Member Reviews

I absolutely love Paige's books and this one might possibly be my favourite - it definitely didn't disappoint!! I loved Ellie as a character, and her challenges she went through. I also loved how her and Ash connected over a similar situation, and how that common grief, and complicated family dynamics was what brought them together. I cannot wait to read this all over again when it's out!

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A beautiful love story of how life can get in the way of our happily ever after. A beautifully uplifting read but obviously it is Paige Toon so it’s not easy!

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I have reviewed this so I am going to say it will be one of the books of 2025. I absolutely loved it. Read in an evening. Could not put it down . Told in 3 parts . The twists and missed opportunity’s and everything. !!!!Just a beautiful story about love, following your dreams, parents , living off grid, being strong. I am telling everyone about this book . Read it. You won’t be able to put it down.

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This is only my second Paige Toon book (after reading Seven Summers earlier this year) and she has quickly become a favourite of mine. Her characters and settings are so beautifully developed and described that I feel like I’ve been carried away and that I’m fully immersed in these gorgeous places and that I know the people as if they’re my own friends. If you’ve not read any of her books yet – if you like Beth Moran, Mhairi McFarlane and Beth O’Leary then this will be for you!

The first quarter (ish?) of What if I Never Get Over You, is probably my favourite section. Where our main character, Ellie, first meets Ash, in the most dreamy setting on holiday in Lisbon, just brought back so many feelings of what it’s like falling in love when you first meet The One. It just couldn’t have been done any better!

But then, when Ellie and Ash are supposed to meet in Madrid a week later, Ellie is late and Ash isn’t there. Oh, I felt the pain and desperation of it so much!

Time passes on, and Ellie never forgets Ash. It’s now six years later and she starts her dream job as a gardener at a beautiful private estate in Wales – and Ash returns to her life in a very unexpected way!

I found some of the middle section of the story a bit frustrating – which is why 4 stars rather than 5 – I really wanted to bash their heads together and tell them to just sort it out! But then the end section was lovely and had some surprising elements to it whilst also being exactly what I wanted!

Character-wise, I loved our main heroes. Ash is the perfect leading man and Ellie was complicated like a real human being, with torments to work through and who goes on a journey to become who she really wants to be that doesn’t have anything to do with a man (as well as the romance side, which of course we’re all here for, but it’s nice when there’s more going on!) At times I got confused by the barrage of different characters at the Berkeley cottages, but it didn’t cause any problems!

Another absorbing, glorious triumph for Paige!

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I love Paige Toon’s books & this was absolutely fab!
I loved Ellie & Ash.
Thanks for the opportunity to read & review it.

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What If I Never Get Over You Is the latest offering from Paige Toon. If your favourite kind of read is a love story that delivers a classic romantic storyline, full of emotional twists and misunderstandings that shape the relationship between the main characters, then this book is perfect for you! The story follows Ellie and Ash, who meet while interrailing and share an instant connection. I’m going to brutally honest and admit I wasn’t a big fan of Ellie, but the last quarter of the book I did warm to her, but not enough to really care about her on/off relationship with Ash.

Ash is far from perfect. He happens to be the son of a viscount, and carries a burden of guilt and resentment on his shoulders. He’s pretty down to earth though and I felt sorry for the way Ella treated him at times. I would have like to know more about some of the supporting cast and how they felt about Ellie and Ash’s relationship. This could have giving readers a broader sense of the couple’s challenges. On the plus side Paige Toon draws you into the story and although personally it lacked the emotion I have found in her previous books it still manages to be a satisfying, feel-good read for fans of this genre.

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As a huge Paige Toon fan, I’ve devoured most of her books (many of them more than once!), and What If I Never Get Over You was no different. I was so excited to receive an ARC for this book, and it did not disappoint. Paige Toon has this incredible knack for creating characters you can’t help but root for. They're so relatable and likable, even when their decisions leave you feeling frustrated—but that's all part of the emotional rollercoaster that comes with a Toon book!

The story follows Ellie and Ash, who meet while interrailing and share an instant connection. They agree to meet up a week later, but Ash doesn’t show, and Ellie is late. Six years go by before their paths cross again, but in that time, their lives have completely changed. This setup beautifully explores how time and distance can alter who we are on the surface, while some feelings—those deep, unresolved ones—stay intact. It raises the question of how well we really know people, even when we think we have them figured out. Toon does a fantastic job of showing how the passage of time can complicate relationships, leaving us wondering if we’re reconnecting with the same person we once knew or if they’ve become someone entirely different.

What really tugged at my heartstrings was Ash’s struggle with his dysfunctional family and the loyalties that come with it. He’s torn between two worlds, and you can feel the weight of that throughout the story. Paige Toon handles themes like loss and family dynamics with such a delicate touch, making it all the more emotional and real.

Of course, no Paige Toon book is complete without that warm, cosy feeling. The side characters were also a highlight for me—so likable that you really feel part of their work community. And for all the Sarah J. Maas fans out there, there's a little nod that had me smiling!

Paige Toon has been an auto-read author for me for years, and What If I Never Get Over You reminded me why. As usual, I tore through it in 24 hours—once I start a Paige Toon book, I can’t put it down. She knows exactly how to pull at your emotions, leaving you with a mix of happy and sad tears but always with the satisfaction of a beautiful romance.

If you’re a fan of emotional, heartfelt love stories, this book is an absolute must-read. It gives you all the feels, from heartbreak to hope, and reminds you just how powerful love—and second chances—can be. This book is 5 stars, and I cannot wait for the next one!

Thank you so much to Random House UK, Cornerstone, Penguin, NetGalley, and Paige Toon for allowing me to read What If I Never Get Over You in exchange for honest feedback.

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I loved this book so much! I am a long time Paige Toon fan so I knew this one would be right up my street. She has such an amazing way of writing which is very submersive. I loved the bond between ash and Ellie so much and the story they went through. Only issue is I now have to wait ages for the next one 🙈

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What if I never get over this story!! That’s just how good it is, I adore Paige Toon as they just have a way of writing a story that absorbs me so much, I forget the world around me, this one took me on a journey to Lisbon and then to some familiar places to me, as well as some beautiful gardens that made my heart sing. Ellie and Ash both have the expectations of others on them, and it’s a heavy burden to bear. They know what it feels like to lose a massive part of themselves, and so would be scared to face that lose again, so it makes them so much deeper when you go along on their journey. You need this story in your life, its such a compelling read that you won’t be able to miss it.

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Paige Toon is one of my go to authors and I realised while reading this book that I've been reading her books since I was 17 and I'm now 31 so I've grown up with her and her writing!

This was one of my favourites of her recent books and I loved getting to know Ellie and Ash. The book is split into four parts and the first sees Ellie and Ash meet while interrailing in Portugal. I loved the backdrop of Lisbon and it made me want to go there. Ellie and Ash lose each other and have no way back to each other.

I do feel some of part two was a bit predictable, I knew as soon as Ellie got the job where what was going to happen but it didn't make it any less enjoyable! It was giving modern day Bridgerton which I loved.

There was also some vibes of The Notebook in part three which gave it a different feeling. I loved the cabin in the woods and would love to live there.

These characters are by no means perfect, there is a lot of terrible communication, past trauma causing problems, and missed opportunities but I think all of this is handled very well, particularly their difficult parental relationships.

A great read that I couldn't put down (I stayed up till 1am finishing it oops).

Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin Random House for the ARC.

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I was lucky enough to get this on netgalley which is my second Paige Toon book. I really enjoyed the story straight from the start and being set later on mostly in Wales was always going to get my attention. I enjoyed Ash's story and finding out about his background. I did find the on/off relationship a bit overplayed throughout which dragged it down a little for me but still a good read. I would read more from Paige Toon as Seven Summers was one of my favourite reads this year and I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys romance books, it just wasn't one of my favourites.

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What If I Never Get Over You is a new romance story from Paige Toon. It speaks of a chance meeting, of two people from different worlds falling in love, and the obstacles they face along the way on their journey to cross paths again. You'll swoon at their love story, but also see their deep connection which leads them to share their own struggles honestly with one another.

Elle is traveling in Europe when she meets Ash, and three days is all it takes for her to fall in love. But Ash doesn't arrive at their planned meeting spot and so it is with a crushed heart that she heads back into the plan set out for her future by her parents. However, inspired by his encouragement to follow her own dreams she later begins her own new adventure as a gardener on a grand estate in Wales.

It is here that she unexpectedly meets Ash again, and discovers that their love still burns bright. Yet there are many factors working against them, and we're taken on a ride through the ups and downs as they fight for their freedom and wonder if they will ever find a way to have a future together

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The easiest 5 stars I have given in ages! This book is a classic Paige Toon with her writing, hooked me straight away and I worried all the way through it way going to break my heart. Little mentions of Evesham which is very close to where I live and I absolutely adored the characters. Would 100% recommend this book to any Paige Toon fans!

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I was so excited to read this story as I have read all of Paige’s books. It definitely did not disappoint and I loved every minute of it.

Ellie and Ash meet in Lisbon while interrailing and spend an amazing few days together and then arrange to meet back in several days time.

Without giving away any spoilers we follow their lives through lots of unexpected twists and turns.

The story was beautiful yet heartbreaking and I couldn’t put it down. I was so disappointed when it ended as I felt there was more the reader needed to know.
I’m hoping for a sequel to find out what happened next.

Thank to NetGalley, Random House UK, Cornerstone for an advance copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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What If I Never Get Over you was my first Paige Toon read, and it has the rather simple premise of meeting the "one" whilst on holiday and then losing touch. It was a super quick read regardless of its page count and so is super readable. But I have a few nitpicky issues that sway my overall feeling of the story.

I just didn't see the chemistry between Ash and Ellie, our two main characters. I enjoyed the beginning bit of their interrailing because it felt like two young adults bumbling about together, but I just never got giddy over them, you know? There lacked a point of romance for me. These two start off being friends just fine, but it never gave me butterflies. It just never hit, because after that, it was all about what was whilst on that holiday. And for me, what "was" wasn't all that special. A great supportive friendship, sure, but other than that, rather a limp noodle.

Now, I'm going to be harsh on the main character here, but I have to let it out. Ellie was... exhausting at times. Most of the time. Thankfully, the little issue at the ending of Part One was resolved fairly quickly between Ash and her, but we all knew that an excuse was coming anyway. It made reading Ellie feel a little tiring. She was a bit judgemental through her own insecurities. These insecurities, that stem from her childhood, are never overcome. She's all hung up about the truth of Ash, and how she is not good enough for him and his lifestyle, but really? That's all on her. She lacks charm to make her an enjoyable character because she's needy yet distant, selfish but indifferent. She was always jumping up at the worst explanation.

Now, Ash isn't perfect either. He is the son of a viscount. But all in all he acted like a normal guy. I wanted more from him. More character. If the choice was to make him a Viscount and at the top of society, it was only in name. I would've loved it if he was a bit snobbier in the beginning. His arc would've been all the better for it if Ellie had been the one to make him less entitled, but instead, it's like he's so hung up over her that she does sometimes play the villain in his story (because if anything, she was the one who seemed to be entitled).

Imagine if this was written from the point of view of Beca, who was one of Ash's closest friends. Thankfully, Paige Toon doesn't go the simple way of outright making Beca a hater (Props to Paige Toon for not taking the easy road!), but Beca still plays the part in disrupting the equilibrium of Ash and Ellie. Imagine you're Beca, and this weirdo long-lost-love girl Ellie arrives at Ash's family home. Wowiee, what a coincidence! And this Ellie, appears to be so controlling of Ash that she gets rocked to the core and upset over the sight of you simply comforting your childhood friend. Imagine this pretty much random girl, and your best friend Ash is just so hung up over her, that he does some dubious things (I will not spoil! It just seems a little off kilter. If you're ashamed of your privilege, go become a normal citizen, Ash! Get a job! Be a part of the community!).

Ellie and Ash bond over their past, but don't really do much else but caress each other's misgivings.

BUT, I'd like to say I did enjoy the premise. Ellie's job as a gardener does have charm, and her bitter relationship with her mother does hit hard. I just wish there was a little more plot, and a little less miscommunication. I feel sad for my nitpicking this novel, because it means no harm. It's simple, straightforward, and does what it says on the tin. If it sounds like something you'd be interested in reading, then totally go ahead! But I did expect more.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Random House UK, Penguin, Cornerstone and Paige Toon for this ARC.

I’m a new reader of Paige’s books; my first was Seven Summers, which I loved, so I was delighted to be kindly given an early copy of What If I Never Get Over You. I devoured it in just two days and could have easily read more.

Starting with Ellie and Ash meeting during their interrailing adventures, we are whisked straight to Lisbon for their whirlwind days spent in the sun together. The chemistry and sparks are so strong.

Six years later, they are reunited at a Manor House in Wales, where Ellie pursues her dream job, but things are now very different for them both. How will they make it work?

The story also explores a workplace community (with some sweet side characters who live amongst each other, which is fun), loss and dysfunctional families. I would have loved to have seen Ellie develop stronger female friendships to confide in; she experiences a lot of loneliness and often holds back, which made me feel for her. Ash is a very loveable character, especially as we see his emotions navigating grief and being torn between his two worlds.

This book will make you feel so much warmth at the end. I wasn’t massively surprised by anything and could see almost all the twists coming from the seeds planted, but that’s not a bad thing. Paige is excellent at bringing you to all the different locations in the book, pulling at your heartstrings and immersing you in a beautiful story. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and highly recommend it if you love romance.

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Firstly, thank you so much to Random House UK, Cornerstone, Penguin, Netgalley & Paige Toon for allowing me to read 'What If I Never Get Over You' in exchange for honest feedback.

TW - Loss / mention of dr*g use / S. Assault

This is a Spoiler Free Review!

I loved the instant connection between Ellie & Ash in Lisbon! It was a true holiday romance - 3 days of intense connection with no strings attached, except strings obviously develop! Both of them have been through some difficult times in their lives which seems to draw two broken hearts / souls to each other.

Ellie made a good first impression - I LOVED that she was reading ACOTAR - it was an instant 'tick' in my book 😂 However, she frustrated the hell out of me at times (I won't spoil why!), but I understand why she acted and felt the way she did when we heard what her life was like growing up.

I loved Ash's character. He was fun, bubbly but also showed his vulnerable side. I really felt for him throughout the story.

I enjoyed 'growing' with them both grow over the years. The pace of the story was great, apart from a wee drop off in the middle, but it absolutely kept me interested enough to finish it in a couple of days!

I can't really say too much without giving bits of the story away.. It gave me The Notebook vibes with the case of right place, wrong time, but, thankfully not quite as heartbreaking.

I'm a sucker for a romcom so I would definitely recommend What If I Never Get Over You

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I feel incredibly lucky to have been approved for an early copy of this book, as I love Paige Toon as an author.

The story begins in Lisbon, where Ellie meets Ash, unfortunate timing as she has just decided to give up interrailing and her interfering parents are demanding she come home.
But luckily they are still able to spend three (intense) days together. Then they make a plan to meet up again, although Ash is off the grid without a phone, which gave me a bad feeling🙈

I won't give any spoilers but this book starts out as flirting in the sunshine, holiday romance, instant connection vibes and then gets back to reality and heavy on the drama!

As always, I was hooked and my heart broke all the way through as I followed the rollercoaster emotions Ellie goes through as the protagonist.

I don't think Ellie felt it herself at times but I thought she was quite a strong fmc. And I liked that we seen so many different sides of Ash, because we all have different versions of ourselves around different people or after going through certain experiences which can change us, so I felt this was so believable. I did get mad at him at times because I thought he could have done better by Ellie, but that's just my personal feelings.

The book is set in Lisbon, North England, Wales and the Cotswolds and Paige always does so much research into these locations, which shines through and makes you picture them so vividly.

Thank you, Paige, for another beautiful book❤️ you always create such magic every single time.

Thank you to Netgalley, Random House UK, Penguin, Cornerstone and the author, Paige Toon, for the review copy, provided in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for this ARC.

This is the love story of Ellie and Ash, spanning nearly a decade, who met interrailing when they were 21 but lost touch, doomed due to a "I have no phone because I want to be off grid" decision by Ash.

When they finally meet again six years later, Ellie discovers that Ashton is a viscount's son and due to inherit the manor she just started work at as a gardener. The classism that follows is pretty annoying, with Ash's dad a caricature aristocrat. Are they doomed again?

The book has four parts and in every one it's as if Ash is a completely different person - from the carefree traveller to the burdened heir to the cold hermit to the final version. I felt for Ellie who had to adapt, having already broken free from her parents' suffocating grasp, only to watch Ash taking somewhat longer.

I found their journey interesting but I honestly didn't think they had much in common. I think they bonded due to both having problematic parents who they tried to please to the detriment of their own happiness.

The title is a bit melodramatic - we always get over people, we have to in order to continue living. I thought at first the title referred to Ash and Ellie but it could also mean the best friends Stella and Taran that they lost who had been so important in their lives.

I loved all the settings - Spain and Portugal in the first part, Wales afterwards. I've travelled in Wales quite a bit and I recognised all the lovely places.

I also liked the camaraderie of the young staff at Berkeley Hall, and the love of plants and gardening that shines through. The cover is absolutely gorgeous.

The story was predictable enough for me to foresee all the little twists but interesting enough to keep reading. In fact, I read this in one go.

This comes out in April 2025 so it's a privilege to have been able to read such an early copy.

4.25 stars

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