Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Kodansha for the opportunity to read this volume!

I went into this with very low expectations but I’m pleasantly surprised! It’s a sweet story with a cute sett style about a group of cross-dressers and one trans-woman who meet up to eat sweets together. There’s lot of mix-ups on whose gender is what but it’s handled in a great day. At no point did I feel like this was fetishising or being queerphobic or transphobic. I enjoyed it a lot!

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Such a cute series!

What would you be willing to do to enjoy some sweets with some pretty girls? Our main character is willing to cross dress!

This was a very cute and fun volume! I enjoyed our two MCs and the other pair in their group meetup. I liked the inclusivity and how the guys didn’t take themselves too seriously. I’m definitely looking forward to volume 2!

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This was a bit different than the description gave to understand. It’s not a comedic romance between two boys who dress up as girls to go to an all-girl meeting. It’s a rather complicated study of gender identity and how to be yourself.

Satoshi Morinaga is an actor who has self-confidence issues. He dresses up as a woman on a whim to attend an IRL meeting with likeminded people who like to eat cakes. It’s an all-girl group—or so he thinks. One by one, it turns out three of the four members are guys and one is a transgender woman.

Satoshi, going as Cocoa in the group, strikes a friendship with Opera, a college student whose real name is Kosuke Chiyoda. He’s dressed as a girl since school where his friends made him attend a beauty pageant, and does it for fun. Cocoa admires Opera, especially her make-up skills, but the two meet occasionally as their real selves too, though never at the same time. In fairly short chapters, the two learn to know one another, and their own selves as well. No romance in the first volume.

This was an interesting story. I don’t personally have experience with gender issues depicted here, so I don’t know how accurate this is, or if it’s done in a respectful way. Everyone’s very accepting though, and those crossing the line are put to their place.

Art was fairly good, but the characters looked too much alike in many panels so that I had no idea who was who a lot of time. Other than that, it was an enjoyable read.

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This was a very light-hearted, quick read. A group a women who meet up monthly turn out to be 3 cross-dressing men and a trans women. I thought it was going to be a bit cringy, as most manga with cross-dressing are, but this was actually pretty well. There was a time or 2 that the trans woman was misgendered, but not in a malicious way so I was mostly able to overlook it. The main issue I have is with the relationship between the 2 "couples". I put that in quote marks because in both, one of the cross-dressing men has a secret crush on someone else in the group but then when everyone's genders are reveled those crushes aren't resolved in anyway. I now this volume combines vols. 1 and 2 of the original series and there are 2 more after it, not sure if those will also be combined or not, but I really need to know if Cocoa and Opera are gonna be a thing or not because they feel very couple-y and I'm here for it.

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A cross-dressing manga that focuses on expression while being respectful. Honestly speaking the cover of this manga caught my eye first and then, when I read the summary I thought I’d give it a chance.

The first volume sets the bar high. This volume uses cross-dressing as a medium to discuss expressions. How one feels, how they’re comfortable and what makes them who they are. I like how this volume uses it as a safe place without any judgements or misunderstandings. It feels natural, accepting and gives a heartwarming vibe throughout.

The plot in this volume surrounds who the members of the monthly girl meetup are. It’s conveyed somewhat comedically with a touch of seriousness to keep the story light-hearted. The volume reveals everyone’s real genders and a bit of background information. While journeying through this we see topics such as insecurity, self confidence, acceptance, bisexuality, transgender and many more. It was intriguing how this volume was able to touch on each topic with grace.

The manga consists of many little stories combined to make a sequential story of events. They are related and build on each other but ultimately each serves its own purpose. There are also little omake inserts with a recurring character.

There are four main characters in this series. Given the focus of this volume is mainly on Opera and Cocoa, I’m interested to see their relationship grow. I like their dynamics and how supportive they are of each other in their cross-dressing without being too personal.

The artwork is absolutely stunning. It’s cute and expressive both using facial expressions and iconography. I love the character designs and enjoy their fashion sense. The pastries were also deliciously depicted, making me crave a slice of cake right after I finished reading it.

Overall, this was an enjoyable read and one that discusses many important topics that our society needs to discuss. I liked how this volume approaches it and look forward to reading volume two hoping to see more development! This is definitely a great read and one I recommend to everyone.

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This was a really interesting read! It’s obviously not meant to be a didactic text on gender in Japan but it’s cool to have a little window into a different world — but not THAT different considering that I also love dessert! A very sweet (no pun intended) story about friendship-or-maybe-more.

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I am a huge fan of graphic novels but I have never read Manga before. Not sure if it is that I just don't like the genre or if this one just lacked a lot of plot. I felt like there was not much that happened in this Manga and that much of the conversations were not necessary .

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This was absolutely adorable! I loved the idea of the boys being able to cross-dress and not be shamed for it. And they're not acting creepy about it either. They just want to feel and look cute and eat sweets.

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Cocoa enjoys cross-dressing to escape from his daily life, Cocoa meet up with some newfound friends in their all-girl monthly meetup group to enjoy the best sweets on offer. However, this meetup goes in a completely unexpected direction, when Opera the girl he likes finds out he’s cross-dressing and shockingly he is too.

This cute, light-hearted manga celebrates self-discovery, friendship and embracing one’s true identity.

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Cute story but I did not end up finishing it as I just didn't get really involved in the main characters. Our main character also gets found out right away without any buildup to it. Others may enjoy this one, but it just wasn't for me.

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This manga was so adorable! I really loved all the characters! I could totally see this being turned into an anime and I would definitely watch it! If you want to read a cute manga that’s about friendship and acceptance this is right up your alley. Definitely a 5 star for me! Thank you so much NetGalley, Kurano, and Kodansha Comics for this book to review! I will definitely be recommending this to all of my fellow weebs!

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It was cute ! I think that it is the first time that I read something about cross-dressing . Especially as a main topic.
It is a first volume in a series so it is still introductive and was introducing every characters.

We are following a group of women that met online in a forum like site for people with an interest in sweets. They meet up once a month to eat tone of sweets and But one of them is not here for the same reasons, Cocoa, is only going because they’re interested in Opera.
Cocoa is actually a female cross-dresser (male dressed as a female) and go to those meeting hiding his identity.

The representation of cross-dressing is really cute in it.
They are not portrayed as gross men wanting to lured people .
They are men that want to feel cute and/or need to feel like a totally different person for a couples of hours.

There is also some hint toward different romantic relationship but so far no more than blushing and confusion .

It also touch some interesting topic such as bisexuality, gender identity, transgender issue and neutral bathroom. Those issues have been brought up and merely talked about and it is good . It was not a long monologue about being trans or bi . It was simple and direct to the point.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I really loved this cute, sweet take on gender fluidity and expression! The setup of it being “easier” to show up to an IRL meetup for lovers of sweets as a girl is a perfect gateway to an exploration of both gender expression as well as societal expectations. I also loved the notes at the end explaining some of the word, tone, and pronoun choices, since that’s always a tricky thing to handle in translation. It’s definitely on the lighthearted end of the “manga that addresses LGBTQ issues” spectrum, but it approaches the topics with no less sincerity and heart.

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ACKKK— THIS IS SO WHOLESOMEE!! 😍 I was a bit hesitant to pick up this manga because of the title. Crossdressing isn't always portrayed in a good way in media, so I was cautiously optimistic when I started reading it. Thankfully, this manga did not disappoint! 𝘐 𝘊𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘴-𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘐𝘙𝘓 𝘔𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘶𝘱 is about four people who met online because of their shared love for sweets who all decided to meet each other in person. Every character in this manga was so pure and endearing. I absolutely adore all of them, including the side characters!! They are very different personalities but all of them are comfortable in the way they present themselves. I also liked that this manga's exploration of gender identity, gender presentation, and self-expression is both thoughtful and insightful. It delves into the complexities of gender and how it can be fluid and varied. I appreciate this book for challenges stereotypes and promoting acceptance and understanding.💗 Overall, this manga is a delightful and heartwarming read that celebrates individuality and self-acceptance. If you're looking for a lighthearted and fun manga, I definitely recommend checking this out!

[Thank you so much to NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for providing an eARC of this manga in exchange for an honest review.]

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Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC! This was really good and super sweet definitely have to read more as it comes out!

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Four girls meet up on-line and decide to get together in real life to try out various sweet shops. They meet once a month and try different shops and different sweet treats. Cocoa has gotten interested in Opera, but she has a problem. Cocoa is actually a cross-dressing guy, but then he finds out that Opera is also cross-dressing. Which brings up the question what about Lemon and Kantentaro? As the story unfolds and the characters' backstories are revealed, their motivation to cross-dress becomes clear and so does their friendship. There is drama and problems, but that is life. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next volumes of this tale!

Thanks Netgalley and Kondansha for the chance to read this manga!

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The title was sending me some TERF-y red flags, but very quickly it becomes a delightful journey of exploring and sharing experiences of gender identity exploration, including a spectrum of nuances to genderqueer expressions. The plot has very managa-esque situational humor, and isn't preachy, and actually very cute. I adored how it still managed to create a joyous support group of people who just love sweets and want to be who they are. A really pleasant surprise.

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It’s pretty okay. It’s a group of friends who meet up about sweets and happen to be mostly cross dressing men (the last is a trans woman so not the same). The art is cute and the nuance of gender is done fairly well. Anything problematic is mostly done unintentionally and light hearted. It’s very basic but cute. Nothing groundbreaking.

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This is a fun queer manga that explores the fluidity of gender expression and identity and how it can be different for different people. Four women come together for a regular meetup to eat sweets, only for it to turn out that three of them are cross dressing (and the fourth is a lesbian trans woman). The plot explores their relationships and some of the realities of their experiences, including how people can make the wrong assumptions about each other even when they have similarities. It does well to explore different identities, not just the two main crossdressing characters, but also the other two characters who are a trans woman and a femboy respectively, and it's interesting to see how this is impacted by Japanese culture and gendered expectations, such as Valentine's Day and White Day. I'll look forward to reading more of this when it is translated.

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This was a cute read but it lacked substance. The story centers around four "women" who met each other online and have decided to spend time together once a month, at cafe's or bakeries. They share a love of sweets and also have each kept a secret from one another. Volume one introduces the characters, mostly features their meetup's but doesn't delve very much in each character's personal lives. Perhaps this is something that will be introduced in future volumes.

**ARC Provided by publisher via netgalley**

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