Member Reviews

In general I enjoyed the story of two people learning to open themselves to love, as well as their families. A quant village and a new bookstore play a very minor role. I just had a hard time with the inability of the couple to talk about anything rather than jumping to worse case. Still, ok as a quick beach read

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It was lovely being back in Driftwood Bay, getting to know Nancy and Dennis. Vi’s grandson has been briefly mentioned in previous books but we get a proper introduction to him this time. Vi deserves a full story to herself, she is absolutely hilarious and always makes me laugh with what comes out of her mouth. I felt embarrassed for both Dennis and Nancy at times!

Nancy I couldn’t help being envious of. Is it awful to wish someone would die and leave me a heap of money so I could start up a bookshop of my own? I know it is but I couldn’t help going to bed and dreaming of a wonderful bookshop near to the sea as well as pinching Dennis and Nancy’s ideas of how to drive sales through lol. Honestly, as a book lover, she has the dream job even if it is struggling, which of course is where Dennis comes in.

There are so many tongue in cheek moments that guaranteed this to be a fun read. The thrill of the will they, won’t they, moments wondering if the two will ever fully get it together. Of course you can’t forget the idyllic location, the small community and the family bonds that add to how compelling this story was. Dennis and Nancy couldn’t be anymore different in terms of personality as well as interests but this is the ideal scenario of opposites attract.

The Bookshop at the Cornish Cove is the perfect uplifting read that will leave you with a smile on your face and a full heart! The author nails the small town romance and setting, making it the ideal way to escape from real life. It will definitely have you curling up on the sofa or in bed and wanting to shut the real world outside while you lose yourself in to the story. A truly gorgeous, laugh-out-loud read!

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

This book was great! I loved the writing style and I loved the characters and their chemistry. I loved the backdrop of a seaside small town. Good romance book!

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~Romance, Small-town, Bookshop, and more!~

The Bookshop at the Cornish Cove by Kim Nash follows Nancy, who just achieved her dream of opening her very own bookshop in Driftwood Bay. The problem is even though this has been her dream for as long as she can remember, Nancy doesn't exactly have a business plan. Leaving her stores success up to the universe isn't working as expected, with the bills stacking up and her savings being drained by the day. So when Dennis, a handsome big-shot businessman who is in town visiting his grandma, offers to help, Nancy has no choice but to accept. With their constant budding heads and a spark of romance, will Nancy and Dennis be able to save her bookshop, or will it become just another statistic? And will their friendship turn into something more despite their differences?

3.5| This was a cute read with an interesting premise. I did end up enjoying this book; I loved the descriptions of the scenery and getting to know the town and how it operates. The beginning of the book was not my favorite. Everything was happening a bit fast, and I found the characters hard to connect with. Dennis and Nancy were constantly budding heads and "starting over" that it got repetitive and redundant. As much as I didn't enjoy the first half of this book, the second half of the book made up for it. I loved the letters and how much we got to know Dennis through them. I loved seeing Nancy's relationship with her brother and how they both worked through their individual issues. While I did love her brother's character, I felt the introduction of him was a little odd. He is just randomly mentioned after the story had already developed quite a bit. I would have liked him to be mentioned earlier so his existence wasn't so out of the blue. I loved Nancy's whole family dynamic, though I wish we saw more of her dad. Nancy's mum is mentioned quite a bit, but her dad seemed like an afterthought with barely any dialogue. I did find the characters were well balanced which was nice. I also enjoyed how Dennis had a reason behind his actions instead of excuses.

While I did enjoy parts of this book, I did encounter some inconsistencies. One of them was with Dennis's number being blocked. It is specifically stated that Nancy blocked his number and deleted his contact. Later, she goes to text him even though she wouldn't have the ability to. This was a big oversight to me, especially since she never texts him anyway, so it seemed unnecessary to the story and just created confusion. My main frustration is that she simply just didn't talk to him. The miscommunication happens twice; the first time, Nancy has a lot of regrets, so it doesn't make sense that she would repeat this action without giving him a chance to explain. As for the end, I think it was a bit sudden. I wished they had talked things out though I did enjoy the romantic gesture. I wish I had gotten to see more of the townspeople and more of Nancy's day-to-day life. I liked seeing her backstory, but seeing more of her current life would have allowed me to understand her character better.

Overall, this was a pleasant and sweet read. While I didn't love everything in this book, the characters were cute, and the descriptions of the town and environment were great. I liked how complex both the characters were and how we got to hear both of their backstories. A cute read I would recommend to anyone who loves small-town romances!

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I have to be honest I struggled to read this in the beginning . Not keen on the odd swear word and the parents expecting her to sleep with him.but it grew and grew on me. I loved the letters Owning a book shop is more than a dream, you have to work at it. I loved the shells and the book tins. The ending was lovely Read it.

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when Nancy's aunt leaves her some money in her will she follows her dream to own her own bookshop.
she thinks shes doing ok and all the bills she is getting are as expected when setting up a shop.

Dennis is having a break from work and is staying with his gran in the village when he bumps into Nancy by accident in the street making her drop her box of books.
He calls into the bookshop one day not realising it belongs to her to pick up a book for his gran.
He happens to see all the bills and tells nancy he could help her sort it out for free while hes staying at his grans.

Love this book and the humour that Kim pits into her books.

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This is the first book I have read by Kim and I loved it. I got it from Net galley to give a review which was a bonus. I was hooked as soon as I started reading. Nancy gives up her teaching job to run a bookshop and Dennis is visiting his Nan. Set at the seaside, I just wanted to be there. Nancy has been left money and has always wanted to run a bookshop but has no experience. Dennis bumps into Nancy,literally and wants to help her. So they settle in to a pattern of him popping round and them discussing how to make the bookshop viable. We get to see a side to Dennis that no one’s seen before. Off course he is handsome and Nancy is pretty and you want them to get together but things never run smoothly in the search for love. I didn’t want it to end and I would have loved that we read more about how their live panned out.I couldn’t put the book down and have downloaded a few more of Kim’s book to read. Definitely recommend.

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Ahhhhhh,it was great to be back in ‘Driftwood Bay.’…..the idyllic village the author has created in Cornwall and re meet some of the previous characters….especially of course Vi with her food combo concoctions and caustic yet kind ways ,in fact Vi features quite a lot as one of the main newcomers to the story is her grandson Dennis who is staying with her for some ‘downtime’……….and when Dennis meets Nancy , the owner of the villages new bookshop….the sparks fly….not always in a good way but Dennis rekindles something Nancy has been missing….

Really loved the prep for and the actual official opening of the bookstore and the inside info this brought to the book and also really enjoyed the ‘letters’ part of the book,different and vital to the story

Of course loved the cover,the covers to these books are always top notch

And as for the story…well it was happy,sad,happy,sad and everything in between and another must read in this series based around one of my favourite places to read about and be a part of every time I find myself back there c/o of the author

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