Member Reviews

Just finished reading an advanced copy of a book that was just released on September 26th called, Reign of Cinders and Glass. You guys, I love fairytale retellings. Something about them, they just capture my heart and every single time I can't get enough. And that's exactly how this book was! This was a twist on the classic Cinderella story, but with vampires, magic, a dark rider, and monsters. The female character, Ella was so fierce and so brave, willing to do whatever it took to save those she loves and her people. The storyline is so creative and so well done. It was so unique and captivating, I couldn't put it down! I will be EAGERLY awaiting the next book! (Which is about Ella's sister, Belle!) ❤️📚

Thank you to the author and to the publisher for this ARC of Reign of Cinders and Glass, in exchange for an honest review.

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I'm sorry, but I am shocked that this is rating so high. I was planning on two stars. It reads like a whatpad cinderella mixed with Twilight middle school fanfic, and not in any good way. I cannot stand this MC romance- frankly it isn't even a romance! There is no character development between the two. It goes from "bloodsucker" and "weak human" mentality to, "the intoxication smell" and "my dark rider" WTH?!
AND THE PLOT?! Lack there of. I see where it was trying to go and what to do with the Bloodvale, but this looks mirrors the council thing from Twilight in a knock-off fun house mirror kinda way. I really appreciate getting to read this book and I know a lot of work was put into it, but this just isn't for me. If you loved Twilight and want this "I want him/her, but I know I shouldn't" lust- go for it. I mean, there are talking animals, but it felt so Disney, middle school it was making me roll my eyes.


I know, after looking at everyone's reviews- I am in the minority, and I'm okay with that. I appreciate the authors, and team that wrote and put the book together and I'm glad people are enjoying it. It's just not for me and these are my honest thoughts.

**Since the review is a lower score, I will only be sharing my review on Goodreads. I don't want to post it too many places and hurt sales that might led to someone finding their all time favorite book. Art is subjective

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This is a Cinderella retelling with Vampires!
And oddly enough it worked very well!

The worldbuilding slowly evolved as the story becomes more magical!
Lot's of Cinderella details, which was quite fun, but with well written twists.

Was the Vampires necessary? I'm still not convinced but I liked it very much anyway!

Post on IG (one_fairy_tale_at_the_time) on 22 of October

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I was absolutely hooked on this book! This was so good! A fairytale retelling with concepts from Beauty and the beast, Cinderella, Little Mermaid, and tangled (couple more sprinkled in there) all mixed with Vampires. A manor/farm girl named Ella finds herself looking for her sister Belle after she goes missing. Ella decides to help a secret society in their investigation into the palace where Belle was last seen but not for the reason you're thinking of. As Ella uncovers the truth of the state of the country and the palace the prince falls for her and they work together to defeat some mages.

The tension built between the two MC's is insane and slow burning but so good. There is two kinda spicy scenes, but they are very generic.

What I could not stand is the amount of things left open. They figure out one of the beasts haunting the border is Cassias brother that he has been looking for, for 50 years and then just drop the subject which is VERY disappointing, but I'm hoping that means there will be a sequel for a more beauty and the beast centered story. They also leave open what happened to both MC's fathers, Ella's Mom, and a couple other characters. Overall though this was a great read and was very well executed. Well done!

Spice 3/5 - generic, kind of lively, adult language

Enemies to lovers
forbidden love
Vampire & Witch

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Spice Level 🌶️🌶️

Thank you to NetGalley for providing and advance copy for review.

I may be biased because I have been a fan on Lindsey Hall for a long time, but I loved this Fantasy Romance. I’m not usually a fan of Vampire Romance but this one was so much fun. This darkly funny Cinderella retelling kept me trapped in its pages. Siggy, our “Fairy Godmother” was such an interesting character that I hope one day we will get her story. The subtle anachronisms had me laughing out loud. (Though I do have a weird sense of humor.) The romance and plot in this book are well balanced and I can’t wait to read the next book in this series.

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Spicy, male female, dual point of view, enemies to lovers, fairytale retelling, fantasy romance (with vampires!). I really enjoyed this book. The writing was well done and the characters engaging. The leads had great chemistry and banter. This was an excellent retelling of Cinderella and I'm looking forward to the next book!

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Cinderella is not my favourite fairytale, so I went into this with a bit of caution. Luckily within the first two chapters I was hooked and unable to put down the book! This is such an incredible re-telling of Cinderella. It's dark and sexy and full of enough twists that it's suspenseful even if you are familiar with the original Cinderella.
It's a quick read which is really nice and I was able to read it in one sitting, but despite that I the story was still impactful and I had fun while immersed in the world!
I can't wait for more of these!!

Thank you so much to Magic Side Press and NetGalley for this ARC and for giving me the opportunity to share my honest views of the story.

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Reign of Cinders and Glass is a captivating Cinderella retelling set in a dark, magical world ruled by ruthless vampires. When the heroine's sister goes missing, she infiltrates Prince Cassius' castle, determined to find her sister and fight against the immortal overlords. The story delivers thrilling action, a steamy romance, and plenty of magic, with a strong heroine and a brooding vampire prince at its center. Fans of fairytale retellings with a twist will enjoy this intense, adventure-filled romantasy with its happily ever after ending. This book is my favorite retelling of Cinderella.

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I was lucky enough to receive this book as an ARC through Net-galley, and while I understand my giving this book a high rating and positive review may come across as me trying to play nice - I can honestly say that I truly enjoyed this book, the worldbuilding, the characters and am already vibrating in my seat thinking of the next book.

I often find that fairytale retellings fall into the same trap of simply.... retelling the story word for word, plot for plot and I was pleasantly surprised by this book because while it is a Cinderella retelling - it has enough substance in itself to stand on its own. There were often times where I would put a connection together four pages after and sit there in awe that the author was able to implement an aspect of the original story in her own creative way.

For example, while Ella does have a Step-mother she isn't necessarily evil but rather cold and with a lack of connection to Ella and her sister, Belle. This is implied to be a change, as Ella recalls better times with her Stepmother prior to the death of her father. She doesn't have evil Step-sisters in this story either, but the roles are instead taken on by the Ladies Bianca and Lorayna who are prominent (and feared) members of the Court at the Castle, who torment Ella throughout the book due to their general lack of respect for humans, perceived slights they feel Ella has committed against them and jealousy due to Prince Cassius' interest in Ella.

I loved Dual POV books, but especially in this as both characters provided information the other wouldn't necessarily be able to provide - such as the Triad, the Resistance, etc.

Seeing the character development was good, especially with the high number of chapters, it provided the characters enough time to grow into themselves - Ella with learning to understand and utilize her Whisperer abilities as well as becoming more and more confident, brave and willful, and watching Cassius go from under the thumb of the Triad and ignoring what his heart wants (Ella), trying to figure out what happened to his brother to choosing Ella, helping her fight against the Triad for his Kingdom and finding out what happened to his brother after all.

I loved the story and it was well-written, I didn't want to put it down. I am excited for the next book in the series which has already been announced to be about her sister, Belle, and I presume (this part is not announced) Prince Cassius' brother. My only complaint about this book is that the ending felt rushed.

After the Triad and the Heart are destroyed, it felt as though we went very fast through the end: Cassius bringing Ella back to the palace, putting protection on her and naming her a Lady, them confessing their love and sleeping together for the first time (in the only shower in the Kingdom, which Cassius makes a point of which, in turn, made me giggle - sorry, off topic, but it did), him announcing to the Council that Ella should be Queen and then their Wedding day.

I understand there was a large number of chapters but I would have preferred for some of those scenes to either be removed or lengthened.

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The book follows the protagonist, a determined young woman whose sister’s disappearance leads her into the treacherous depths of a cursed forest ruled by ruthless vampires. The narrative is anchored by the protagonist’s fierce determination to save her sister, Belle, and the suspense builds as she confronts the nightmares of the Bloodvale. Prince Cassius, the dark Lord of the Bloodvale, emerges as a compelling antagonist, beautifully crafted with layers of complexity. The chemistry between him and the heroine forms an intoxicating element of the story, fueled by a push-and-pull dynamic that evokes a mixture of dread and desire. Douglas and Hall seamlessly explore the theme of forbidden attraction as the protagonist grapples with her responsibilities to the resistance and her growing feelings for Cassius.
One of the most engaging aspects of the book is the exploration of magic—not just as a physical force within the castle walls, but as an innately woven part of the heroine’s identity. Her journey to discover and harness her power while navigating the intricacies of her mission adds layers of intrigue to her character development. It creates a rich tapestry of self-discovery against a backdrop of high-stakes conflict.
Overall, this story is a riveting read that charms with its mix of dark fantasy, romance, and familial devotion. I would certainly recommend to readers who are fans of supernatural romance and adventure.

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This was a thoroughly enjoyable Romantasy, loosely inspired by the tale of Cinderella. The story, though a little long winded for my taste, weaved some of the classic tale we know and love with other fantasy and paranormal elements. We don’t just get a Ball scene, the glass slippers and the mysterious godmother-like character but powerful mages, witches, monsters and other beasts. And the love that blossoms between our two characters? A well done slow-burn, which usually isn’t my usual vibe but it worked well for me with this one. It has good writing of an enemies to lovers tale but with a twist. The world and magic system are not complicated but quite easy to follow.

Our FMC, Ella, is a little meeker at the beginning- but with her sister disappearance, her character starts to evolves. She becomes determined to find Belle and is sent to the castle posing as a villager looking for work. As there are limited spaces of hire, she uses her odd ability to giver herself more favour to be selected. As one of the selected, each will receive a medallion type object that allows them access. Though Ella is suppose to be keeping her head down, her strong sense of right and wrong gives way to landing herself in trouble and the eyes of the Prince right from day 1. Nonetheless she displays a good quality of characteristics in a FMC with her determination and bravery for her sister and her people. My only critique would be her pet rat. I know her character needs a pet for the storyline but that would not be my first choice.

Our other POV is our MMC, Cassius, Prince of the Bloodsuckers. His shoulders has been weighed down by the crown, the position that has been passed down from his missing brother. He makes no decision lightly or selfishly- often shutting down all feelings. He often spends time alone away from the pressures of court by hunting in the woods with the misplaced hope to find his brother or fighting the growing threat of beasts. His self neglect is admirable to continue his bloodline and family reign but I really wish we had gotten more POV’s from his perspective and get more inside his head.

Thank-you NetGalley for the chance to read this eARC. A very solid read, I would totally recommend to fellow Romantasy lovers.

My only question is- If Cassius’s part was to find a bride to have an heir and continue his bloodline, then why wasn’t this in an epilogue? Thats something I wanted to see.

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"Reign of Cinders and Glass" by Lindsey Hall and Veronica Douglas is a beautifully crafted retelling of Cinderella that captured my heart from the start. As a fan of fairytale adaptations, I was delighted by this fresh and captivating take on a beloved classic. The authors have woven a magical story that feels both original and timeless, breathing new life into familiar characters and themes.

Prince Cassius, a vampire with a complex and intriguing backstory, adds a dark twist that enriches the narrative. His chemistry with Ella is palpable, creating a dynamic that kept me rooting for them throughout their journey. Ella herself is a wonderfully resilient character, and I loved how her strength and vulnerability were intricately balanced.

There is a moment early on where the pacing slows a bit, but I found that this allowed for deeper character development and world-building, setting the stage for the enchanting adventure that follows. Once the plot picks up, I was completely absorbed, eager to see how each twist would unfold.

"Reign of Cinders and Glass" is a delightful and enchanting read that combines elements of romance, magic, and adventure. It’s a four-star gem that left me wanting more and that I would recommend to others.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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OMGosh!!! This book was no lie one of my favorite books this year!! (I'm literally stumbling over my words right now). I don't have the words to describe how WONDERFUL this book is. A fairytale retelling with vampires? The references to the original story. How she got the name "Cinderella", the reference to the glass slipper and how they came about. I just loved how the authors tied all of those little details into the story. The plot was AMAZING! I was so engaged with the story, it never got old or boring. Something new was constantly happening. I found myself smiling, laughing, tearing up, and continuously cheering Ella on. I cannot express how much you should read this book! Please for the love of Jesus, read this book.

P.S Linsey, I'm ready for book #2

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Reign of Cinders and Glass was an amazing read! This book is a Cinderella retelling that captivated my interest the whole entire time! I could not put this down and finished in just two days.

This book follows Ella and Cassius. Ella starts out as a simple farm girl and transforms into a brave, defiant woman with a secret power. Cassius is the prince of the vampires who is trying to keep him kingdom together.

This is one of my favorite books and I would recommend anyone who enjoys fairytales, fantasy, and a sweet romance!

Thank you to NetGalley, Linsey Hall, Veronica Douglas, and the publisher for giving me a chance to read this book, review has been posted on GoodReads

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In this unique retelling of the classic Cinderella story, Prince Cassius, dark Lord of the Bloodvale, is a vampire, and Ella goes to his castle in search of her sister, Belle. Her initial plan sounds simple enough - join the mortal resistance, infiltrate his stronghold. find Belle and fight the vampires from within. However, once she is there, nothing works out like she has planned. She is assigned to work for two sisters who ooze evil and make brutal punishment a sport, Ella is having a difficult time tracking down Belle, and Prince Cassius just will not leave her alone. He seems to show up everywhere! When Ella discovers that she possesses magical powers she didn't realize she had, she knows she must keep them a secret, or her cover will be blown, and her life will be on the line.

I love fairytale reimagining's and I found this one especially fresh and original. There were several spicy love scenes between Prince Cassius and Ella, and I loved the premise of the prince and his court being vampires. I haven't seen that one done before, but I liked it! If you are a fan of fairy tale reimagining's like I am, then you will definitely want to put this at the top of your TBR pile. I think you will love it as much as I did.

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“Reign of Cinder and Glass” caught my attention first because of the cover, which is gorgeous.
This is a Cinderella retelling, part of the Fated Fairytales series, but can be read as a standalone.

The dark vampire prince is fascinated by the silver haired servant, but he doesn’t know just how strong she is and what secrets she keeps.

Main tropes:
- enemies to lovers
- he falls first
- only one horse 😀
- slow burn
- touch her and die
- obsessed and protective hero
- morally grey

I liked that the heroine is very brave and doesn’t need to be saved (even if he would burn the world to save her). They fight together and save each other.

Part of the plot was predictable, but I liked the references to Cinderella.

This was an enjoyable read and I am looking forward to the next book, which should be a Beauty and the Beast retelling.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This has to be my favourite Cinderella retelling EVER. There are vampires, Revolutions, romances that start with them being enemies, and a FMC that is actually pretty BAMF.
I loved it. Five stars!!

Thanks to NetGalley, the author, and Magic Side Press.

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Thank you Veronica Douglas and Linsey Hall as well as Magic Side Press for allowing me to be apart of their ARC team for this new Fated Fairytales series!

Book 1 - Cinderella retelling. So… hear me out with this review.

At first I found this book hard to get into compared to other retelling fantasies. It started well with the first couple of chapters and then it dips and became (dare I say) boring?! I’ve hit around 15-20% at this point and I was close to the dreaded DNF.


Everything after 20%?! A masterpiece.

Please give this book a chance like I did, it’s such a good read.

It’s a Cinderella retelling but also has Beauty and the Beast elements to it as well. Is this foreshadowing the next book with Belle? We’ll see!

This book is a different retelling because you have the step mother of the FMC but the evil step sisters aren’t related to the step mother but in fact are vampires within the royal castle who have the FMC as their maid whilst they fight between them for the royal prince’s (MMC) affection. I liked the change with this retelling.

It’s the story of Ella who goes undercover within the castle walls filled with vampires and vampire royalty to try and find her sister but throughout revealing secrets and magic.

Of course the royal prince/vampire MMC is the stereotypical MMC we want and it had everything we wanted from him! The whole ‘she’s mine’ and ‘you belong to me’. Give it to me and it gave.

This is an enemies to lovers, vampire/human, secret mission, slow burning book but boy did it burn!! This book had me squealing and giggling throughout to the point I started to lose sleep because I couldn’t put it down.

The relationship with the FMC and MMC was what had me continuously reading and when the main plot dropped. My jaw was on the floor.

The downside I think is that this book could have been a duology or trilogy, the main plot of the book was fantastic and original but I felt was rushed. We only got the real story about 75-80% in but nonetheless still a great book and would definitely recommend to those to love these tropes and love fairytale fantasy retellings.

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This is the first ARC I have ever received and I didn’t really know what to expect. Let me tell you I was wowed from the first page.

This book is magical and mystical and beautiful. The world is instantly immersive and the plot and pace are just right. There is drama, mystery, romance and magic. The passion and tension, built for a beautiful slow burn, where the characters were torn between attraction and duty. Forbidden romance at its best.

Ella is a strong and compassionate FMC, and I loved her. I often don’t connect or like main characters but she was the perfect balance of determined and kind hearted. Cassius is a great MMC with all of the broody and “touch her and die” vibes, while being a fair and benevolent leader.

My one criticism is that I want MORE. I would have loved for this to be a duology or a series about Ella and Cassius, but I’m glad to hear there’ll be a book about Belle!

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ARC Review of Reign of Cinders & Glass by Linsey Hall & Veronica Douglas
* * * * *
You hot new twisted fairytale romance series, filled with magic and bloodsuckers and weaponized shoes perfect for the heat of battle.

Ella lived in a world where vampires ruled.
Her mother was dead, her father had disappeared, her stepmother was hiding secrets, and her sister has not returned home in days from her job at the palace.
A palace filled with vampire royalty.
To save her sister, she must become a part of something she truly is all game to go with the plan, but put in a place she was not prepared for.
Nasty sister vampires abusing her at all hours. Threats on her life. Secrets in the castle that could get her killed before she found out the truth. Oh, and worst of all, the vampire prince seems to have a keen eye on her.
He's protecting her.
He's interested in everything she does.
She's his.
Not part of the plan!

A great read and very eager to find out what happens next in the series.
Happy to assume it is Belle's story, and maybe uncover the truth about certain other missing characters. The twists and characters were amazing, from the stepmother who was not all that evil to the raging cray cray bloodsucker sisters who deserve to be left in the sun to bake.
The chemistry between Elle and Cassius was steamy and possessive, and filled with love even before either of them admit it.
Can't wait for more.

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