Member Reviews

Hope Street introduces us to Lila Metcalfe, a trainee journalist in Derby who often finds herself covering the stories no one else wants. So when her editor sends her to investigate a city development being held up by a single resident on Hope Street, she knows it's another thankless task. But that all changes when she meets Connor.

Connor, a twenty-something man, is the last remaining resident of Hope Street. Far from what Lila expected, he has one very simple reason for refusing to leave: he is waiting for his mum to come home. What unfolds is not just a story about a redevelopment project, but a poignant tale of resilience, hope, and heartache. The issue of redevelopment is handled with sensitivity, reflecting the real-life impact of such projects on communities, as neighbourhoods are uprooted in the name of progress.

The emotional depth of the story is remarkable, as Connor's fight to stay becomes increasingly desperate, and the toll it takes is heartbreaking. The book powerfully portrays the human cost of such battles, making it an incredibly moving and thought-provoking read. The way the redevelopment issue intertwines with Connor’s personal story is compelling and truly tugs at the heartstrings.

I highly recommend Hope Street for its insightful exploration of both personal and societal struggles and for its ability to engage readers on an emotional level.

Read more at The Secret Bookreview.

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This was a wonderful read with such great characters, most especially Connor who is refusing to leave his home which is earmarked for demolition for a very heartbreaking reason. Local journalist Lila gets asked to report on Connors story and when she hears about how he is waiting for his mum to come home despite being missing for three years now she not only wants to tell his story but help him to try find out what happened to his mum.

Connor is so well represented in this and whilst his learning difficulties do come across it’s a very positive reputation of him as a person both in terms of his fight to find his mum and how he lives his life. Lila has a genuine desire to help Connor but this is balanced out well with events in her own life and I loved how Connor’s friend and support Marcus slotted so well into the story. There’s some really bittersweet moments in this and whilst it’s an uplifting read it’s not all sunshine and roses and I think that’s actually the strength of this book along with the characters themselves which combine to make this a very beautiful story indeed.

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I can easily imagine the author having fun writing this book, feeling like a magician making all the themes and storylines come together.

The characters are unique and feel like real-life, some long-time and also several unexpected new friends, some kind from the beginning, some not so kind, and some surprising like bossy people who turn not to be Mussobloody-lini in the end. All set against the backdrop of things normal people have been (Covid) and are dealing with on a daily basis.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of the book.

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Another brilliant and heart warming story from the author. The subject matter was sensitively handled and I'm pleased there was a conclusion to the novel although part of it was somewhat sad .

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What a book! Right from the get go the story of Bernie, Connor and Lila had me hooked.

Written from the three main characters points of view I was taken on a true rollercoaster of a journey and let me tell you, there were tears. I really liked how Lila came into Connors life and helped him. So far every book I’ve read by this amazing author has had me pulling out the tissues. I loved Connor. As the parent of a nine year old with additional needs I could certainly see things from Bernie’s Point of view and Connor’s likes, dislikes and routines definitely reminded me of some of the things around my house.

I highly recommend this book and I already have, my mum has it preordered after I told her how much I loved it and at that point I was only half way through.

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I'm a huge fan of Mike Gayle - his type of books are exactly what the world needs right now - heart-warming, cozy, human, feel-good. Just like his others, Hope Street ticked all these boxes. I didn't' take to the characters as much as some of his other novels but I enjoyed it thoroughly nonetheless because I knew it was going to be a lovely ending. It's great to see different types of people being reflected in novels today as well.

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Mike Gayle is the master of human emotion with the book running you from gentle amusement through sorrow and desperation toward hope!
Every single character in the book is fantastically depicted and their relationships fit so well that they step off the pages.
Hope street and the utter dereliction and desolation that Connor is living in is heartbreaking and his desperation to stay is palpable. Lila is a great journalist character and I was really pleased that she followed her dreams instead of being the one to give it all up for some man!
I read in one sitting as I could not bear to not find out if Connor is successful in his bid to stay home until his mum comes home.

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I really enjoyed this novel by Mike Gayle - I have enjoyed each book I have read by him and this certainly did not disappoint.

Lila Metcalfe - a local journalist based in Derby is sent to investigate a local story where one resident is stopping the city’s Cossington Park development. She meets Connor who refuses to move as he is waiting for his mum, Bernie, to come home. She left 3 years previously and has not been seen since. Lila finds herself touched by his story and decides to investigate.

Connor finds life tough - he finds it difficult to read people and consequently taken advantage of. He also has real friends who look out for him and Lila becomes one of these.

This is a story of love, friendship and loyalty. There is also the myself of what happened to Bernie at the centre.

A beautifully written book - it is so easy to feel empathy with the characters.

One which will stay with me for some time.

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Another great Mike Gayle book, he’s fast becoming one of my favourites for heartwarming, life-affirming tales. I really felt everything along with all the characters and was rooting for my favourites

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Lila Metcalf is a journalist with the Derby Echo and has aspirations for a job with a major London news outlet. When her boss sends her to 121 Hope Street, Cossington Park in Derby to interview Connor McLaughlin, maybe she’s got her big break. The council have big redevelopment plans for the street and area, but Connor is holding them up by refusing to move out. In fact, he is the last man standing. Why won’t he leave like all the other former residents? It’s very simple, he can’t leave until he finds out what has happened to his mother lovely mum Bernie. One morning, three years ago, she leaves Hope Street on an errand and hasn’t been seen since. Lila knows there is potential here for a great story, she just has to get her investigative nose to the ground, try to find Bernie and of course, write a great story.

I just love Mike Gayles’s books as he writes with such empathy and care for his characters and he makes his readers care too. Here he makes my heart go out to lovely Connor, whose life has been far from easy even before his mum disappears. Not only is Connor a character you grow to really care about but those that surround Connor with kindness, understanding and genuine friendship are very likeable and all feel authentic. Connor finds situations difficult and there are some people who take advantage of that and these can only be described as despicable.

The storyline following the redevelopment issue is a good one as this is a real problem too as communities are lost in the name of progress. Following how that develops is a really emotional read and the desperate lengths that are the outcome of the fight breaks my heart.

This is a story of love, not just between Connor and Bernie but elsewhere too, it’s also a story of friendship and all is infused with the mystery of what happens to Bernie. It’s an emotional read being poignant and sad times but it’s also really heartwarming. I expect nothing less than an emotional read from this author!

This is another good character driven novel from a must read author which clearly I enjoy very much.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Hodder and Stoughton for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

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Another fantastic book by Mike Gayle......written in a very poignant and real way.

Lila is a journalist who is just making her way through the many ups and downs of life on a small newspaper. Where her job is not groundbreaking, she enjoys it on the whole.
When she gets sent out to do a story on a new housing development , shes senses the story is much bigger than anyone thinks......especially when you throw in the only resident who still lives on Hope Street, - Connor, a vulnerable young man with learning difficulties who has his reasons for wanting to stay put in a derelict street.
As Lila digs a bit further, she is overcome with sympathy and empathy for Connor and sets about to do what she can to help solve his problem.

This is a book that shows the best of people and the difference that love and community can make to an individual.

Absolutely loved it.

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Thanks to the publishers and Netgalley for an advance copy of this book in exchange for a review.

I had forgotten quite how much I like Mike Gayle's writing but having read the Museum of Ordinary People recently I was delighted to be given a chance to read Hope Street.

Lila Metcalfe is a reporter given a story of the man who doesn't want to leave his home in Hope Street to cover. I really don't want to say too much about the story of Lila and Connor but I absolutely loved this! Brilliant.

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Mike Gayle excelled again! What a beautiful book! I loved it! Connor was a delight and loved Leila and Marcus. An easy read that just made you want more and more, at one point I was gasping, then crying. An emotional journey with the best ending!

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Absolutely delighted to be allowed to read Hope Street, the new novel from Mike Gayle. I have been a fan since his very first book, My Legendary Girlfriend, was published and he has become one of my “drop everything and read” authors.

Connor is a special young man, living alone and working at a DIY chain store. He is able to live independently but his is now the only house in Hope Street that hasn’t been vacated prior to demolition. When Lila, a local reporter, is dispatched to interview him, she discovers that Connor can’t leave his house. If he does, how will his mum know where to find him? His mum who went out on an errand 3 years earlier. An errand she failed to return home from. Connor’s mum has seemingly vanished into thin air so when Connor releases that Lila can help him find Bernadette, she reluctantly agrees……

What a story. Mike just gets better and better. I love his characters and the way he writes. This might just be my new favourite Mike Gayle novel.

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