Member Reviews

2.5 stars
Firstly I’d like to say thank you to netgalley and the publisher for giving me a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The premise of this was so interesting and I was instantly intrigued. I definitely feel like this is the sort of thriller that fans of Freida McFadden are likely to enjoy.

The writing was easy and quick to read. However, there was a lot of repetition of phrasing throughout which did make it seem repetitive in places.

The twists were quite clever although I did guess one of the final twists from the beginning, so that did take away a lot of the shock factor unfortunately.

All that being said, I just feel like I didn’t really click with this book BUT I can definitely see how other people would enjoy it and like I said I think if people are fans of Freida McFadden they should definitely give this one a go!!

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15 year old Abigail made a huge mistake, she woke up after being on a bender of drink and drugs and finds her mum dead. She killed her. She calls her 20 year old boyfriend to help her, they stage it to look like a robbery gone wrong. Now 20 years later she is a different person, she's turned her life around has a loving husband and family who know nothing about her past. When she receives a gift left on her porch someone knows what she did, will the secrets from the past come out?
An easy read, found it a bit predictable in parts but overall it was good. Total rating 3 1/2 stars

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Unfortunately, I’m only giving this book a 2 star. It was very repetitive and dragged in the begging and then once it finally picked up everything was so predictable. It does look like it set itself up for another book in the future, I’m not sure if I’ll read it or not. I want to thank the author and publisher for the ARC.

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This sounded like my kind of book, but sadly, it was repetitive and predictable. I felt that it could have been so much better, but it just never reached the heights I was hoping for. Hopefully, other readers will enjoy more.
Thanks to Netgalley and Joffe Books for the ARC.

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This is the first book by this author that I have read. Started slow but it slowly begins to pick up pace. A few twists and turns. A surprise ending.

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"The Girl Who Killed Her Mom" is a book about a woman named Abbie and how her past mistake catches up with her present. Abbie has terrible nightmares about the night she killed her mom but what really happened that night? And who knows about it?
The book is written in both past and present which I like as it gives deeper insight into both her worlds and not just mentioning the past. It's a real page turner as in almost every chapter something happens to make you keep reading! There is also huge twists near ruhe end of the book but the only downfall for me is that the ending does end on a huge cliff hanger and that always bugs me as I need a finale in a book!

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I give this book and author the whole 5 stars. This was my first novel by this author. I will be looking for more!

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The Girl Who Killed Her Mom sounded like a fun thriller that I thought would be right up my alley, but unfortunately that wasn’t really the case. I had issues with the writing style, the pacing, the predictable plot, the repetitive dialogue and the inner monologue of the main character. At times it felt as if the author had forgotten that they’d already told us something, and they’d repeat it again or contradict what happened a chapter earlier. There was a lot of repetition in the scenes, particularly at the nursing home, and in the end they didn’t really account for much other than a bizarre “twist” that wasn’t really a twist, nor did it make much sense for the character.
I really like the concept and think it could be a great book but unfortunately this fell very flat for me and while I flew through it, I did not enjoy it.

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Twice on Christmas was one of my favourite books last year so I was very excited to read another from McGarvey Black. It did not disappoint - girl kills mum while out of her mind on pills and spends the next few years trying to move on with her life. Settling down with her (very rich) husband, looking after her kids and doing some volunteer work at the local rest home. This is where it all starts to unravel....

Loved it - I loved the characters and the story line with the different POV's thrown in from time to time. I really felt for Abbie who seemed to have gotten her life together and struggled to believe she would have killed her own mother. I felt stressed for her often, being torn between wanting her to have a good life, and believing that there needs to be justice for horrible crimes. The business element of her husbands work was added some interest - including those he was interested in investing in and there were some interesting folk at the rest home.

I thought this was a well written, and a nicely paced book although it could have done with a few more twists along the way - or a few more nerve wracking moments. I think McGarvey writes an excellent book and this was no different.

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I really enjoyed this book. It kept me engaged and it only took a few days to read. I think this is going to be a good book club option for several clubs. I plan recommending to my book friends and I look forward to reading more by this author.

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While this was a fun thriller, I felt some parts were repetitive and others were just way too predictable. This book was one of those where you could just flip through the pages and read a few random paragraphs to get the gist of the entire book.

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This was a good read although a little predictable as the story developed.

I loved the plotline and thought this would make a good TV drama. It has all the best qualities in a did she or didn't she and I really liked how all the charcaters added to the story.

The twists were great and I liked the ending.

A well written novel and an enjoyable read.

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I really love the concept of a girl killing her mother and then getting away with it, only to find out that the might not have. This book was very good at portraying what goes on in the mind of a young killer which i found very interesting. However I felt like the book was a little bit repetitive. Although the plot twist was very good. I would recommend this book.

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I am a fan of McGarvey's thrillers and this one for me certainly disappoint. Twisty and kept me riveted until the end. Would strongly recommend.

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Seemed like an interesting storyline to start with. A terrible tragedy and a teenager who has to live with what's happened for the rest of her life.
Sadly the story dragged on in a very repetitive way and i found myself skimming through.
I think the book was way to long and i kind of knew what the twist would be and the ending left me wondering if there would be a sequel? I hope not.
My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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A good read with interesting red herrings and a bit of a twist at the end. I found it a bit predictable, though, and hard to imagine that people would really react the way they did. But it is well written and the type of book which is great to read on holiday.

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This book was an ok read for me. A bit repetitive at certain times and it did get better in the second half of the story. Would recommend for a quick read.

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This book was just so so. The blurb I read said there was a big twist at the end, but I didn't get it and the story just kind of ended. I skimmed thru quite a few pages just to get thru this one.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Joffe Books for the copy of THE GIRL WHO KILLED HER MOM
by McGarvey Black. This book started out great and slowly went downhill. I won’t give spoilers but so much of what went on was preposterous. If you have ever been around startup companies, you know this could never happen. The reveal were also predictable, so if you’re looking for surprises, this book isn’t for you. If you’re looking for a fast and easy read, you might love it.

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I’ve spent my entire life trying to make up for what happened that day. I was barely fifteen when I killed my mom! Great read!! This book had great suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, a great who done it and a few twists and turns. The story was interesting! I definitely recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and Joffe books for sharing this book with me!

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