Member Reviews

Helpful tips and tricks for social media interaction! Thanks NetGalley for the free book to help my social media presence a bit.

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Thank you, Netgalley 🩵

Social media is so important in our current times, so this is an excellent tool for us .

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This guide provides really helpful tips on how to improve your book reviews and presence on social media surrounding books. I learned a lot about how you could incorporate canva graphics into your posts. This is helpful for anyone who wants to grow their following and online presence (and hopefully get more ARCs!)

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This Social Media Handbook is a great introduction to the online book community and the different social media platforms which are available. I thought the tips given would be perfect for people just starting out online and deciding which social media to use. I liked that this guide explains how to adapt your review to best suit the different platforms and gives examples of software to use to help along the way such as Canva.

I will say that none of these tips were groundbreaking so if you are already established online I don't think you will learn anything new from this handbook however it's a solid reminder of the basics and contains links to some useful resources including the NetGalley Knowledge base.

Overall I think this is a great resource particularly for those looking to break into the online book community.

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Thank you for this super handy guide. There are plenty of tips. I will definitely be using some of these now going forward!

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This is really really helpful if you're just starting out on social media! I wish I'd had this when I just started out as it would have made everything a whole lot easier lol

I LOVE that it gives some etiquette tips like not tagging authors in bad reviews online. Some people genuinely don't realize how frowned upon that is until someone points it out. There are a lot of other really helpful notes and pictures.

It's also got some tips that helps on taking photos that are especially helpful for those who don't have a creative side.

Overall very accessible tips that will no doubt help out those who are thinking of opening up a social media Book focused page.

Well done!

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This was so informative and gave some really helpful tips about how to tailor and grow my Bookstagram. Bookstagram has been a hobby of mine for over a year, but my follower count has grown stagnant. I'm hopeful that some of these tips will help me to start growing my account again.

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