Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley for the copy of this book! I thought the cover was really engaging, and the book sucked me in from page 1. I really liked this authors writing style, how it just flowed and I felt like I was watching a movie. Lots of things I didn't see coming! Great thriller!

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Thank you to TBR | Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) & NetGalley for providing an advanced digital copy in exchange for an honest and independent review.

It's a basic thriller about a woman who learns she can't trust her husband- the title is very transparent... Not bad, but certainly not good by any means. I felt like the entire book was just questions the main character, Aria, asked herself in her head. It fell very flat for me from the beginning and never really picked back up again. Very simple & easy to read. I am giving two stars because it's not bad enough to where you feel you need to DNF, but it's not as thrilling as I would have liked, I probably will give this author another chance in the future.

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This book was ok. It centers on Aria, who is struggling with her husband and with the idea that someone is following her when her friend is murdered and she thinks it might be about her. The prologue starts the book off quickly bit after that the pace is a little bit slower, with a lot of internal narrative.

I suppose Aria was a likable character but she came off very naive to me. I feel like some of the things that came to light should’ve been questioned a long time ago. There was some good suspense at times on this book but other times it read a bit slow. I wasn’t super surprised at the twist at the end but I do think the action was ratcheted up well at that point in the book.

Overall, decent read that fell just a little flat because I couldn’t really believe that Aria didn’t dig into some things a little deeper. Held my interest overall, though. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars (when are they ever going to listen to us and allow half stars???) It's kind of scary to imagine that you don't really know the person you are spending your life with because we can only see what they want to show us. Some people have great instinct and intuition, and others don't. Or we've not learned to listen to our inner voice. Or we simply don't want to know because then we have to confront things and take action. I found our main character to be a bit frustrating because a lot could have been solved/avoided if she had just confronted her husband and asked the tough questions. I suppose he could still lie, but she knew deep down what her intuition was trying to tell her. Anywho...a very engaging read that I was invested in seeing to the end to figure it all out.

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I flew through this twisty thriller in just over a day! The ending totally caught me off guard, and I was eager to see what would happen next. The plot is really well put together, and as the story unfolds, there are some surprising twists that flip everything you thought you understood on its head. The characters are really well-developed revealing bits about themselves as you go along. By the end, the final twist ties everything together perfectly.

Thank You NetGalley and Publishing company for allowing me to review this ARC.

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This was my first M.Q. Webb book and I loved it! She did a very good job with keeping you hooked and wanting to continue to figure out what was really going on!

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I received this book from NetGalley.

This book is incredibly slow. It sounded really good, but honestly I'm almost halfway and not much has happened. Everything is a bit too drawn out. I think I was expecting something a bit more exciting, suspenseful.

Things finally start happening towards the end but again, very slowly and very haphazard. Also, Aria is given so many chances to get away and doesn't take them. I get that she wants but she could have had answers by escaping and getting the police. Or at the very least being a bit more sensible.

There were a couple of twists and turns which made the book a bit better but overall, underwhelming.

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3.75 ⭐️
I finished this book within a day, lots of twists that got a little hard to follow at times but it was still a very quick and engaging read.

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I was given this book by NetGalley for honest review-
Aria suspects her husband of having an affair. She also feels as if someone is following her. Who and why? And when her friend is murdered she begins to wonder if the murder was meant for her, is her past catching up to her? As she continues to search she discovers she never really knew her husband!

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The book was overall pretty good.

The end felt a little rushed, but I think it’s because it felt like it took a while to figure out what was going on. I would read more of this authors books.

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This book was very good. I went in not knowing anything except what the title promised. I have never read anything from this author but after reading this book I will be exploring more. Lots of good twists and turns plus the protagonist was likable. Wasn't sure who to hate in the beginning of the story and then when you think it is done, there is another plot twist. Highly recommend.

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How Well Do You Know Your Husband is the latest thriller I’ve read. MQ Webb knows how to tell a story, no question about that!

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Bit of a slow start.
I ended up skimming through as i just could not get into it.
So sorry for poor review, just not my thing.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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This was pretty good! It had a slow start but I was locked in my chapter 10! Just when you thought you knew what was happening next you were thrown off. I will say there was a bit too much details within the story that weren’t needed Some parts were hard to follow but overall good read!

I will be looking forward to more from this author!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC which I’ve exchanged for my honest review.


Aria’s perfect life begins to unravel when she suspects her husband, Ethan, is having an affair.

As she navigates her feelings of betrayal, Aria starts to notice someone is following her.

When her friend, Isla, is murdered in the bathroom of a dark bar, Aria is left grappling with the chilling possibility that Isla’s death was meant for her.


The first 3/4 of this book was great - it had good pacing, a good mystery and I was powering through, thinking this will easily be a 4 star read. Then the final part of the book got very chaotic, a little bit crazy and became very hard to keep up with. I’m actually still none the wiser or who was actually responsible for Isla’s death. The person “responsible” was revealed a few times that I don’t know for sure which one was real - and I’m not really sure how Ethan ended up in prison. Cheating is a douchey thing to do, but I’m pretty sure it’s not a crime. The book was really let down by the ending, it had so much potential.

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On the outside it looks like that Aria and Ethan have the perfect marriage but when Aria discovers Ethan is having an affair things take a twisted turn.

Aria;s friend has been killed and Aria thinks that she was meant to be the victim..she is being followed and is beginning to feel very uneasy.

I loved the flow of this read, It is a great story and keot me duessing. It is drama filled and suspenseful.

Everything you need in a psychological thriller and more .

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Aria’s perfect life begins to unravel when she suspects her husband, Ethan, is having an affair. As she navigates her feelings of betrayal, Aria starts to notice someone is following her. When her friend, Isla, is murdered in the bathroom of a dark bar, Aria is left grappling with the chilling possibility that Isla’s death was meant for her!! Great read!! This book had great suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, lies, cheating, and a few crazy twists and turns. The story was interesting! I highly recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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This was a great, twisty thriller that I finished in just over a day. I didn’t see the end coming! And kept picking it up to see where the story went next. I found it a little confusing to follow at the start, and the ending dragged a bit for me, but overall a great thriller with all the things you need - twists, turns and crazy characters!

Thank you so much to the publisher for the ARC!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher of this book for approving my arc request! I loved this book and it is twisted psychological thriller. I also loved listening to Aria & Ethan’s story!! Don’t forget to buy yourself a copy of this book! Mark your calendars for this book because it comes out on November 18,2024. That is the pub date and I definitely do highly recommend you add this book to your tbr. Too many books 📚 too little time but I am so glad I had the opportunity and chance to arc for this book! I hope 🤞 to work in the future with the publisher of this book and more arcs like this one gets approved.

Highly recommend Aria & Ethan’s story!!!
Love this book and there’s nothing to not like about this book. I give this a 5 stars easily 😊👌👌👌 this book is one of my favorites for 2024- and I listen to alot of arcs and read physical books a lot.

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is the 18th Nov 2024. A highly suspenseful plot with many twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat throughout!

I’d highly recommend this book! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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