Member Reviews

What worked:
Lydia’s “family” is comprised of unrelated characters who share a deep affection for each other. The Z twins are mischievous characters, part elf and part human, who enjoy playing pranks on others and making boisterous entrances when they choose to appear. Their impulsiveness creates a conflict for Lydia that becomes the plot’s focus. Lydia loves her life in Mulberry Glen and she wants nothing to change. However, she’s at an age where she’s expected to apply for a mentorship but no one in Mulberry Glen shares her interest in herbs and plants. The Z twins’ poor judgment forces Lydia to leave home and she discovers the light and darkness beyond Mulberry Glen.
The Darkness is a legendary danger that’s already taken over a section of the forest called Tenebrae. No one who has entered Tenebrae has ever been seen again and Lydia fears its influence may be spreading. The Z twins notice her concerns and decide they’re going to enter the forest and stop the Darkness once and for all. The Darkness has relevance to readers as it represents despair and loss of hope. It slowly seeps into people’s minds until their depression leads to their demise. Lydia doesn’t know what eventually happens to those affected by the Darkness so readers are left to imagine the possibilities.
The author includes a couple of subplots to enhance Lydia’s search for the twins. She’s joined by a girl named Prehna who’s also looking for a mentoring partner. She doesn’t know what she wants to do but she offers to help Lydia while she’s figuring it out. They’re also joined by a boy named Coran who’s lost his parents to the Darkness. He’s unhappy with his current mentorship but Coran’s brother presents a more interesting story. Cole is a Ranger and he’s willing to do almost anything to save their parents from the Darkness. However, readers will be concerned when they learn Cole’s been secretly researching questionable, more mysterious aspects of the Darkness.
What didn’t work as well:
Lydia has Latin lessons every day and some other characters speak it too. The meanings of the words and phrases are easy to follow but it seems strange to use Latin as the language. It’s similar to authors using Spanish or French but Latin isn’t a language commonly spoken anymore. The conclusion to the plot is satisfying but the build-up to the climax might have been developed more.
The final verdict:
This creative story is entertaining with a powerful message of hope and positivity. The author leads readers through dark times and challenges to love and caring at the end. I recommend you give this book a shot.

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This middle grade story was so so whimsical and sweet and fun. It tackles the anxieties around growing up which I think is something we can all relate to. Perfect for middle grade readers who like a cozy adventure story!

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Thank you NetGalley and Waxwing Books for providing this free, Advanced E-Reader Copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 4 Stars.

This is a very charming middle-grade story for fans of light, fantastical worlds with colorful writing, lovable characters, and a very Alice-in-Wonderland-esque tone.

Lydia Green is an eleven-year-old girl residing in Mulberry Glen, a quaint and peaceful forest home, along with her mismatched family: a guardian fairy, a philosopher, a friend with a passion for cooking, and two trouble-making half-imps known as the Z’s.

Her own passion is one for herbs and medicine, but Lydia is afraid of growing up, moving away from the glen and becoming an apprentice to a trade, as all young children of her age do. But when news of a spreading darkness, having taken physical form in a shrouded forest known as Tenebrae—and finding residence within Lydia's own fretting mind—the Z’s take off on a foolish quest to stop it themselves. Now, Lydia sets out to save them, and with new friends at her side, she must learn to overcome her own darkness, or be Taken like so many others.

I absolutely loved this story. Something about the simplicity really spoke to me, as it's set in a mythical world without too much emphasis on magic or complicated world-building. It's a very short novel, and the story is a fairly straightforward tale of adventure. The writing is gorgeous, filled with a perfect balance of whimsy and sustenance, while the antagonist, a “darkness” both physical and symbolic, speaks to younger and older crowds. Overall, it has a profound theme about growing up and the anxieties that come with it, anxieties that hang around for the rest of our lives, and we have to keep looking for hope.

The weak point for me was the falling action, as the finale, though incredible and heart-warming in itself, came too abruptly. And in the resolution, I would've liked to see more closure and development in the characters that joined Lydia on her quest, instead of the sort of summarized happy ending that was provided.

This was an incredible read, and one I'd recommend to crowds young and old. It fits the category of wholesome bedtime story as well, and I could see this being a favorite of mine when I was much younger.

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*3.5 stars

This was a short, simple, cute story with sweet characters, child-like whimsical prose, and themes that inspire hope and love. I think it would be good for any kid who loves a Light vs. Darkness story with a bit of a fairytale feel.

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