Member Reviews

I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the second book in this cosy duology as cosy books aren't usually my fave, but this was the antidote to the gloomy weather that I needed this week.

The concept, lore & worldbuilding are so unique and well realised, and this books expands on the first book really nicely. The complaints centre is a great idea and the way the book focused on these complaints meant it felt different enough to the first book. The characters are very easy to imagine and I enjoyed the little arcs they all went on. The conclusion was very satisfying and full circle. I loved getting to explore more of the town and seeing Penny grow in confidence in her job and her life was beautiful; I related to her a lot at the start, when she was surrounded by colleagues full of ambition, while she was struggling to think of the future. The overall message of the books could be seen as trite but I think we all need a reminder to find balance, and I particularly enjoyed the theme of memories.

I will recommend this duology to anyone looking for a cosy read, especially if they're feeling overwhelmed by life.

Thank you to NetGalley and Headline Books for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This book did not fail me. I dropped everything to read this and I am so glad I did.
This lived up to the joy that the first book brought me, it filled my cup to overflowing.
Such an easy and heartwarming read

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3.5 Gently continuing on from the first book, this expanded the world beyond the Department Store and its immediate neighbourhood, including some interesting new characters.

I still don't really gel with Penny as a main character so it was nice that other characters both in and outside of the Store got more airtime in this instalment.

Like the first book, there's not really a plot so much as a slice-0f-life snapshot into this unique world; but, in this fantastical world of dreams, it works. The writing was sparse but intentional which worked with the dream-like feel well; the translation was solid too.

I've not had great luck with sequels this year but this worked for me! It wasn't simply a copy-paste of the same story we read in the first book, it was a genuine continuation. There was a suggestion of perhaps some shady business going on that I hope is explored in the next one! I'd love some sort of arc threading the instalments together.

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The theme of this sequel is clearly memories, especially happy and heartwarming ones. Memories can be so different for each one of us. Something silly or ordinary for someone could be an essential building block for someone else.
The magic from the first book is still felt, just expanded as Penny visits special neighbourhoods outside the store. We meet a few more customers, learn about their past and their memories, providing food for thought around topics of guilt and depression.
We also learn more about a few characters from the first book, and hopefully we can delve deeper into their stories in the next books. As a pj lover, I would love to attend a pj festival it really sounds like “my dream”!
Thank you NetGalley for the advance copy I thoroughly enjoyed it, cannot wait to read more about this world!

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It was nice to read the sequel to Dallergut Dream Department Store! If I’m honest, I didn’t even know there would be a sequel, as I was very happy with the way the first novel finished (I gave it 5 stars and it was my August book of the month). I felt like this once wasn’t as good as the first though, and had no real meaning to it? It was still an easy & quick read. I read this in one sitting, however afterwards I didn’t feel like this was needed as nothing really major happened.

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A thought provoking return to the Dream Department Store. I loved Pennys progression and looking deeper into some of the other employees lives & background. It was deeply moving to see how inclusive the
dream makers wanted to make their dreams. The Dallergut Dream Department Store is a big warm hug.

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Returning back to the world of the DallerGut Dream Department Store, it delves deeper into the dream industry and its customers. Why do some of the customers buy a dream and then never return back to the store? Will Penny and the team be able to bring their regulars back?

I absolutely adored the first book so when I saw there was gonna be a second book, I absolutely needed it and it was everything I dreamed of it being and more. I am absolutely obsessed with these bunch of characters and their dynamic personalities that happen to compliment each other so well. Being back in this world made me so happy and I absolutely loved not only getting to learn more about the characters and the world but about the dreams and how even in this world, they are striving for inclusivity for disabled people by having different accommodations, which was beautiful to see. I really loved the conversations around disabilities that happened in this book, it created so much hope and it genuinely made me so happy to see it being spoken about as I think even if you don’t have the same disabilities as the characters, you can still relate to what is being said. It was interesting to learn more about the dreams that the different customers have, as it made me feel like I was experiencing the dreams with them.

This book does a superb job at creating the most warm and inviting atmosphere and making you feel like you are there with the characters, being able to visualise what the world looks like. It is a world that I would absolutely love to visit in my dreams. The writing style only adds to this beautiful, whimsical world that is so easy to get lost in.

I truly didn’t want this book to end as I wanted to be in this world for longer with the characters so if there are going to be any more books in this series, I would be so excited as it’s one of my favourites. It kept my enjoyment the whole time and I was so intrigued by what was happening in the book.

Thanks to Wildfire and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book early in exchange for an honest review.

⚠️ CWs: illness, mental health illness (depression); mentions food/dieting, alcohol use ⚠️

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The return to the Dream Department store was mixed. While it was good to see the lead POV, Penny's progress in the story the behind the scenes and knowing some of the dream makers was a touch bizzare and as a whole I couldn't much relate to the various tangents of the story.

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Loved the first one which I read recently... And loved this one too! What I liked the most is that the author mamaged to continue the story and the plot without repeating the same formula than the first one. I enjoyed diving in deeper into the store business and explore the conplaints the department! And what about the cover? Really, stunning!

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Continues the wonderful, fantastical narrative I came to love from the first book in the series. I fell in love with the department store all overf again. I didn't think that Lee could replicate the feeligs and sensations of the first book agaun, but she did!

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I enjoyed the first in this series of books even though this is not my usual genre of books to read and I really enjoyed it, so I was more than happy to be gifted the second book. Wow what a follow up, nothing has been lost between the books and the relationship between the main characters is evolving to show what friendship in the workplace could be like. You would need to read the first to understand how Penny ended up working at the dream department store. This is a family friendly book that any age could read, oh and I am sure I dream more whilst reading these books.
An absolute read for all

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This was great follow up the the first visit to the dallergut dream department store. Penny’s grown and her growth was evident in her story and the way the plot went. It was nice to see more interaction with her parents and dallergut! I’m gutted I didn’t get to listen to this as the narrator from the first one was superb! Best translated fiction I’ve ever read! One to buy for all the family and friends you have

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