Member Reviews

I decided to DNF this at around 25%.

The writing and writing style was great and I enjoyed what I got of the magic system. It was well edited too, it felt very professional. For the most part, the book really had begun to deliver on the promises made by the description.

My primary gripe was with the main character. She really <i>felt</i> like a YA protagonist but not in a good way. She had a lot of the classic markers of a very whiny teenager whose whole life was going to be turned upside down by the special power and finally got to find herself like her too-pretty best friend that she was subconsciously jealous of.

In short, it's well done, just a little bit tropey. Which doesn't have to be a bad thing either, I just don't really like all of the tropes in this story.

Thank you to Netgalley and Margaret Mantor for an ARC of this novel.

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