Member Reviews

A beautifully written true account of a woman who travels to China not knowing any of the language to work putting together a Cinderella Story. Along the way she rescues 2 dogs and find the love and kindness of many.

This memoir was incredibly heartwarming, highlighting the journey of self-discovery, resilience, and the profound impact of embracing new adventures!

This memoir was not for me. It was very dog-centric and didn't seem to go that deep. Maybe I missed something but I wanted more there there.
Thanks to She Writes Press for the copy to review.

This felt a bit like I was reading diary entries about the author's journey to edit a film, mixed in with therapy assignments reflecting on her childhood, thrown together with love letters to her dog (and dogs she bonds with on her trip).
The short chapters and lack of depth to the story made for an easy read to pick up and put down.

This is not a book I would normally be drawn to but a friend in my book club recommended it to the group. It was different from anything else I have read recently. I really enjoyed Lisa's story. How she did not let society and their judgements get her down. She took the negativity the world handed her and took a risk. A risk that helped her establish the next part of her journey.

This memoir is nominally about the author’s time in rural China serving as the editor for a movie being filmed based on the Chinese version of the Cinderella story. But really more of the book is about how much she loves and misses her dog in LA, and about a few dogs she encounters in China.
Although this comes out in January, it was my online book club’s choice for our November book club. I started reading it then but when I realized I wasn’t going to finish in time, I put it aside because frankly I was a little bored. But I decided to pick it back up and finish it. It was fine. Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if I was a dog person?

I am usually not a fan of biographies/memoirs, but this book is written in a different way. I really enjoyed the writing style, poignant and fun, direct and entertaining.
At the same time, tho, it never really captivated me and I felt like the story took a long time before taking off. The premises of the story were good, but it felt like it was explained like a list of facts, rather than a story itself, and that I just couldn’t enjoy it.

Despite the unappealing and strange title, this was a fun little book and an easy read. The short chapters make for good bedtime reading. It tells the story of the author's brief stay in China while working on a movie. As the only white person and the only person that didn't speak Mandarin, the author faced many challenges, particularly loneliness. I appreciated her vivid descriptions of the sights, sounds and smells of the markets, food and places that she encountered. I could imagine myself in some of the situations, both good and bad. The pop culture references were enjoyable.
I'm not sure whether it is appropriate to mention here that in the first paragraph of chapter 61, "master's" is misspelled and the word "instead" is used twice in one sentence.
Since the goodreads group that I moderate prefers "clean" reading, I appreciated that there were few f-bombs and no sex scenes.

Lisa is a longtime film editor who is at a crossroads in her career. She gets the opportunity to work on a film in a remote area of China and she goes for it — not knowing the area or the language. She highlights the experience, as well as her experience with rescue dogs in China.

Imagine travelling to China to edit a film in a language you don't know. You leave your life (and very important dog) behind and travel to where the real Cinderella story originated. Lisa Cheek did that. It's a story of friendship and of course another dog or two. It's a lovely light read perfect for a bit of an escape

I had the privilege of meeting the author recently and she absolutely sold me on the idea of this book. Her passion for her work and animals came through loud and clear in person and in her writing. Her bravery to travel through China and accept a work assignment in a language she didn't know was incredible. Her love for animals and their companionship will melt your heart.

Lisa Cheek's unique experience as a film editor traveling to China to assist in the making of the original Cinderella was such a fun read. Her love however for Ron Howard, her pup was shown immensely in this lovable book. Dog lovers see life differently and caring for those around her and being cared for in return when she needed it I felt was a theme throughout. Even while traveling abroad those in need found safety and "home" in her care. The quick chapters made it easy to pick up and put down when needed but in the end I read this delightful debut in one day. The story bouncing back and forth through present day and childhood was interesting, I would have enjoyed more of a resolution there. All in all this read was well worth it, her love for Ron Howard ran deep which made me love her for that. Her enjoyment of taking in the unknown and accepting a job so far from her comfort zone made me want to dive in.

Appreciated Lisa’s perspective and her love of dogs/animals. Some of the writing and dialogue could have been more polished overall.

Sit, Cinderella, Sit by Lisa Cheek is a memoir that blends humor and heart, recounting the author’s unexpected journey from editing TV commercials to working on a film project in remote China. The narrative offers glimpses into her personal growth, the challenges of navigating a foreign culture, and the connections she forms with locals, including a translator and a fellow traveler named Sunny. Cheek’s storytelling is candid, and there are moments of warmth and humor that shine through, especially in her reflections on overcoming language barriers and rescuing stray dogs.
However, for me, the book fell short in creating a strong emotional connection. I struggled to fully engage with Lisa’s journey. While the story touches on themes of self-discovery and resilience, I didn’t find myself compelled by her experiences. That said, readers who enjoy lighthearted memoirs with a dash of adventure may still appreciate Cheek’s perspective on navigating life's unexpected challenges.

engaging and really fun memoir about an interesting person's pivot into editing a film abroad. 5 stars. tysm for thea rc.

I love memoirs...above all I love memoirs that show me a world or a situation that I know nothing about. I wasn't sure what to expect when I started this book but I was deftly pulled through by the author who knew exactly where she wanted to take me.
From LA to China I was carried on an amazing journey about filmmaking. The saga was peppered with insights of the author's life growing up, her career in editing and her relationships with her dog.
It was both endearing and poignant.
Without giving anything away, I had to hold my breath as I got to the end for my hope that like the story of Cinderella, there would be a happy ending. Well worth the read.

Lisa Cheek does a fantastic job in writing the memoir. I appreciated getting to hear her story and going on this journey of self-discovery with her. It was written in a way that was engaging to the reader and I was hooked from the first page and enjoyed the overall concept.