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Review for ' A Light of Little Radiance' by Beverley Lee and Keith Anthony Baird.
'A Light of Little Radiance' discusses some topics that may upset some readers or may not be suitable for others. I like to point this out ahead of time in my reviews so you can judge if this book is for you or not. In this book Beverley and Keith discusses/includes Death, Violence, Gore, Animal Death, Descriptive and Consumptive Blood, Mutilation and Torture.
This may be the first book I have read by these absolutely incredible authors but it most definitely will not be my last!!
This book is extremely well written with vivid and evocative descriptions that really put you in the storyline, feeling the hair on your arms raise and putting you on the edge of your seat!!! The storyline is just as stunning as the cover!!!
I will start by saying that with this book being fantasy based and about vampires it isn't my usual choice of book so I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about the storyline but I was fascinated by the cover and synopsis and was looking forward to trying it out. I am also a massive horror fan so that definitely pulled my interest in to. I am very pleased to say I absolutely loved reading it!! If you are not typically a fan of fantasy and vampire books then do not let that put you off, expand your reading genres and give this book a try!! I am so pleased that I did The first thing I have got to say is an absolutely HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to the amazing authors Beverley Lee and Keith Anthony Baird. I would also like to congratulate the illustrator Daniella Batsheva on the beautiful, artistic and amazing illustrations scattered throughout this book. They definitely helped to add to Beverley and Keith's evocative descriptions to ensure the storyline came to life in front of my eyes!! I absolutely loved this addictive, creepy, horrific page turner!!! It had the perfect amount of horror, gore, suspense and everything else that you could ask for!! It is a very fast paced and gripping read and I devoured it in one sittings in the space of a few hours!!! This really is the perfect book to read for any horror fan!! I mean, the cover alone is absolutely epic and made me want to sink my teeth into the book and that is before I end read the synopsis!!! In this gripping novella we are transported back in time where we meet Selina. She is being hunted and trying to find safety away from the Roman Church but what she finds is something much darker that will change her life forever. The creature she discovers transforms her into a vampire. When Selina returns to the world she looks for others like her. Selina ends up with a group consisting of other vampires Lillai, Doval, Mirevel, Barsalli and 2 children Săraca and Morpus. They also have allies in werewolves. They disguise themselves as entertainers where all is going well and they are keeping themselves fed until they become hunted. Will the hunters become the hunted? Will they be able to escape with their lives? To find out more grab your copy of this haunting and gothic page turner today and I guarantee you will not regret it!! With a gripping storyline ram packed with tension, gore, horror, fantasy, werewolves, vampires, suspense, action, drama, danger and everything plus more that you could ask for in a novella what are you waiting for? Considering this book is more of a novella at just 161 pages Beverley and Keith absolutely pack in so much that there is constantly something going on. I absolutely love how unique this storyline is having never come across anything like it before!! It is such a fascinating read and I was completely absorbed throughout. Keith and Beverley's absolutely terrific and vivid writing skills and descriptions ensure the reader really feels and sees everything that Selina is seeing and feeling through the pages. Although Selina is a vampire and killer I was completely invested in her and the rest of the gang and found myself rooting for them throughout!! I was absolutely intrigued and fascinated with the fantasy/mythical aspects of the book as well as the horror so if you like any of those genres this book is definitely for you! This truly is an absolutely addictive, action packed page turner with a unique storyline that will grip you from the moment you open the pages until the very end, and longer!! A huge well done to Keith and Beverley on the absolutely uniqueness of this book!! With so many vampire and horror books out there it is difficult to discover one with a completely different storyline. I have read hundreds and hundreds of books so it is getting harder and harder to find books with a truly unique storyline but Beverley and Keith have smashed it out of the ballpark. I loved getting to meet all the different characters and the authors have done an absolutely brilliant job of weaving the storyline together perfectly ensuring the reader gets the bigger picture. The setting and creepy atmosphere is perfect for the storyline and the fantastic emotive and evocative writing skills really suck the reader into the story ensuring they can see the horror all around them and feel the chill up their spine. You have truly got to grab a copy of this fantastic horror today!!! I absolutely LOVE horrors and for me the creepier the better but, although I have found some great horror books out there, I struggle to find many filled with enough to creep me out!! That was up until I read this book because this is absolutely packed with a storyline, gore and horror that I have never come across and as I have read hundreds of horrors and seen hundreds of horror movies THAT is truly hard to come across but this book absolutely slam dunks it!! Along with a creepy, masterful and horrific atmosphere and storyline Keith and Beverley also create an absolutely fantastic group of characters each with their own unique personalities. They were all very strong characters, realistic and sturdy with their own unique personalities, flaws, quirks, strengths and weaknesses. I enjoyed seeing the friendships and relationships between the characters change and develop and really enjoyed their interactions between them all. There is a wide range of characters and we get to meet loads of different characters which I absolutely loved!! I remarkably became very quickly attached and invested in them all and loved seeing the dynamics and interactions between them all. Well done Beverley and Keith on creating such a memorable, unique, diverse and multi layered group of characters that will stay with me for a long time!! This is one of those books that I picked up and within a quarter of the book I realised I was wasting time lying to myself saying just one more chapter and I will do X, Y or Z as there was no way I could put it down!! Each and every chapter ended in a way that I had to know what was going to happen next so I ended up walking around with my kindle glued to my hands and unable to take my eyes of the screen until I had completely devoured the book within a few short hours. I honestly loved absolutely everything about it from the characters to the settings and it was just one heck of an amazing read!!! If you love horrors, gothic stories, supernatural books, thrillers, vampire and/or werewolf books, suspense, well do you know what if you love reading then grab a copy of this book today and you will not regret it!!! This book will suck you in and keep you gripped in the pages until your thrown out at the end with a racing heart!! A truly unforgettable one in a million page turner!!!!
Clear your schedules before turning a single page as this book is truly unputdownable!!!
Well done Beverley and Keith on an absolutely addictive and explosive page turner and Daniella on the fantastic illustrations throughout!
Overall an absolutely addictive, action and supernatural packed suspense filled and chilling horror that will keep you turning the pages until you've devoured the book in hours!!
#ALightOfLittleRadiance #BeverleyLee #KeithAnthonyBaird #DaniellaBatsheva #BrigidsGatePress #ZooLoosBookTours #ZooLoosBT
@BeverleyLee @KeithAnthonyBaird @DaniellaBatsheva @BrigidsGatePress @ZooLoosBT @ZooLoosBT

Akin to a European Middle-Age ‘Near Dark’, this book follows vampire Selina and her little family of jongleurs travelling their show across Europe. The authors have clearly done their research and the atmosphere is top-notch, conveying the sense of plague-ridden townships where physical monsters are just another part of life. Everyone’s trying to survive, and some have it down to an art as they draw in their prey.
These vampires are a varied bunch, with every character clearly drawn, be they parents or children - the latter as endearing and fallible as any young animal with poor impulse-control. We’re never allowed to forget that human-looking though they are, these are predators, and the sense of the Hunt is primary throughout the book.
As such, the pace never flags. From Selina’s first creation to the forming of her ‘pack’, then on to their frantic race to find safety against determined hunters… Some chapters are literal cliff-hangers, and I genuinely cared for the well-being of these killers because the agents of God chasing them seemed so much worse.
This book is both a solid adventure in its own right as well as what seems like a slice of a larger tale. The world-building is so solid that I felt as if I’d stepped in at the beginning of just one person’s perspective, and there could be even more going on across this vicious dark landscape.
Moody, engaging and gorgeously written, I enjoyed my time within these pages and hope that the authors continue more in this haunting world.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me an ARC of this book for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
I will read just about anything that has vampires (except most paranormal romance novels, which I just cannot stomach). So when I saw this book, described as a standoff between a group of Romani vampires and a holy witch-hunting order. This book was a beautifully written standoff between these two groups, but that was kind of it. It all just felt a like a pretty linear vampire story, with no big twists or subversions of vampiric lore that set it apart.
I enjoyed that everyone was some shade of morally gray, with both the vampires and the witch-hunters doing some pretty deplorable things. I do wish there was more background on the characters. I found it difficult to get attached to any of them because I just didn't know much about them.

I love vampire stories and I have to say that⁰ A Light of Little Radiance is fantastic in that it seemingly combines the older tropes of vampires and more modern ones as well. The writing is beautiful and really evokes the setting and connects you with the characters.
I won’t spoil it but I will say that I really enjoyed the mixture of horror, historical and myths. A must read for fans of vampire fiction.
As always thank you to Netgalley and Brigid’s Gate Press for the copy to review, my reviews are always honest and freely given.

devastating and interesting vampire tale. very short and can easily be gotten through in a good sitting. 4 stars. tysm for the arc.

Another vampire origin story set way back in year 1574. About a shadow huntress known as Selina Dragavei, who was once a maiden of the wild folk, and how she has resurrected an ancient evil in a time of holy destruction.
Fast forward to the year 1704 - her small vampire troupe comprises Mirevel, Doval, Lillai, Selina, Barsali and two children Morpus and Săraca as her loyal companions - plus these vampires have werewolves as an ally.
Selina Dragavei’s new brood was now complete. When all were well versed in their new powers, they assumed the guise of the entertainers Selina had foreseen and set about their nocturnal activities― so many warm bodies to be delirious among, so much crimson cream to taste …
Drifting through arenas of prey, feeding their insatiable hunger, too many nights they had escaped, but the carelessness of young vampires will cost them all dearly..
Selina's backstory prior to her transformation wasn't really explored but I feel it wasn't really necessary. The story focuses more on how she deals with the decimation of her vampire family, her thirst for vengeance and her final confrontation with Desider Von Brandenburg (witch/vampire hunter who has served the Holy Roman Empire for three decades).
All I can say is that it is devastating - an eye for an eye indeed! Poor Eloise...
An enjoyable read about vampire lore albeit not scary and extreme...fast-paced and nothing too far fetched or ridiculous.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you to NetGalley and Brigids Gate Pass! 🖤

Vampires and the exquisition! I love it. I received a free eARC of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this opportunity.

Thank you to NetGalley and Brigids Gate Press, LLC for the ARC of this novella in return for a honest review about said book.
I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
A Light of Little Radiance
by Beverley Lee, Keith Anthony Baird
Is a story about the night, wolves, the darkness, and vampires.
I am more of a werewolf kinda guy than I am into vampires, however the main character Selina Dragavei has a wolf at her side which is pretty badass.
I enjoyed this story so much that I ignored my other NetGalley ARCs to read it.
Honestly, it was just that hard to put down and I found that the easy, but well-written style was sucking me back in everytime I went to put it down. When I did manage to put it down I was wondering about what would happen next and ended up picking back up over other novels.
I would recommend this to anyone that has a thing for well written vampires.
None of that sparkling spider-monkey bull.

An interesting story and a nice twist on both the classic and more modern vampire stories. Portraying the vampire characters as very much the heroes of the tale, and watching them suffer persecution, torment, loss and grief; only to rally and seek their own justice. The vampire slayers felt very much the more monstrous of the cast, although the vampires definitely lived up to their bloody thirsty reputation at points. Short and fast paced, very easy to read, maybe not to everyone’s tastes but I enjoyed it!

I wish I felt like leaving a useful review, but I'm afraid I don't. How can such a short book drag so much? Overwritten, flat, and pointless. Gorgeous cover though.
Huge thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review!

I got immediately drawn to request this book because it was described as being in the horror genre with vampires as the main protagonists. And although there was vampires indeed, a whole troupe of them, the horror wasn't.
This is a very classic vampire story. It doesn't do anything new, but I don't think it's trying to either. Even after I understood this, I still wanted more of the story and of the characters. All of it felt very linear and constant. I don't even know how to describe it in better terms.
The aesthetics were definitely there, and the writing was the best part. It's beautiful and very well crafted. I can only applaud its writes for the carefulness they put into every moment of this story.
I also appreciated how we were not forced to side with either the vampires or the hunters, and I found it interesting how humanized the vampires felt in this work. I can't say that I loved the characters, but they worked well for this story.
I had high expectations that this book would be for me, but it wasn't. Nonetheless, I'm absolutely certain that this book will meet its fans. If you enjoy classic vampire tales, this one is for you!
*Thank you NetGalley for providing this e-arc in exchange of an honest review.*

**Review of *A Little Light of Radiance***
*S.G. Night’s* *A Little Light of Radiance* immerses readers in a darkly enchanting narrative that deftly blends historical horror with elements of fantasy. Set against the backdrop of Europe’s Dark Ages, the story follows Selina Dragavei, a captivating protagonist grappling with her newfound identity as she navigates a world fraught with peril and persecution.
From the outset, Night establishes a haunting atmosphere as Selina wanders the northern wastes, evading the witchfinders of the Holy Roman Church. Her fear of persecution is palpable, making her transformation into a figure of darkness and bloodlust all the more compelling. As Selina evolves, her struggle between vulnerability and predatory instincts serves as a powerful metaphor for the personal battles we all face, making her journey resonate on multiple levels.
The narrative is rich in vivid imagery and historical detail, drawing readers into a world where pageants and royal galas juxtapose with the lurking threat of witch hunts. Night's writing shines particularly in the depiction of the troupe of entertainers, whose charm and complexity add depth to the story. Their dark revelry and moral ambiguity create a sense of danger and excitement, making every encounter feel charged with potential chaos.
Desider von Brandenburg, the relentless witchfinder, is a formidable antagonist whose obsession with hunting down Selina and her companions intensifies the tension throughout the story. The cat-and-mouse dynamic between him and Selina is thrilling, as both characters are pushed to their limits in a battle of wits and survival.
The themes of faith, redemption, and the nature of evil are intricately woven into the narrative, prompting readers to question the very fabric of morality. Night skillfully balances moments of suspense with philosophical reflections, creating a layered story that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.
As the plot unfolds, readers are treated to a captivating exploration of Selina’s duality—the light and darkness within her—and the relationships she forges along her journey. The stakes are high, and the resolution promises a thrilling conclusion that leaves readers eager for more.
In conclusion, *A Little Light of Radiance* is a beautifully crafted tale that captivates from beginning to end. S.G. Night has created a rich tapestry of horror and fantasy that is both haunting and illuminating. This book is a must-read for fans of dark fiction and those who appreciate narratives that challenge perceptions of good and evil. Prepare to be spellbound.

If Stoker, Le Fanu and Lumley ever wrote a book together, this would be it.
Old-style vampire tale, old-school vampires, that dychotomy between good and evil, right and wrong, the weight of the survival instinct vs the weight of faith and religion... wow. What a ride! I read this in a couple of sittings, that's how engrossed I was with this tale. Everything about it sent me back to my younger days of being goth and devouring this kind of story and longing for more and more and more. The ambiance, the mood, the historical settings, everything was pretty much perfect for me, in this novella. The characters and their depth (hard to achieve in long novels, let alone in novellas) was what came out the most, for me, each one with such individual traits that are shown to the reader through their actions and their thoughts, with barely any dialogue or exposition. This is hard to achieve, fellows, but these two authors did such an amazing job of it! Easy five star read for me, and I will def recommend it to fans of old school vampire stories with great writing.

I would like to thank Net Galley and Brigids Gate Press, LLC for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
We start the journey with Selina running away from Roman Church and finding herself in a cave where she becomes something "sinister".
Now, as a person who loves reading horror, I expect to either be terrified or at least a little scares when I read books that are tagged as such. Unfortunately, this book was not scary at all.
However, the story was really good. Characters were realistic in a way that "bad people" and "good people" were not just that and they had depth to their characters even in a novella format.
I liked reading along the story and the writing kept me intrigued.
The only reason this is a 4 star and not a 5 is that I would personally not consider this a horror.

I really enjoyed reading this book, it had that horror element that I was looking for based on the genre and description. It worked well overall and had that terrifying atmosphere that I was looking for. The characters had the great overall feel worked overall. It was horrifying and was what I wanted overall. The characters had that element of what I wanted, it felt like they were characters in this world and from the story itself. Beverley Lee, Keith Anthony Baird has a great writing style and I hope to read more. I enjoyed getting to know Selina in this book and the rest of the characters.