Member Reviews

I loved this book. Fantastic first chapter that instantly hooked me. I am such a fan of books that have artificial intelligence at its core. Loved this book and I look forward to reading more books in this genre.

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this book has got everything you could want: a mind-blowing premise, interesting characters, and a plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

The story follows Dr. Alex Brennan, a neuroscientist who gets caught up in a crazy conspiracy involving AI and immortality. The whole idea of living forever is super intriguing, and Schafer explores it from all angles. It's like he's asking us to question what it means to be human and what the future holds for us.

The characters are pretty cool too. Alex is a badass female scientist, and I love that. The other characters are well-developed and add a lot to the story.

There were a couple of parts where I felt like the pace slowed down a bit, and that didn't bother me too much. However, I think the book could have benefited from a bit more world-building. Sometimes, it felt like the author was just throwing out random technological terms without really explaining how they worked or fit into the overall world. If he had spent more time fleshing out the setting, I think the story would have felt even more immersive.

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