Member Reviews

this was adorable and had a great message to kids. Illustrations were well done and kept my son interested .

This book's got some gorgeous illustrations in the most vibrant colors you can think of. The story is from the perspective of a squirrel and shows a little girl's transformation from being rude and mean to learning kindness.

A really lovely useful resource to help children think about how to be kind. The resources on the authors’ website are a great addition to the book and help to build the messages included.

A book with a simple heart – the lesson for a girl who does everything wrong, like scoff at people, hide their toys, fart a lot, and so on. That's all corrected and witnessed by a squirrel, which adds cuteness – which may be more necessary than you'd think. There are some odd design choices going on visually, and as for the text, we have not one repeating-and-ever-building thread, but two. Yes, we have the building line-by-line narrative of what she did, and then the ever-increasing-but-always-rhyming line of her name. And neither are perfect here – the line length changing for the narrative, losing the instant appeal it started with, and the name side of things being a bit forced. Still, it's fun for a while to see both sides of things expand, and the effort was just about worthwhile in the finish. I certainly don't think it's a four star read, mind, so three and a half it is.

Cheeky Kiki does a great job of teaching kids the consequences of being mean. Twiggy the squirrel watches as Kiki laughs at kids and hides their toys. Each day her behavior continues to grow worse and finally no one will play with her. Twiggy teaches her to be kind and soon she has friends. The illustrations by Dom Filipek are adorable. The book starts out adorably, as each behavior earns her a new rhyming adjective. Unfortunately, about half way through the book, the rhymes become clunky. The short snappy sentences are replaced by long ones and the rhythm disappears. This awkward poetry detracts from the story. This book would be a great teaching tool to emphasize lessons about acts of kindness, consequences to behavior, and taking action to change a wrong instead of being a bystander. Little kids will enjoy the silliness.

Cute and silly book for kids. They are sure to enjoy the repetitive and rhyming text. And they are definitely sure to laugh at the part about Kiki tooting and being reeky! This book teaches the importance of kindness in a fun and silly way. I like how at the end of the book there are examples of kindness listed as well a blank list for children to come up with their own ideas on how they can be kind.

Cute little book about a girl called Kiki, who starts off being really unkind to others.
It was read in a fun, rhyming verses which is more appealing to children but it really reminded me of the Wonky Donkey books.
As the story goes on, Kiki's unkindness gets worse, but then she learns how to start being nice

My daughter’s school has the theme of kindness and I love that I was able to read this with her. It’s a great message - which kids need more of these days. Can’t wait for the physical copy to read at school!

Cheeky Kiki Learns To Be Kind was a short but sweet read on what it takes to show kindness, even to those who may be struggling to show it themselves. I have a child who is in Kindergarten so this was a fun book to read to her and explain how small acts of kindness can really make a huge impact. I think this is an important lesson that not only children need to hear but as adults as well.

The title of the book is exactly what this book is about. We meet Kiki, who isn't currently making very good choices and is not kind to others. She learns that making bad choices can lead to consequences, including being left out of activities, and how it's important to be kind to others. The artwork is very cute! There are some example acts of kindness at the end and a place to add more.
Thanks to the author, BooksGoSocial, and NetGalley for an eARC of this book for an honest review.

A very cute and quirky book with a very good lesson! First, many thanks to Kim Burns, the author, and BooksGoSocial, the publisher, and NetGalley for the privilege of being able to read and review this picture book. I will share my review to Goodreads, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble upon release.
This book focuses on a little girl named Kiki who struggles to get along with others, but learns how to do nice things like hold the door open for others. At the end, there's a nice little list of acts of kindness that can be completed by young children in order to practice being kind. There's also space for writing your own list of things that you can do to be kind. I think it's a great idea to help children practice kindness both emotionally and behaviorally!
The cover is good, the illustrations are nice, and the colors are pretty. They aren't too complicated, perfect for a younger child audience (ages 3-5). I think kids of that age will enjoy the humor and rhyming style of this book!

This is a sweet book about being kind. Explaining the consequences of poor choices in a gentle way.

A sweet picture book for children that gently teaches about kindness. With engaging pictures and words that rhyme with, Cheeky Kiki learns that being unkind comes with consequences.
The delightful story starts out on a Monday with Twiggy the squirrel observing KiKis laughter and taunts towards the other children… as it progresses,by Friday,Kiki no longer has any friends to play with.. And that just won’t do! So Twiggy steps in to show Kiki that can leave her troubles behind,if only she is kind.
Perfect for younger school age children,this engaging book will help both parents and educators alike in teaching compassion.

I think that children who like rhymes and who like funny stories will really enjoy this book. I can definitely imagine them having fun saying all of the rhyming descriptions of Kiki.
I'm rating this 3 stars because I don't love the fact that 2 of Kiki's negative qualities have to do with passing gas. The book says her stinkyness scares off the boys. While I know kids almost universally find farts to be funny, I don't think it makes sense to categorize her bean eating or flatulence as negative qualities that she needs to change from. Stealing and being unkind? Definitely need to change. Having normal bodily functions? Nope, those can stay.

A short book about an unkind girl who changed her ways. I did not like the writing style of the book. As a family of bean eaters, I didn’t thing the relationship between beans and farting was necessary.

This one just didn’t work for us. The font and design felt awkward, and the text itself was clunky and repetitive, making it hard to enjoy. My 4-year-old lost interest quickly, and it wasn’t engaging for me either. While the story does have a positive moral, it wasn’t enough to make the book worth the read.

Kinda corny, but I liked the overall message- it was easy to understand. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

Although the illustrations and font weren’t my favorite, my four year old got a giggle or two out of this and I loved the examples shown at the end about how to be kind. Sometimes with littles I think it can be tricky to explain being kind or rude without practical examples, and I thought the ones provided in the story were age appropriate and easy to understand.

This was a really sweet little book.
The book was really well written to get the points over by the author, who is a mental health nurse specialist.
The book teaches children to love who they are, to respect others, your friends and family and most of all, to be kind to yourself and others too.
The illustrations work well with the story.
It is 4 stars from me for this one - highly recommended.

This book is short enough so that little kids have patience to listen to it.
I liked the message that is easy to understand and the pictures are funny.
This ia good way to show kids that it is important to be kind.
Thank you Netgalley for the book in exchange for an honest review.