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ARC Review -

I finished this book in a day thats how good it was. I could not put it down at all. It’s giving Cinderella meets Snow White but like extremely badass. The characters are hot at and the spice is spicing the banter banters! You have to read it. I was completely enthralled with the story from page one and could not put it down for one second. Very unique take on the fairytales and I am here for it. Can't wait for more from this author.

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If you love Cinderella and vampires, this is one book you need to pick up. At first I wasn't sold on the vampire part but the authors wrote this story so well. This was a beautifully crafted original story that will leave you begging for retellings of the other princesses! Plus you can't go wrong with'll see why!

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Book: Reign Cinders Glass
Authors: @linseyhallauthor and @veronicadouglasauthor
Format: E-book Arc

This is such a unique and amazing book by Hall and Douglas. The retelling of Cinderella was so far from the traditional one, but I still couldn’t stop matching the characters to the fairy-tale original.
As soon as I saw the cover I knew I had to read this book. Then I read the synopsis of it and really was desperate to start to read it. Once I started to read I couldn’t’ stop I kept going until I finished it all in the middle of the night.
With a strong, fiery, caring, and loyal female heroine you can’t help but love Ella. And I fell in love with Cassius and his bad boy persona. I wish there was more parts with Sissy in them as she just made me smile and laugh. The world development in this book is superb.
The only thing I would have liked is to have more chapters with Cassius pov. There was a few from his point of view but I feel like I was left wanting a bit more … seeing where his mind was at.

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I don't normally go for Cinderella retellings because she was never my favorite Disney princess growing up, but the synopsis of this made me want to try and I don't regret it! All the major characters are accounted for, Ella, evil step-mother, cruel sisters, handsome prince and an alcohol drinking witch (I love this twist on the fairy godmother character), but they're not necessarily where you expect them to be. While the romantic plot is a bit predictable, Veronica Douglas and Linsey Hall did a delightful job creating tension and a touch of spice. I loved the expansion of Ella's fondness for animals into magical powers, her self-determination and the personalities of all the animals she interacted with. I also found a few moments where Siggy and the authors had a bit of fun breaking the fourth wall, mentioning aspects of the original story or inferencing that this isn't the only world or the only time this story has been told, and it made me laugh. Overall, this book was a fun ride and while the writing isn't as polished as, say, Fourth Wing, it did include a few new words I'd never heard of like dicker and gracile and if taken as purely entertainment Reign of Cinders and Glass can definitely be an enjoyable read. What I also want to point out is how cool it is that the authors were archaeologists and have now turned into fantasy authors. I love how it demonstrates that our lives can have so many different directions. We don't have to stick to one path or one career for all our lives, we can try new things at any stage of life!

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4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
First, let me appreciate the cover...The cover is on point with the plot and the original story and it's very stunning.
This is my first fantasy read so I enjoyed it a lot. The whole plot and chemistry were quite good and as the story unfolds it gets better. At first, I struggled to read (like in the first 50 pages) but then I got into the pace and the experience improved. As a fan of Disney Princesses, the best part of this book is it contains all the major elements of CINDERELLA; the wicked sisters, stepmother, the ball, and the prince charming, etc. People who like to read fantasy retellings of Disney princesses or popular stories will find this amazing.

The reason I didn't give this book 5 stars is because I felt the interaction between MMC and FMC is a bit less compared to my expectations

But did I like it? yes...will I reread it? maybe. Will I recommend it? Yes

Thank you so much Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for providing this ARC.

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“Reign of Cinders and Glass,” by Veronica Douglas and Linsey Hall

I absolutely loved this book. It’s a Cinderella retelling with vampires, mages, and immortals.
What I loved:
-Cinderella retelling mixed with supernatural lore. So unique and interesting.
-Fmc is a spy. I loved the peril and complicated story because she is an infiltrating spy trying to find her sister and help the rebellion.
-The role the animals play in the book. Loved the spin on how the animals help her, lots of relating to the original Cinderella story.
-The MMC is kind of a jerk, and I love that in the MMC.
-The play is called Cinderella in the book.
-The cover is stunning.
I Loved this book so much and wouldn’t change a single thing about the characters or story or style of writing. 5 out of 5 stars.

-Cinderella Retelling
-Vampires, Mages, Immortals
-Hidden Identity/ Spy

Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.

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OK I wasn’t initially sold on the Cinderella fairy tale retelling but this story sold me…? Also the cover is STUNNING!

The authors did a great job weaving in the elements of the traditional fairy tale with the stepmother, animals as friends/sidekick, evil sisters hell-bent on destroying the FMC, Ella, and even the famous shoe! But what I liked about this was that these elements were woven in seamlessly into what I enjoy in an adult romantasy - part of the plot with action and twists, and with a darker theme, and none of it came off too cheesey or too cutesy.

This has vampires, magic, forced proximity, plot, spice and a HEA, and yes there is a one-horse theme which is always a good time.

I really enjoyed this and found myself not able to put this down.

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This is probably my favorite Cinderella retelling to date. What a fun read! It had all the goodies that fantasy lovers crave. Ella and her best friend Pip (he is a mouse) go on an adventure to find Ella's missing sister Belle in a castle full of vampires!

The clever ways the authors wove the classic Cinderella tale into their own romantic fantasy world made for a retelling with many surprises. I loved what they did with the fairy godmother and with Ellas gifts that let her communicate with animals. The evil "stepsisters" were great characters as well, just as evil as you'd hope. The romance in the book gets a solid one pepper of spice. It isn't a YA book, but it also wasn't over the top with adult content.

I definitely recommend it to all my adult fantasy and fairytale readers. I'll probably will end up buying a printed copy of this book because I'll want to read it again before the next comes out.

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Wow!! I am so blown away over how great this retelling of Cinderella’s story is. And a collaboration between 2 great authors?! Mind blown!
The way that this novel pulled the pieces of the Cinderella that we know and have adored all our lives, and spun it in a new way that was exciting and so fun to read.

Things I loved so much:
***Vampires! I can’t lie, I was nervous at first but I was so pleasantly surprised at how well this played out. I loveddd this angle.
***How badass our FMC was! Loved every detail about our Ella.
***Cassius. Hot, strong, and a good man? Yes please!
***That first time Cassius actually calls her “Cinderella”?! Amazing!
*** How the animal “helpers” we all remember were interwoven into the storyline? Perfection!
***The glass slippers? The cherry on top!

I literally cannot wait for Belle’s story next; please tell me we don’t have to wait long! And please tell me there will be novels for all the fairytale ladies down the road.

Go out and grab this book immediately!

Thank you to Netgalley, Veronica Douglas, and Linsey Hall for the ARC of this novel, all opinions are my own.

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An absolutely beautiful and twisted retelling of Cinderella. I can't begin to dig into this one without spoilers, but it was so amazing!

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Damn, do I love a good fairytale retelling, and this one has the perfect combination:
- Broody shadow daddy looking to be saved (but not knowing it)
- Strong, compassionate FMC who really just wants to do right by her people
- He falls first (and hard!)
- She saves him
- A twist in the tale
- A witty, sarcastic and mildly tipsy witch
- Talking rats (and owls and crows and horses)
- Magic being sapped from the land
- So much tension. So many wanton looks. The perfect amount of spice.
- A lovely HEA

I don’t know what more anyone could need! The book held my attention with elements I didn’t - and twists I couldn’t - anticipate. There were high stakes moments, but the story felt cozy in the sense that I didn’t worry that it wasn’t going to turn out okay in the end.

And! The story allows for the set up of book 2 which, if I’m not mistaken, will be a Beauty & the Beast retelling with Ella’s sister, Belle. I can’t wait!

Thank you to NetGalley and the authors for an advanced copy of the book. The above review are my thoughts alone.

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A retelling of Cinderella. Ella goes to look for her sister Belle when she is missing. She is caught by Prince Cassius and barely escapes.,,,

Love Ella and Cassius together. I love the magical supernatural elements in the stories. It's a darker and sexier version of Cinderella. A very refreshing retelling. A fun book!

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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I received this book as an ARC.

I greatly enjoyed this story. As we followed the FMC through her blights, I found myself enjoying her character more and more. She tries so desperately to help others (her sisters, friends, the rebellion) while also trying to do what she has to do to survive.

I liked the MMC and was able to see the good in him as he tried to keep his kingdom together. I wished that there could have been more chapters from his POV!

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*Reign of Cinders and Glass* is an absolute masterpiece! This Cinderella-inspired romantasy takes you on an unforgettable journey through a world ruled by ruthless vampires, with the captivating Prince Cassius at the heart of it all. The tension between him and the fierce heroine is electric, and the stakes are high as she risks everything to find her sister. The blend of magic, danger, and romance is perfectly balanced, making it impossible to put down. With action-packed scenes and a steamy slow-burn romance, this book delivers on every level. A must-read for fans of dark fantasy and romance!

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OMG, I am absolutely OBSESSED with this book! From the very first page, I was completely sucked in and couldn't put it down! This is hands down the most thrilling and creative Cinderella retelling I’ve ever read. Vampires, magic, and a brooding prince? YES, PLEASE!

Ella is such a fierce and relatable heroine. What starts as a simple farm girl quickly transforms into a powerful, determined, and defiant force. I love how she’s strong but still holds onto her kindness, making her such a refreshing character. And Prince Cassius? Dark, dangerous, and irresistible! I couldn't get enough of his mysterious and broody nature, and let’s be honest, the chemistry between them is out-of-this-world electric!

The way the story is woven with dark magic and danger lurking in every corner kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. And the slow-burn romance? It’s agonizingly good in the best way possible! Every glance, every touch—I was totally living for it, and the payoff was SO worth it!

This book is an absolute must-read for anyone who loves fantasy, romance, and a fresh twist on classic fairytales. I'm dying for more from the Fated Fairytales series, and I'm crossing my fingers for Belle's story next! I would recommend this to EVERYONE—this is a Cinderella retelling like you’ve never seen before. You NEED this book in your life!

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******I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

Reign of Cinders and Glass offers a dark retelling of the classic Cinderella tale, featuring vampires, magic, and a brooding prince. The story follows a young woman who ventures into dangerous lands to find her missing sister, only to encounter Prince Cassius, a ruthless yet captivating vampire. With classic fairytale elements like wicked sisters and a masquerade ball, this book provides a unique twist for fans of retellings.

While the concept is intriguing, I personally found it to be an average read. It successfully brings a darker and more mature spin to the Cinderella story, which will likely appeal to those who enjoy paranormal romance with strong fantasy elements. However, it didn’t fully grab my attention throughout.

That being said, it's an easy read and offers something fresh for Cinderella fans looking for a different experience. The blend of magic, romance, and action is well-balanced, but for me, it lacked the depth or connection I was hoping for. Overall, a decent read, especially for those who enjoy fairytale retellings with a dark twist.

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Dark but Tasty Fairytale

This dark Cinderella re-telling had it all passion, forbidden romance, temptation, danger, action, secrets, twists and turns as all is not as it seems!

I was so engrossed in the storyline, I couldn’t put it down, once I started reading, I had to finish it and I wasn’t disappointed!

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC which I voluntarily read and reviewed! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This uses the Cinderella element perfectly, it had that overall feel that I was hoping for and enjoyed the use of fairy tales. It had that element that I wanted and enjoyed the romance concept. Veronica Douglas & Linsey Hall has a great writing style and it worked well in this story overall. It was a strong start to this series and left me wanting to read more. I loved the cover and thought this was a wonderfully done fairy tale retelling.

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