Member Reviews

Why are people suddenly so bothered about this abandoned car all of a sudden. There’s no bodies, the car is empty. What’s the big deal?!? If you want to find out, you need to get a copy and find out. I don’t want to talk about the story too much for fear of leaking a spoiler and if you want to read this book, you need it in all its intense glory!

Cam I loved. He’s not a professional detective but he likes a puzzle. He’s a very likeable character and oh my his relationship with Nala is just brilliant. I’ll admit, Cam’s got a rather unique way of sleeping. Very very intriguing. I mean, I get it to a fashion but yeah, that’s a new one on me Mr Parker!

I love Cam as an amateur detective. He’s like a dog with a bone. Yes he rose to the challenge of finding a 30 year old missing car. I want to see this guy getting involved in more cases. And the mystery you set him up for was so intricate and you have expertly crafted the human blockers that Cam encountered to varying degrees of difficulty! You’ve packed so much intrigue and tension into this novel, I loved reading it. Rob Parker – I need a book two!

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Wow, wow, wow,An absolutely gripping read by Rob Parker. Having read the authors previous books i never doubted this would be good. Introducing Cameron Killick and his dog Nala. Cam has previously worked for the special Boat Squad. Suffering from PTSD he is on what seems like every antidepressant made, to control his panic attacks, the only place he feels safe is submerged in water. Now living in Norfolk. His latest job is to try and find a car which had disappeared in 1987 with the Brindley family in it. He has studied maps from back then and has searched some areas, but this time he thinks he has it.

But when he finds the car there are no bodies, so where did the family go. DS Claire Rogers had given her number to Cam just to humour him, she had never expected to hear from him. So when he called to say he had found the car she couldn't believe it. She has been interested in this case for years it was one of the reasons she had become a police officer.

But where are the bodies, all they have is the car, so what happened to the Brindleys back in 1987? Johnjo Tabernaclle turns up at the site where they have found the car telling them that this it is private land and he is the custodian of it and has been for years.for a company known as Belvedere. Cam and Johnjo have to go to the station to give a statement as to how he found the car when no one else could. But he is kept waiting as they interview Tabernacle first. Cam doesn't mind. He does wonder what Tabernacle is hiding. When Cam is interviewed there is another detective Constable Rylance just standing and listening in. To see what Cam knows and doesn't know.

But what if Cam has set off a chain of events that he didn't expect? With people warning him off Cam is even more determined to investigate, and get to the bottom of what is happening even if it is risky. Especially when the police have closed the case now the car is found! But could Cam get more than he bargained for?

I absolutely loved this i liked Cam and his dog, i can't wait to see this character grow. The writing just flows starting off slowly and soon ramping up the tension having you gripped. You have no idea what twists and turns are coming next. Tabenacle is hiding something Cam knows it but what? Also why aren't the police investigating this matter it seems only Rogers is interested, but even she has her hands tied by the bosses.

This is definitely a series to watch out for. I absolutely loved it and the ending was perfect. I can't wait for the next cam Killick book now. This one is well paced, the plot is believable, all the characters are relatable and believable even the dog Nala.if you are looking for a new crime series look no further.

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A pulse pounding thrill ride with the action never letting up. A cold case,villains aplenty this book had me hooked. A conspiracy covered up,a hero with mental health scars slowly but surely whittles away to find answers along with a survivor of childhood trauma,a nail biting ending. I could not put this book down.

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Cold case diver Cam Killick is searching the Norfolk broads when he finds the missing car at the centre of a decades old mystery.

The prologue alone is enough to chill you to your core. This book has an incredible hook because of the fact that the car was found empty when Cam expected to find the lost Brindley family. So much intrigue and mystery is packed into this story.

Cam is a complex, fascinating character – someone you will instantly root for. I found myself lying awake at night worrying what would happen to him after putting the book down before a particularly tense moment.

The Troubled Deep is the kind of book to make your jaw drop throughout. A gripping novel and the new crime fiction protagonist you never knew you needed. A must-read.

Thank you NetGalley and Bloomsbury Publishing for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Let’s be clear though, mystery-fans, this is a thriller, not a play-along mystery. It never pretends to be, it’s clear from the blurb, but if you’re here for the “Classic Mystery” bit of the blog, then a) why not branch out a bit and b) if not, don’t worry, there’ll be a whodunit along soon.

And it’s a pretty good thriller at that.

The glue holding it all together is Cam, a fantastic central character, a former SBS officer with sometimes-crippling PTSD who finds peace when underwater. It’s a good central idea for a character, especially one based in Norfolk with quite a lot of water around. He comes across as a very genuine character, as do the others on the side of right. There’s a really nicely developed relationship here too which was a lot of fun to read. Oh, and he’s got a fantastic dog!

The villains of the piece are a little less real, one in particular feeling like a bit of a moustache-twirler. He’s still fun to read about – his departing line in the restaurant scene made me laugh out loud – and he and his colleagues present sufficient danger to keep the threat level high throughout.

As I said though, this is a real page-turner. I polished it off in a day and I needed to know how things would turn out. Janice Hallett’s claim on the blurb about a “stone-cold twist” doesn’t hold up – indeed, it would have been more of a twist if something hadn’t been the case – but this isn’t the sort of book that needs one. A really effective thriller with characters (and a dog) that you can root for, not just to thwart the bad guys but to find some peace in their lives too. A really good read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Raven Books for my copy of The Troubled Deep by Rob Parker.
I nearly gave up on this as it took me a while to get into, but I’m glad I didn’t.
30 years ago an entire family disappeared after leaving a party, driving off in their razed jaguar, the four of them were never seen again.
Until Cam Killick arrived in the area and put his skills to finding the car.
What comes next is, well I’ll let you find out.

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Rob Parker has written a belter of a crime novel with his new book, The Troubled Deep. I was hearing a lot of high praise for this novel, and the atmospheric cover really drew me in, so I knew I had to read it. We meet Rob’s protagonist, Cam Killick, who is now working as a cold case diver, after spending years working in the marines. In 1987, the Brindley family disappeared after a night out, a mother and father and two young children. In the present day, when Cam finds their car, submerged in the Norfolk Broads, with no bodies inside, he becomes determined to find out what happened to them. But there are people out there also determined to stop Cam ever finding out the truth. Unlike the police, who appear to want to see this case wrapped up quickly, Cam knows he doesn’t have to abide by their rules and he uses this to his full advantage.

I’d heard there was a chilling prologue to this book and it really was intriguing. It propelled me into the story and it made me connect to the family who vanished without a trace, and I wanted to find out what had happened to them that fateful night. Cam was an interesting character to follow and he has a fascinating past, which I think is what makes him intriguing, and he brings something unique to the crime fiction world. He currently lives on his own with only his dog for company, and I thought the relationship he had with his dog made him really likeable. I also found it interesting how he worked with the police and it is quite clear to see that Cam isn’t afraid to speak his mind, when he feels the need to.

There are some really tense moments as Cam tries to get to the bottom of what happened to the Brindley family. It really made me want to know who these people were, who were now targeting him, and what the secret was that they were so desperate to protect. There are some really shocking revelations as the truth becomes known, and the novel took a direction I wasn’t expecting it to, and for me, this made it even more entertaining.

The Troubled Deep is a brilliant start to what I hope will be a long-running series featuring Cam. I’m really interested to see how his character develops further from here.

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I'll start this review by saying what a wonderful, gripping thriller this is! Cam Killick is a loner, a former SBS hero, a mentally damaged individual and one who had a penchant for diving in dangerous waters. For some time he has been searching the waters in Norfolk for a car and family that went missing many years previous. When he eventually locates the missing car he opens up a whole can of worms that threaten his very existence.
This is a very well written book which is action packed and without doubt a page turner. If this is the start of a series I cannot wait for the next book, I enjoyed this one that much.

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I was hooked on this from the first page!! The story evokes around Cam Killick, former marine and SBS officer. Cam has moved to the deep dark depths of Norfolk after leaving the military and is struggling with PTSD. He finds himself drawn into the unsolved mystery of the missing Brindley family, a high society family who disappeared after a party 30 years ago. When Cam discovers their car under water in the Broads, he opens a can of worms he’s not sure he should have disturbed.

I couldn’t get enough of this book. It was just the right pace, just the right amount of badass, and just the right amount of creepy. It was really refreshing to have such a flawed main character and I felt that Cam was that much more realistic for it. I liked the secondary characters too and felt that they had enough backstory to understand their actions. Highly recommend that you pick this one up when it comes out on 16th January!!

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Cam (Cameron) Killick is a retired diver suffering with PTSD and anxiety, he has settled in Norfolk on his retirement from the SBS. Cam takes on the odd diving job but there is one that he found for himself - how did the Brindley's and their Jaguar car go missing approx 40 years ago? On gut instinct and looking at old maps, he searches a pond and discovers the car. He contacts DS Claire Rogers to inform her of his find. However, the car is empty. What happened to the family? Why? How? Who? It's a page turning, nail biting read full of twists and turns! The conclusion was a total surprise for me as I didn't see it coming.

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I'm not sure I've ever mentioned this before but I don't like water. I don't like to be in it, or on it in a boat, or even flying over it in a plane. So I'm not entirely sure what possessed me to pick up a book where the main character is a diver and it seems rather obvious that he'll be spending quite some time under water.

Cam Killick is a retired diver, suffering from PTSD and anxiety. Every day is a struggle for Cam, only made slightly easier by medication and his trusty and utterly adorable dog, Nala. But when Cam sinks his teeth into a cold case featuring a missing family, things are about to change massively.

Nearly forty years ago, the Brindley family consisting of dad Freddie, mum Maud, son Tommy and daughter Hannah vanished on their way home from a party. The police stopped their investigation into the disappearance a long time ago. But Cam is determined to find their car and he is convinced it can only be somewhere under the water. When he finally finds it, the mystery deepens even more though. The car is empty. There are no bodies. The entire family is still missing.

Cam's discovery sets a whole series of events in motion though. Suddenly, he finds himself in danger. People are coming after him, wanting to know what he knows, and they're not exactly asking nicely. It seems they are desperately trying to hold on to a secret they thought was long buried. But what does any of it have to do with the Brindley family. What happened to them? Where are they? The truth shall be revealed slowly but surely.

It goes without saying that, as the reader, I firmly planted my feet right behind Cam and rooted for him all the way. I liked seeing him slowly regain some little bits of his former self and not letting his "issues" (he'd hate me for using that word) hold him back from fulfilling his mission, no matter how hard it gets for him. Along the way he receives help from Rogers, a detective who realises they don't have all the information they need. I enjoyed this unlikely pairing a lot and hope to see more of them.

'The Troubled Deep' is an excellent start to, what looks like, a brand new series from Rob Parker. While I figured a few things out along the way, the bigger picture surrounding this puzzling and rather complex mystery eluded me until the reveal and it was far murkier than I had anticipated. I appreciated the way the author tackled Cam's troubles without overdramatising them. Not knowing when anxiety would strike him added a whole other level of tension to the story, though.

This is a compelling mystery about how far - or low - some will sink to protect themselves and keep their skeletons firmly hidden in the closets. The Norfolk landscape makes for the perfect atmospheric setting in 'The Troubled Deep' and even all the talk about water won me over, especially when you start to realise how important it is to Cam. Even if it made me feel slightly claustrophobic.

I thoroughly enjoyed my first introduction to Rob Parker and I look forward to more from both him and this series.

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3.5 star rating. I really liked it, definitely a good page turner, kept you wanting to know more. The author was really sensitive with certain mental health issues with the main character which was nice. Its definitely going to be a be a big hit with the norfolk residents. Not really my genre but I wanted to read it as it's based in Norfolk (where i live) and the author is coming to the book shop that I volunteer at for an author event and wanted to get familiar with his book. I'm looking forward to meeting him and talking about his book.

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What a great way to start a new series! This is a gripping novel from Rob Parker with a fascinating central character and set in rural Norfolk. Cam Killick was a member of the SBS and he suffers from PTSD. The only way he can escape his demons is to return to the water and here he sets about discovering what happened to the missing Brindley family. Brilliant!

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Loved this ! It’s the first in what I hope is a series set in Norfolk.

The characters are interesting and complex enough without being difficult to get to know. The twists and turns are unexpected and I enjoyed the Norfolk setting. Lots more of this please

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Set in the Norfolk broads, this is an unusual take on crime fiction. Cam is a diver, plagued by PTSD and intrigued by the disappearance of a family 40 years ago. He works out where the car is, finds it during a dive and opens up a can of worms. Several people, including higher ranking police officers definately did not want the car found. Lots of action and twists in the plot as Cam fights to find out what happened to the family, particularly the two children.
I loved the characters in this book, their personalities , but also their vunerabilities are well described. The pace and the plot are perfectly done and as I got to know Cam, I really liked him (and his dog) . The reasons for the hush up only gradually become apparent, which keeps you guessing. A real page turner
I`ll definately look out for more from this series.
Thanks to Net Galley for a great read

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The troubled deep the first book in the Cam Killick series by Rob Parker and the first book from the author I have read.
Cam Killick is and ex-marine and specialist diver and suffers from PTSD. In now resides in the beautiful Norfolk Broads with his dog Nala. Cam deals with cold cases and anything lost in the water. But one thing he hasn’t found yet is the Brindleys. Freddie Brindley was an investment banker in the 80’s and like to party with his wife Maud. But one night they also took their two children Tommy and Hannah, and they were never seen again.
Until 40 years later Cam finds the family Jaguar submerged in the depth of remote waters of the Norfolk broads. But doing so gets Cam in awful lot of trouble.
I didn’t know what to expect from this author but was engrossed in the, thrilling, gripping thriller from the get-go. Yes, this has a complex storyline, but Cam is such a likeable character and of course to this dog Nala. The storyline is original. Lots of f mystery regarding the Brindleys and corruption between the Police to brush it under the carpet. I can’t wait to read more of this story and see how the series develops. A big fat 5 stars from me.

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IInvestment banker Freddie Brindley and wife Maud liked to party and were well known on the social scene. Normally the children stayed home with a babysitter but in November 1987 the whole family climbed into the Jaguar and attended a party in Norwich. They never made it home.

The police searched, the media were all over it but with no leads and no trace found it soon faded from the public eye

Nearly forty years later ex-Navy diver Cam Killick listening to an unsolved mystery podcast about the Brindley's and being familiar with the area couldn't help but wonder if the marshy Norfolk broads held yet another secret and started his own search.

The plot was excellent and good narrative in both timelines made this a compelling read. Plenty of twists kept this interesting and the flawed protagonist with his canine companion were likeable enough to ensure I'll be sticking around for the second book, it'll be interesting to see how the series develops.

Due for publication Jan '25 - My thanks to Bloomsbury Publishing and NetGalley for the advance copy, all opinions expressed are my own.

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An exciting, fast paced crime thriller set in the beautiful Norfolk Broads and featuring a former SBS diver as the lead protagonist. The characters were very well written especially the troubled Cam and his lovely dog. The landscape drew me in also and I look forward to the next instalment as I want to discover more about the interesting characters.

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This was absolutly brilliant, I loved the suspense and trying to work out what was going on, then surprises at the end. This will keep you reading well into the night as you will not want to stop. Characters that come to life in your mind and you can really feel his emotion as it is so well written. 

Fantastic story so get it on your to be read list. 

My review will go out everywhere on publication day.

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Troubled Deep is the first in a new series where we meet Cam Killick, an ex-marine and specialist diver who suffers from severe PTSD.

Settling in the beautiful Norfolk Broads, Cam is known in the area as the person to go to if something has been lost in the water. But there is a cold case that has been niggling at him - a well-known local family were last seen thirty years ago driving away from a party, but they never arrived home. Cam has researched and mapped out the route they most likely took and thinks he may have found a location that the police didn't search for clues to what happened to them. But when ownership of the land is disputed, will he be able to follow through on his hunch?

Fans of Parker's previous series will know that he has a brilliant knack of creating realistic characters that you can really get behind, and Cam is now part of that roster. Add to that a well-crafted and perfectly paced story, this was very easy to get stuck into and I am really looking forward to book 2!

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