Member Reviews

"In time everything crumbles"

When even the walls of his castle have crumbled, when hoped has long since died, lord Alaric Valerian finds himself living his own version of a romantsy novel. Annoying mother, arranged marriage, ballroom party, blood in the celar? All checked. The only thing he needs to do now is survive long enough to see his old castle cleaned and brought back to live. But every vampire seems to be curse with impossible visitors, and Winifred, with her extensive knowledge of Dracula, her smutty books and her "I'm your polar opposite but don't worry I'm nice and absolutely-not-thinking-about-the-time-we-kissed" is going to make things (if you know, you know) hard for him.

"and I wish, I wish more than I have wished for anything else"

Winifred is like everyother reader. She likes smutty books, villians, hot chocolate and keeping things on a very specific way. And, very much like Jonathan Harker, she embarks in a journey to a creepy castle, where she has to reside until she finishes her job. And very much like in Dracula, she starts noticing strange occurances, but also enjoys having a drink while talking to her misterious and very noble host.

Dracula's references aside, Winnie and Alaric's romance is something both touching and funny, with just the right amount of tension and mistery. But well, a witchy town full of "eccentric" people cannot exist without a few dead bodies appearing at the most improper times. My opinion may be a bit biased, but this books is going straight to the vampire corner of my room, right next to Dracula and the few (enough to make Winnie wish to kill me) other vampire books.

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This was phenomenal! Absolutely loved this book. Kinda concerning how similar it is to "My roommate is a vampire" by Jenna Levine, but this story is cute as well.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this book—it’s a well-paced, witty read that had me laughing out loud throughout.

Both main characters are sharp and easy to love. Winnie is incredibly relatable with her candid thoughts and humor, while Alaric, the grumpy yet charming vampire, flirts like a pro. His creative passions really shine through, making him all the more endearing.

The Nevermore Murder Club and Smutty Book Coven is packed with quirky, lovable characters. You'll wish you could join them for their weekly meetings! While the murder mystery element could have been explored in more depth, it was still fun and kept me engaged.

Winnie’s backstory, especially her experiences growing up in a hoarder’s household, added emotional depth. Her anxiety and fear around this felt raw and heartbreaking, making her journey all the more compelling.

Alaric’s history was equally fascinating—I could easily read an entire book just about him.

The ending wrapped everything up perfectly, leaving me with a warm, satisfied feeling. My only wish is that Winnie had been less forgiving and a bit more petty toward those who wronged her.

If you’re looking for a spooky rom-com with great friendships, fake dating a vampire, a delightful grumpy/sunshine dynamic, and a sprinkle of murder mystery, I can’t recommend this book enough!

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Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC!

Fangs for Nothing is a vampy romance reminiscent of My Roommate is a Vampire series - there's a certain amount of fun that the author injects by taking herself too seriously. Add on top of that that our FMC has decent character development. She's an organizer who grew up with a mother with a history of hoarding, and we see how she copes with that and her nightmares. Our vampire has his own host of issues, largely to do with his age and the dated laws of vampire, but personality-wise isn't so fleshed out. Forewarning that this book does contain the concept of fated mates - I love a good fated mates though, so no complaints from me!

The one thing that kept sticking out to me as a little lacking were the text messages that started off every chapter. They often felt like unrealistic text messages that primarily existed for narrating and giving the readers information that they otherwise wouldn't be stating, and so it felt inorganic at times, and clunky at worse. I'm excited to see where this series goes though, and I can the author improving in her writing skills and style - we already have a rich small town setting that is perfect for the fall. The mystery element is present but not predominant, I would say, as it barely gets going until nearly halfway into the book - and that is perfectly ok with me.

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This book… this freaking book…. Ahhh. I cannot convey just how much I LOVE this book!!! I was skeptical going in, as it’s not my normal kind of read… but this book truly has something for everyone in it! Love, humor, murder, friendship, magic, vampires, spice, castles, books and more! Winnie is an organizer in her company owned with her friend Faye. Winnie takes a job at a real castle and meets Lord Alaric Valerian (she has no idea she has met him before..eeek) and it’s like instant attraction in more ways than one! She’s helping him organize his castle for a ball his mother is throwing, the humor and sexual tension is hilarious and spicy. But Alaric has a secret Winnie doesn’t know, he’s a vampire! Winnie also joins a book club with a group of different women from town. There is so very much more but truly, read it! I couldn’t put it down! I am so in love with Winnie and Alaric… oh and I heard there is a part two coming? YES PLEASE! 6/5 stars. All stinking day long. I cannot even genre this book, it truly has everything. Absolute MUST read!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc of this book. This book follow Winnie and Alaric. Winnie is a master organizer and Alaric is a vampire with a disorganization and borderline hoarding issue with needs his castle organized before his Mother throws a ball. Then main supporting characters in this book are The Nevermore Murder Club and Smutty Book Coven.This book was witty and entertaining. It was a quick read because I did not want to put it down. I really enjoyed this book and will be looking for more by this author.

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Spicy male female paranormal (vampire) romance. This is the first book in the Nevermore Bookshop Mysteries spin off called The Nevermore Murder Club and Smutty Book Coven. The characters were interesting and the storyline original.

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3.5 stars - I liked it

TW: hoarding disorder; PTSD, panic attacks and nightmares; mentions of war, torture, and multiple murder attempts

Lord Alaric Valerian has a problem. His mother is visiting his castle and plans to host a ball, but she doesn’t know he has filled every room with his artistic passions. Since he is desperate, he hires a professional organizer to help him fix his mess. But she is human and Alaric isn’t prepared for how she would turn his world upside down and awaken his cold, vampire heart.

This book caught my attention because of the beautiful cover and then I read the blurb and knew I would probably enjoy it. This is my first Holmes book, but most likely not my last. This was an enjoyable vampire romance with close proximity and fake dating. Overall, I did enjoy this book but I think the pacing of the story caused me to struggle a bit with it. While this is a fake fiance story, that part doesn’t really come into effect until almost 50 percent in this book, which with over 500 pages, that's quite far in for a romance. I did enjoy that first half but it was a bit slow with its focus on cleaning and organizing Alaric’s castle. But I still enjoyed the story, I just wish I had known going in this was going to be a bit of a slow start.

Winnie was an energetic and compassionate woman who really wants to help people struggling with too much stuff. She is driven by her childhood growing up in a hoarder house with her mother, who is still struggling. I really liked Winnie and her drive to help others. We see her trauma and PTSD from her childhood come into play. While I know nothing about hoarding disorder, I do think the author did a good job at showing how this is different for every person and how it affects those around them. Winnie really struggles with clutter but has built her life around being in it and fixing it, but we still see her have panic attacks and nightmares.

Alaric, like Winnie’s mom, is a hoarder but in a different way. Alaric is over 500 years old and spends his time holed up in his castle making art. He is an extremely passionate creator but as the centuries have passed he has lost more of his castle to those passions. We see him being more receptive to cleaning and getting rid of stuff and he makes a lot of progress, but of course this doesn’t fix his hoarding tendencies completely.

While Alaric is an old warrior, we see that he is actually a gentle soul who just wants someone to see him and not a monster. While Winnie doesn’t know he is a vampire at first, even when she finds out she still sees the true man underneath. I really enjoyed seeing these two get to know each other, play at being a couple, and realize they wanted to be together forever. Yes of course there is a lot of trauma, fear, and a murder to work through first but it was enjoyable all the same. I also really like that while we see these two have a HEA, it only happened after a lot of working through the trauma and mental illness with a therapist and friends for it to work. It felt more realistic, especially when dealing with something as debilitating as hoarding.

Overall, I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading the next one in the series. I also plan on reading the Nevermore Bookshop Mysteries now because I really want to know more about Mina and the other NMCSBC members and their adventures solving murders. Also Mina has three husbands who are from literature, so of course I need to find out how that happens now.

*ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.*

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This was cute. An easy read with likeable characters. I didn't realize that I also had another book by this author until it was mentioned so it's fun that it's basically an interconnected series.

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I really enjoyed this, such a fun premise that I have never seen before. I felt engaged the whole way through, even though it was quite long it didn’t drag at all. I loved the book club and all the characters and I really want to be part of the nevermore murder and smutty book club! Can’t wait for the next one

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Oh wow! I decided to settle down with a drink and read a few chapters before bed … 3am rolls around and I’m over half way through the book!
Right from the get go the amount of descriptors pulled me in creating the world inside my head and gosh is it one I want too see!! The hot stranger who saves her turns out to be hot AND potentially dangerous?? Sign me up!
I just love how the book follows a more light hearted reading experience whilst also exploring deeper topics through our main characters.
People who enjoy the age old grumpy//sunshine trope would love this book, with the in my opinion even better addition of the grump being a tortured vampire artist who struggles to control himself by making many many “failed” artistic attempts.
And though they are both deeply scarred and flawed characters and while they have great romantic chemistry there is so much that they need to discover about themselves and each other while figuring out their new dynamic.

(Also posted on good reads as the book was far too good not to add there)

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The first in a spin off series of the Nevermore Bookshop Mysteries - it is a stand alone and is easily understood without having read that series.

This has a lot of funny moments, a bit of a murder mystery and lots of romantic tension. It bounces back and forth from different points of view, mainly that of Winnie and Alaric, the main characters.

Professional organizer Winnie takes on the preparation of Black Crag castle for a ball for vampires, although she does not know that last part. Alaric has some hoarding tendencies which remind Winnie of her upbringing. With the help of the local book club/coven, they set out to solve the murder of a local man.

It is a fun read for the fall with dark castle, vampire, and magic vibes.

I was given a copy by the publisher via NetGalley (thank you!) and all opinions are my own.

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Fangs for Nothing follows Winnie Preston, organizing extraordinaire, and Alaric Valerian, a reclusive vampire lord, on a journey of love, healing, and of course cleaning. The story opens with Winnie coming to the small English town of Argleton just a day too early for her newest job, preparing for a ball held by the one and only Alaric Valerian. After all, Alaric’s centuries of passions have built up quite a collection of items. The story follows the failures and triumphs of Winnie and Alaric along with the meddling of The Nevermore Murder Club and Smutty Book Coven, who are unable to leave a good mystery alone. And when on the night of Winnie’s arrival someone is murdered, the book club certainly cannot let that mystery stand unsolved.

Fangs for Nothing predominately features a more light-hearted and comical reading experience; however, there are some deeper topics explored by our main characters including learning to love again after betrayal, especially when the betrayal has lasted centuries. Readers who love the grumpy sunshine trope will find it well-represented in this story, along with the addition of the grump being a bit of a tortured artist. Overall, I would recommend this book as a fun read, especially for the current fall and spooky season.

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Thanks so much to Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the arc!!

This was such a fun and quick read that also dives into some darker themes. Winnie and Alaric are both flawed and scarred characters. Both have their own baggage that has to be considered before starting a relationship. I did find that the book could have spent a bit longer exploring their lives seperate from each other and both coming to terms with their traumas.

Alas i loved "The Nevermore Murder Club and Smutty Book Coven", i loved all the girls and their different personalities and i can`t wait for more books possibly exploring other characters relationships. I have some theories ... involving some other supernatural creatures ... c ... a fellow vampire (name starting with a) and another vampire (name starting with g) having a second chance romance for the next book?!?! OMG!

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I am very excited to be reading this book, especially right before Halloween! My full review to follow.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC. All thoughts and comments are my own.

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