest review in return*

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Thanks to Netgalley and Victory Editing for an eARC. Bane keeps going through assistance and needs a new one. Maggie is running late and literally runs into Bane. He agrees to give her a chance and what starts out as a grumpy boss and sunshine assistant turns into something more. Loved the banter between the main characters and laughed out loud many times. Loved this book and hope to read more from this author.

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I can't believe how much I loved this book, everything in it was TOP TIER, the banter, the feelings, everything!

this book is a great example of Grumpy/sunshine done right

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This is an adorable, delectable romcom with an OTT boss and a quirky assistant. We have Bane who has gone through more assistants than he has years, but he wagers a bet with HR that he can find his perfect match...and in enters Magnolia. She is the sunshine to his ever present grump and pulls him into the light. Their antics are spot on for the lol moments and brought smiles and tears to my face. I truly loved her strength and quirky personality. She stands up for Bane in ways no one else had before and shows him true love.

If you loved this one definitely check out The Contract, there are a lot of parallels between Richard and Bane. This one is a similar storyline with a romcom twist, but still strong FMC that don't take any from their alpha bosses.

POV: 1st, Dual
Angst: Low
Spice: 3/5

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Author Melanie Moreland delivers readers the grumpy/sunshine trope at its finest with a hefty dose of humor right from the start in “My Favorite Boss.” Yes, I laughed. I “awww’d”—you know, when something is quite touching, and you say “awww”— and I teared up.  Melanie can write some sad scenes, but she also makes “My Favorite Boss” feel at times as if it’s a physical comedy with romance and spice, captivating readers' attention from beginning to end.  Bane and Magnolia couldn’t be more different but suited so well for each other; from uppity mothers, unique allergies, and a grumpy boss that has a tender heart, “My Favorite Boss” was an enjoyable read.

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I got about two chapters in and wondered how this was my first time reading a book by Melanie. My Favorite Boss quickly because one of my new favorite books. This boss/employee + grumpy/sunshine book will have you hooked almost immediately.

The mcs play off of eachother so well. The dual pov was fun to show both how much Magnolia loved making Bane laugh and how much he loved it as well. I loved seeing how Magnolia sees Bane on a deeper level, helping him see it in himself too. Their banter was top teir and her sassiness was so much fun to read. As much as I loved these mcs I think I loved Hedgy more (as soon as he was introduced I knew Bane was about to become the biggest cinnamon roll)

Moreland does an amazing job touching on the struggle of having an unwell parent without letting it make the story too heavy.

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An assistant falling for her new boss. A grumpy-sunshine story.

Love the main characters. Magnolia's snarkiness is terrific. Love how she doesn't give in to Alexander. The banter made me laugh out loud so many times. A terrific rom-com.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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