Member Reviews

It only took me two days to read this book - I think that’s the definition of an easy-read for me. I also got so distracted by it that I got rather sunburnt on my recent holiday! So clearly it’s engrossing.

There were a few things about it that stopped me from feeling like this was the amazing book I’d recommend for friends:

1. Characters: I liked the jumping around different perspectives, but some of them I felt like I didn’t get enough time in to bond with the person, and some characters just fell a little flat for my liking. Casey seemed very one dimensional bitchy friend and even her issues with her father didn’t make her much more three-dimensional in my eyes. Calvin also seems like he was just going about his life without much emotional connection to anything. I didn’t connect with as many people as I had hoped. I think I got the closest with Melissa, she was the most interesting and well rounded person in my opinion.

2. Pacing: some parts felt incredibly poetic and descriptive, when others felt quite sped through and overly fast. I couldn’t quite get a grasp on what parts I should be focused on and care more about.

3. Resolution: I loved the meaning and the cultural links with how everything ended, but it honestly felt very unsatisfying to me, and wrapped up overly quickly. I wish the mystery of who killed Amber would have been drawn out even more and breadcrumb clues left for us along the way.

What I liked:
The idea as a whole was intriguing and compelling and I hadn’t heard of a book doing this before. Even my dad found it intriguing and he pretty much solely reads science fiction high-brow style novels.

It had some lovey sweet moments showing how strong and amazing family love can be. Yes, there were relationship there too, but they seemed to be a side piece for the familial bonding which is a nice change of pace, a flip to the usual.

I think it was very fun to start at the middle and not show us Amber’s regular day at school before she disappeared. It gives us a similar amnesia effect that Amber has at the beginning, we also don’t know about her last moments or what may have caused her accident, which just makes it even more intriguing.

Overall this is a book and author I’d recommend to someone who’s looking for a beach read or something to rattle their way through and enjoy at speed. Very enjoyable with a few flaws for me.

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4 stars - YA contemporary.

Afterlife depicts the return of Amber who returns home from school one day, to the shock of her Mom and Sister, as Amber died seven years previous. The story is intertwined with multiple POVs from Amber and her family and friends and those who weren’t close to Amber but affected by her death.

Overall, I enjoyed this story, but I wasn’t expecting it to be the way it was. I was expecting the story to revolve around Amber and her family and how they coped with her return . The story itself, however, is a story of how people cope with grief, and how death affects those close to you and even those not around you. The ending I found bittersweet and although I wasn’t expecting the twist I wasn’t shocked by it either.

The story is quite short but very compelling and I finished it within one sitting. I liked Amber even though she was an average character, but I think that was what the author was trying to put across. Amber was an entirely normal, typical teen - sometimes mean to her younger sister, likely to lead an average life but death still happens, and people are still affected.

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when i read the blurb for this book i had to request it, so thank you for letting me read this!!
i loved it, it was a beautifully written story about loss, friendship, family and betrayal but mostly about life.
a great read and one o have already recommended

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What is it about YA books and Gayle Forman in particular that just tugs at the heartstrings? I was definitely working hard to hold in the tears at the end of this beautiful portrayal of love and grief and I was completely absorbed for hours. Every single character was portrayed with the literary equivalent of a few brush strokes but that's the author's talent, she shows the deepest emotions with the fewest words but just sucks you in to an emotional whirlpool. I loved this book and can't praise it highly enough.

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Gayle Forman has always been one of my favorite authors to share and acquire for our readers. I’m beyond excited to share my full thoughts and review. I loved her series about One Day and falling in love and the repercussions of that so I know this book will touch readers hearts just like that book touched mine.

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